After the first two games passed, Lou Muyan walked into the formation arranged by the referees in the third game.

As soon as he stepped into the formation, the scenery in front of him completely changed.

For a while, it was the scenes of her past in the world of immortals, for a while it was her warm relationship with Lou's relatives, and for a while it was the scene where the pampering and gentle cultivator hugged her and looked at the stars.

The scenes in the formation were all joyful and happy in the past, Lou Muyan swept it and closed his eyes, it was just a passing glance.

She wants to keep not only these, she will try to make the people she cares more happy and happy.

The psychedelic formation of the fourth-grade intermediate level is really powerful. If her heart is not firm, she may be lost in the warmth and happiness of the illusory vision of the formation.

Around the time of a stick of incense, Lou Muyan had an extra golden long sword in her hand, and she swung a powerful sword wind towards a corner of the formation.

After the sword wind passed, only the sound of "click" was heard, and all the scenes in the formation cracked and disappeared.

After the scene disappeared, the formation that enveloped Lou Muyan collapsed and disappeared in an instant, and the formation was broken.

"What, the fourth-level psychedelic array was broken by her so quickly." Some disciples in the viewing seat couldn't help but exclaimed.

"What's the origin of this Lou Muyan? She only used one stick of incense in the three battles of the formation competition, which is too exaggerated."

"Yeah! Not only is the time fast, she also completed the task of the competition perfectly."

"Will she also be a fifth-grade Array Mage!"

"Probably not, her cultivation base has not reached Sword Sovereign at all."

"..." The disciples of the various sects whispered and discussed Lou Muyan.

In the viewing seat of Tianji Palace, several disciples next to Ming Xiu were once again shocked.

At this moment in their hearts, they were even more sure of the viciousness of Ming Xiu's vision, and they felt a little uncomfortable watching the disciples of the Eight Extreme Sect surpass the popular genius who won the championship in their own sect.

Bai Feiyao was very upset, and could not wait to go up and tear Lou Muyan's stern face.

Then the other disciples in the two groups woke up one after another from the psychedelic formation and found the weak points of the formation to break through. Among them, Emperor Slaughtered Heaven.

After resting for half an hour, the top three of the two groups began the second round of the total ratio.

"I announce the total ratio rules for the second round of the formation competition."

"There are only two games in the second round. In the first game, you need to arrange a fourth-grade advanced formation that we require. The time is one hour, and the disciples who fail to arrange or time out will be eliminated."

"In the second game, the remaining disciples draw lots to decide their opponents. The battle between the two must be determined by building a formation. Other means are not allowed, and the offenders will be eliminated directly."

"Start the test now."

Lou Muyan walked to his place and glanced at the formation to be arranged, the fourth-grade high-level Primordial Killing Formation.

She saw the image arrangement in the Array Comprehension Tower, and she had memorized this formation by heart, so she picked up the formation and began to arrange it without any hesitation.

Her hands were light, and one by one, the void talisman printed out the lines of the formation, and finally urged the formation flag to activate the formation.

It was just another stick of incense, and she completed the test.

At this time, those who also entered the finals were still using Yuanli talismans to build the pattern of the formation.

"Oh my god! That Lou Muyan is still not a normal person, even a fifth-grade array mage can't set up an array so fast, right?"

"I think she arranged the formation so quickly because she was familiar with the Primordial Killing Formation. You can see that she started the formation without thinking too much."

"It's really the case, the Eight Extreme Sect is not a loss to the sect that is famous for the formation, and the background is not ordinary."

"She must have thoroughly researched a lot of fourth-grade advanced formations in the sect to have this proficiency."

I have to say that none of the elite geniuses of the six sects are stupid, and he quickly guessed that Lou Muyan was familiar with the Hunyuan Killing Formation.

At this time, in the seat at the top, except for Master Feng and Linglong Huo, the faces of the other masters were not very good-looking, especially the masters of Tianji Palace and Haoyue Sect.

The elder who was in the Dharma League at the referee's bench stared at Lou Muyan, "This girl's talent in formation is too strong, and I don't know what happened to the Baji Sect, but they found it. Such a genius."

"Yeah! It's just a pity that she has joined the sect, otherwise we would have to pull into the formation alliance anyway." Another elder sighed.

The referee smiled slightly and said, "I think the two people from Tianjigong and Haoyuezong are also very talented. I don't know if this girl can beat them."

"It's not surprising that the two of them are all fifth-rank array mages. If the little girl doesn't hide her strength, she should be defeated." The elder of the array alliance replied.

"I'm looking forward to her next performance!" There was a gleam in the referee's eyes.

The competition time of the first round ended, and four people entered the finals respectively, Lou Muyan and Emperor Killing Heaven from the Baji Sect, Ji Tian from the Tianji Palace, and Lu Chong from the Haoyue Sect.

"Now the second match begins. The two winners will win the championship, and the two losers will compete for the third place," the referee announced.

Elder Feng saw that both Lou Muyan and Di Tiantian had entered the finals, and the proud smile on his face could not be concealed, which made the other sect masters feel extremely dazzling.

The disciples of the Eight Extreme Sect who came to participate in the competition kept shouting their names as if they had taken stimulants.

Although their Baji Sect is a sect known for their formations, no one has entered the finals of the three consecutive big formation competitions.

This time, it will be up to Lou Muyan and Emperor Killing Heaven if they can be ashamed.

Lou Muyan's opponent was Lu Chong, and Di Shitian's opponent was Ji Tian.

"Junior sister, your formation talent is indeed good, but that's not enough." Lu Chong looked at Lou Muyan with a proud look, but his eyes were extremely vigilant.

Lou Muyan chuckled and blinked and asked, "Then what does this senior brother think is enough?"

"Haha, your Baji sect is just a broken house now. Junior sister, if you can set up a fifth-grade formation, you can still compete with me. If you are only a fourth-grade high-level formation mage, then there is absolutely no need for us to compete. "Lu Chong said arrogantly.

Hearing him brazenly saying that the Baji sect was broken down, both Feng and Linglong's faces turned bad.

"Junior Sister Lou, teach this arrogant disciple a good lesson." Someone from the Eight Extreme Sect couldn't help shouting.

The disciples of Haoyuezong also shouted, "Senior brother, please don't pity Xiangxiyu, quickly defeat this woman, and see how the poor settlers can get away with it."

No matter which one of the six competitions wins the championship, it will soar into the sky. Whether it is for the reputation of himself and the sect, or for the reward, Lu Chong is determined to defeat Lou Muyan in one fell swoop.

The contradiction between the Baji Sect and the Haoyue Sect is already old, and it is a dead end that cannot be resolved.

The competition between them at this time is not only a competition for the championship, but also a face-to-face competition.

"Haha, Junior Sister, I can only say sorry to you. The disciples in my sect told me not to pity Xiangxiyu. Are you ready?" Lu Chong said with a confident look on his face and laughed.

Lou Muyan smiled casually, her voice soft and soft, but her words carried a boundless sense of coldness, "This senior brother of Haoyuezong, what if I really want to beat you up?"

The disciples of Haoyue Sect are really annoying!

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