Lou Muyan continued to walk in the wind and thunder array to understand the attributes of wind and thunder Yuanli. Ji Tian also replenished the Yuanli in his body to the peak state because of Lou Muyan's medicinal pill.

With a serious face, he took out a set of suppressed and sealed formation flags from the space ring, and then quickly released the seal.

A small cyan flag the size of a slap was melted into the wind and thunder formation by him, and other formations also carefully joined.

Go to the first seat.

When the referee saw that Ji Tian, ​​who was about to run out of Yuan Li, took Lou Muyan's medicinal pill, Yuan Li had recovered to its peak, and couldn't help squinting.

"That little girl gave Ji Tian some kind of medicinal pill, but the effect is so good."

The elder of the Formation Alliance patted his beard and said, "At least it is also a fourth-grade high-level medicinal pill that restores Yuan Power. Your pill building doesn't seem to have a fourth-grade medicinal pill that restores Yuan Power so quickly, right?"

"Such a medicinal pill can be used as a means of life-saving." The elders of the Refining Pavilion gleamed.

Ji Tian is a high-level Sword Master. After taking one pill, his Yuan Li has been replenished by half. After taking two pills, his Yuan Li has not only recovered to full, but also reached the peak. Such pills are also good for these Sword Saints. useful.

If the grade of the medicinal pill is improving by one level, it means that they can quickly replenish at least one-third of their Yuan force by taking such a Yuan-returning medicinal pill.

"When the game is over, ask that girl." The elders of the Formation Alliance also thought of the benefits of the medicine pill and couldn't help being a little excited.

The chief referee of the Pill Building said with a meaningful smile: "This girl's talent in alchemy doesn't seem to be weaker than her talent in formations! Dan must be seen from time to time."

Several other elders nodded in agreement. Danby had those two geniuses, and it would be interesting to see them. Now, if Lou Muyan, who is hidden deep enough, is added, then it will be absolutely wonderful.

At this time, the head of each sect on the seats of the six sects showed a contemplative color.

"Master Feng, what kind of medicine did the girl give to Ji Tian?" Yaozong's elder asked with interest.

Elder Feng replied with a smile: "The elixirs of Huiyuan are usually refined and played by Lou girl. I don't know exactly what medicinal pills are."

Immediately, he sighed helplessly and added: "I originally thought she was practicing for fun, but who would have thought that the effect is not bad."

"..." The masters of the several cases couldn't help but twitched their mouths. They really wanted to kill this old man who was deliberately showing off.

There was a smile on Huo Linglong's lips, the old man Feng Yuan could be taught.

It's time to show off in front of these old things and make them suffocated with anger.

Master Feng felt the suffocated expressions on the faces of the other school masters, and he couldn't help but feel relieved. Hearing the words of the demon girl Huo Linglong was right.

In the past, when they participated in the competition of the six major sects, their Baji sects were all targeted by the joint attack, and they often couldn't even lift their heads.

It was rare to be able to raise his eyebrows this time, and of course he wanted to catch it.

"I don't know if you have that pill formula in your hand?" The elder of Yaozong asked tentatively.

Several people in the referee bench saw the value of the medicine pill, and their medicine sect was naturally not blind.

Master Feng was vigilant and shyly smiled and said: "That is the medicinal pill that Lou girl is refining and playing. What am I doing with the medicinal formula?"

The elders of the several sects really wanted to give Court Master Feng a meal. Should the naked/naked show off be so obvious?

Can such a medicinal pill be refined by playing? When they're fools aren't they?

Master Feng felt aggrieved at this time. If he knew that Lou Muyan had this kind of medicine pill, he would have waited for a few old men to play tricks with him.

The principals of the several cases and the elders of the referee bench had their own plans, and they were all interested in Lou Muyan's medicinal pills.

on the battlefield.

Ji Tian first merged into a low-level Rank 5 Lei Yuan Formation in front of the Wind and Thunder Formation, and then took out a Lei Bead that he had exchanged for his contribution points and threw it into the formation.

In an instant, the originally clear sky was covered with dark clouds, and lightning bolts swept across the sky, shooting down straight towards the formation.

A layer of blue mist covered the formation, and the lightning struck down with shocking power. If the swordsman who was almost repaired was hit, he would be seriously injured or killed.

Ji Tian looked at the thunder and lightning that rolled down like a thunder calamity, and his eyes showed a look of shock. He himself did not expect that the wind and thunder array would have such power after integrating into the Lei Yuan array and the thunder bead.

He hurriedly played a few magic tricks to block the power of reducing thunder and lightning. After all, he just wanted to defeat Lou Muyan, and he didn't want her life or ruin her.

It's a pity that he was also trying this fusion for the first time, and he couldn't control the power of the formation.

"Ji Tian has lost control of the series of formations. Now the power of the formation is too strong. I don't know if that girl can escape." The elders of the formation alliance unconsciously stood up and looked nervously at the battle platform.

The referee's expression also changed. He dodged and fell into the mid-air of the battle platform to observe below. As long as something went wrong and threatened Lou Muyan's life, he would take action to stop it.

Of course, if the formation can't kill Lou Muyan, he can't illegally block the operation of the formation.

Master Feng and Linglong Huo didn't expect Ji Tian to set up a series of lightning killing formations.

The elders of Haoyue Sect, Bai Feiyao and others were overjoyed, wishing that the thunder and lightning would come more violently, it would be best to accidentally kill Lou Muyan.

In the formation, Lou Muyan discovered Ji Tianrong's Lei Yuan Formation in the Wind and Thunder Formation. Not too often, a cyan bead with the power of violent thunder and lightning was thrown into the formation and burst open, turning into arcs that filled the entire area. space.

Not only was she not afraid, but she quickly took out a set of formations and began to set up a defense-type fifth-grade advanced formation.

She ran the witch god art in her body, and her whole figure was covered with a layer of faint silver light, and she tapped her toes to meet the arc that could split people into ashes.

As time passed, the disciples outside stared intently at the great formation, and the high-level executives in the first seat were also staring at the formation surrounded by blue mist.

Huo Linglong frowned, because the chain array triggered by Ji Tian already had the formidable power of Rank 5, and the situation in the blue mist was that they couldn't see clearly, and they could only sense the presence of Lou Muyan's breath.

After a while, just when she was about to go to the battlefield to find out, the formation on the battlefield suddenly roared.

The azure mist dissipated, and the thunder arc also disappeared, and the situation inside was revealed.

Lou Muyan held a golden long sword and slammed heavily towards a junction between the wind and thunder array and the Lei Yuan array, and the array finally collapsed a little under the bombardment of the sword energy.

Ji Tian's chain formation was broken instantly by Lou Muyan who found a huge flaw.

She hooked her lips and smiled, and the defensive formation that enveloped her body immediately transformed into a mighty white tiger mythical beast.

The white tiger raised its head and roared at the sky, turning into a white light that fell around Ji Tian, ​​and instantly a four-elephant white tiger killing formation was formed.

Several blurry-sized tigers emerged from the formation, roaring and attacking Ji Tian.

He hurriedly took out the magic weapon to resist, but in the end it was of no avail.

Ji Tian, ​​whose formation talent is considered excellent, also saw that this White Tiger Killing Formation turned out to be a rank five advanced formation.

He resisted awkwardly for a while, his Yuan Li was severely depleted, and the flaws in the formation could not be found at all.

Looking up, he saw Lou Muyan's calm and relaxed appearance, and a wry smile appeared on his lips.

"I surrender!"

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