On the battlefield, Lu Chong was beaten by the firepower fists condensed in the formation to the point of spitting up blood and screaming.

Seeing that it was almost over, Lou Muyan waved and withdrew all the formations that had suppressed Lu Chong's head.

When the formation disappeared, everyone saw Lu Chong in ragged clothes, his hair scorched, his face covering his stomach in pain, how could he still have the arrogance of the previous high-level Sword Master.

He reluctantly raised his head to look at Lou Muyan's eyes with fear.

Only he knew in his heart that even if he was a fifth-rank formation mage, if Lou Muyan didn't take the lead in launching the formation, he would definitely lose.

He can conclude that this violent and stunning woman must also be a fifth-grade magician, and her strength is definitely above them.

But he won't say it now, Ji Tian's talent is better than him, since he wants to lose face and suffer, he naturally wants to see the other party defeated by this woman.

Yes, Lu Chong is still shrouded in the shadow of being madly beaten. He really can't bear any hatred for Lou Muyan because he is afraid of being beaten.

"Senior brother, do you still need me to help you beat your back?" Lou Muyan smiled sweetly and looked down at Lu Chong.

Lu Chong's scalp was numb, and he kept coughing, "No, no, no trouble, Master, Junior Sister."

"That's really a pity, I won this round, right?" Lou Muyan asked with a light smile.

Looking at her smiling face, Lu Chong couldn't help but feel a chill in his heart. No wonder people say that the more beautiful a woman is, the more vengeful she is, the more poisonous she is. Just because he made a few words of flirtation just now, Lou Muyan used an array to beat him seriously. , how dare he continue to offend her.

"Yes, you, you won!" Although Lu Chong's internal organs and six abdomens were not ruptured, he still suffered serious internal injuries, and his body was full of congestion.

"Senior brother, you can recover if you go back to rest and recuperate. Junior sister, I don't know how to act. I hope you forgive me if I offend you!"

Lou Muyan's incomparably generous and modest appearance almost made Lu Chong vomit blood again.

She didn't know how to measure it. The strength in the formation was so well controlled that she would not kill or maim him, but she would definitely make him lie down for a few months before recovering from his injuries. It was so shameless!

"No problem!" Lu Chong replied through gritted teeth.

Seeing this, the three referees also breathed a sigh of relief, and immediately announced: "Baji Zong Lou Muyan advanced to the second round of the total competition and competed for the championship."

On the other hand, Ji Tian also won the Emperor Killing Heaven.

Emperor Slaughtering Heaven's formation and cultivation talent are very strong, but because he was a waste material who could not cultivate for more than ten years in the past, even if the speed after re-cultivation is very fast, he has to be with the genius Ji who has been cultivating since he was a child. There is still a long way to go.

Feng Yuan, who was in the position of the top chief, was smiling, and his body was comfortable. He had not raised his eyebrows like this for a long time.

Lou Muyan and Ji Tian competed for the championship. Lu Chong was injured by Lou Muyan and was unable to fight again. Emperor Killing Tian was already a veritable third place, and Lou Muyan was at least second place.

"Master Feng, you have two disciples in the top three in this battle of Baji Sect. It's really gratifying!" One of the masters of Sword Sect smiled and congratulated.

Jianzong has no outstanding disciples in formation, so I sincerely congratulate Bajizong.

"Haha, the old man didn't expect them to have such strength." Master Feng laughed.

The head of the Haoyue Sect had a dark face. He wanted to make a sarcastic sentence, but he immediately swallowed when Huo Linglong's insidious gaze came to him.

If you really anger this woman, you will definitely be beaten.

After half an hour's rest, the total competition of the formation test began.

Lou Muyan and Ji Tian came to the stage together.

"Junior Sister Lou, please advise!" Ji Tian smiled gently.

The movements in his hands also followed quickly, apparently following Lu Chong's lesson to prevent Lou Muyan from delaying the time and quietly setting up the formation.

Lou Muyan hooked her lips, seeing that Ji Tian had already started to build the pattern of the formation, she could see at a glance the formation he was going to arrange.

"Five-grade intermediate wind and thunder array." She raised her eyebrows with great interest.

Ji Tian paused for a while, and a strong fighting spirit erupted in his eyes, "Junior sister has good eyesight, I just started to build the pattern, you can see the arrangement of the arrangement, I must be a fifth-rank array mage."

"Senior brother, is this the strongest formation you can arrange?" Lou Muyan asked with a smile.

"Yes, I regard Junior Sister as a strong opponent, so I will use the strongest formation that I can build to defeat you." Ji Tian nodded.

Lou Muyan restrained the smile on her face, showing a little more seriousness and respect.

"Okay! I will also seriously fight with senior brother. Now let me experience the strongest formation of senior brother."

This is how Lou Muyan is. Others respect her, and she will respect him no matter how strong or weak she is. Ji Tian's approach obviously won her favor.

As soon as the languid languidness on her body was withdrawn, she exuded another kind of self-confidence and publicity.

Everyone present was shocked when they saw this, and only then did they realize that she not only did not use all her strength, but also did not give all her heart to the competition with Lu Chong just now.

The head of the Haoyue Sect almost got his nose crooked, and the stinky girl of the Baji Sect was just as deceiving as the female tyrannosaurus.

The several principals and high-level executives of the Tianji Palace showed their satisfaction, and because of this, they had a little more affection for Lou Muyan.

This girl is young and has a very old-fashioned style. She is a good seedling.

I don't know how he was dug up by that shameless old immortal Ao Rong in the Tianling Continent hegemony competition.

Soon, Ji Tian constructed a fifth-grade intermediate-level wind and thunder formation. As soon as the formation was activated, the wind whistled wildly on the entire battlefield, lightning bolts landed, and thunder sounded.

Just before Ji Tian used the formation to cover Lou Muyan, everyone saw that she tapped her toes and took the initiative to fly into the formation.

"Oh my God! Is that woman crazy?" Some disciples from other sects couldn't help crying.

"That's a fifth-grade intermediate wind and thunder formation. Even if the peak swordsman is trapped by the formation, he will be injured. Why did she take the initiative to rush in?"

"Is she trying to commit suicide? I don't want to be so stupid looking at it!"

"There's something wrong with her mind."

In the viewing seat of the Eight Extreme Sect disciples, Jian Yang and the others turned pale in shock.

"What does Junior Sister Lou want to do? Is she crazy?"

"She didn't set up a formation to resist Ji Tian's formation, but instead ran into the formation, what did she want to do?" Her crazy approach made them very puzzled.

The inner sect and outer sect are separated by a long distance, and there are few exchanges. The inner sect disciples basically do not go to the outer sect. Even the new inner sect disciples are not very concerned about the inner sect disciples, so Lou Muyan They didn't know the performance in the inner door assessment before.

When Emperor Killing Heaven saw Lou Muyan make such a crazy move, he couldn't help but think of the last time during the inner sect assessment, Lou Muyan also took the initiative to get into his golden sun array to understand the wind element without fear of death.

"She's not crazy, but she wants to use Ji Xuan's formation to comprehend the element of Feng Yuanli."

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