Lou Muyan won a disciple of the Beast Mastering Sect in the first test of the Beast Mastering Sect, and Shi Yuan, another disciple of the Beast Mastering Sect, also won a disciple from the Heavenly Secret Palace.

After a half-hour break, the second match began.

Lou Muyan and Shi Yuan competed for the championship, and the other two competed for the third place.

"The second test is the championship battle, and it is still your own spirit pets to play. You two must not shoot without permission, otherwise you will be disqualified from the competition."


The referee compared a gesture and said, "Now the competition begins."

The two walked to the stage to observe each other.

Lou Muyan saw that Shi Yuan's whole person exuded a sense of sharpness and coldness, and his cultivation was a high-level Sword Master.

Judging from the information obtained from Ming Xiu, this person is very hidden, and he is also the most popular in the beast-controlling competition.

Not only is this person very strong, but he is also a sixth-rank beast master. He has two ninth-rank monsters as trump cards. According to the information, the bloodlines of the two monsters are not bad.

"Junior Sister Lou, you're not just a rank five primary spirit beast master." Shi Yuan looked at her lightly and said.

It had been rumored that Lou Muyan was a first-level spirit beast master of the fifth rank, but after seeing her contract method and speed, plus the previous competition, he was sure that Lou Muyan's talent for controlling beasts was not low.

Lou Muyan raised her eyebrows, "Does it matter if I am a fifth-grade primary spirit beast master?"

"It doesn't matter." Shi Yuan paused and said, "I pay more attention to winning and losing."

"That's all it takes." Lou Muyan chuckled lightly, "Senior brother, just let the horse come over."

Shi Yuan nodded: "Then I'm welcome."

In the battle just now, the Beast Master Sect lost all face. Although he didn't like the disciple who was defeated by Lou Muyan, it was related to the reputation of the sect, and he could only find this place by himself.

"Please!" Lou Muyan smiled indifferently.

Shi Yuan frowned, his mind moved, and four spiritual pets appeared one after another on the battlefield, all of which were eighth-order monsters.

Lou Muyan squinted her beautiful eyes, this battle is going to be a group fight!

Seeing the other's four spiritual pets surrounding her, she wondered if her own spiritual pet was missing?

"Master, master, this time it's my turn." Xue shouted excitedly.

Miaomiao is also gearing up, she has not had enough fun in the previous battle.

"You two, don't kill me!" Lou Muyan shook her wrist, and two rays of light, one white and one gold, flew out and landed on the battlefield, instantly turning into two lovely pink men, one man and one woman. Little baby.

Shi Yuan saw Lou Muyan's two spirit pets appear, and said indifferently and arrogantly, "Junior sister has more than two spirit pets, right?"

"These four pets are enough to deal with you." Lou Muyan raised her chin confidently.

"It's arrogant." Shi Yuan snorted coldly and instructed the four spirit pets, "Quickly fight."

"Yes, Master."

The four monster beasts at the peak of the eighth stage were all in human form, and they soon surrounded Miaomiao and Xue.

"Miaomiao, I'll tie them up and you'll beat them." Xue Xue's little face was full of excitement and turned to look at Miaomiao and said.

Miaomiao squeezed her little hand and nodded, "Okay, don't let them run away."

"Don't worry." Xue Xue rubbed his hands together and smiled.

"..." Shi Yuan's four spiritual pets saw the two little guys discussing how to tie them up and their faces turned black. "Arrogant little things, let's see how we deal with you."

A hint of red mist flashed in his blood-gold eyes. He stomped his foot, and the entire battlefield suddenly shook, and strips of golden thorny vines waved and spread out from all directions.

The four monsters that had approached them were instantly entangled by countless vines. They used their demon power to cut off the vines, but the little girl who suddenly flew in front of them pulled the vines and tangled them even tighter.

The four monsters were furious, and they mobilized their whole body's monster power to break the entanglement of the vines. Who knew that they suddenly felt numb and lost consciousness in an instant, and the monster power even solidified when it was half adjusted.

At this time, Miaomiao's fist also waved down, and it was a wild beating in the face of the four people.

Xue Xue did not show weakness, constantly waving the vines and dragging the four monsters to the ground and whipping them.

Lou Muyan saw the lips of the four immobile beasts raised an arc.

She used the green mist to nourish the rhizomes of blood and blood with the toxins refined in her body, which made him evolve twice.

After evolution, the blood-thorn toxin on the blood-blood vine has completely stimulated mutation, and now it is an invincible existence to deal with monsters or swordsmen of the same rank.

As long as it is stabbed by the mutated vines, the monsters of the same rank will be paralyzed for about a stick of incense. This effect completely determines the key to the outcome of the battle without any suspense.

"Ow!" The four monsters couldn't move their entire bodies, their bodies were constantly being punched at their weak points by falling fists, and the whips slapped on their bodies were painful, and they couldn't help but let out a miserable cry.

"Why doesn't Shi Yuan's monster move?" Someone with a numb scalp couldn't help but shuddered as he watched the unilateral abuse on stage.

"I don't know, it should have something to do with the vines." Many disciples continued to look at the battlefield in confusion.

on the referee's chair.

"Are Shi Yuan's four pets poisoned?" asked the elder of the Formation Alliance.

"The monster that turned into a little boy is the cannibal king of blood-thorn vines. The blood-thorn on his body should have evolved. Once the toxin on the blood-thorn enters the body of the same-level monster or sword master, it will cause damage for a period of time. paralysis."

The elder of the Beast Control Tower's eyes lit up and continued: "I really didn't expect Lou Muyan to have such a level of demon plant."

"Haha, the blood sac of the man-eating blood-thorn vine king is an excellent main material for brewing spirit wine." The chief referee of the Danlou also saw the body of blood and blood, and was very interested.

After the competition of the six major sects is over, he really should go to the little girl Lou Muyan for a visit.

The light in the eyes of the other elders has not been hidden, the blood sac of the eighth order is a good thing!

The head of the Imperial Beast Sect originally saw that Shi Yuan had released four peak eighth-order monsters and felt a little complacent, but they knew that Shi Yuan still had trump cards.

But they didn't expect that in just one round, the four monsters were beaten and whipped by the two milk dolls, and their faces darkened instantly.

"Hey! Why is this girl so violent even as a spiritual pet!" Master Feng sighed in distress.

The principals of several other cases saw that his hypocritical sigh was actually showing off, and they really had the urge to slap him when they thought of it.

Shi Yuan obviously didn't expect Lou Muyan to have a demon plant with paralyzing toxins, and a storm of anger gathered in his eyes.

Spiritual power quickly communicated with the other two monsters in the spirit beast ring.

For a moment, two rays of light, one red and one yellow, flashed from his spirit beast ring, and then a man and a woman appeared on the battlefield.

The coercion emanating from this pair of men and women was decidedly different from the peak eighth-order monster lying on the ground. The disciples who were watching the battle all around felt difficulty breathing and a suffocating oppression.

"Two little things are really arrogant, is this where you guys play?"

The burly man in yellow clothes attacked Miaomiao and Xuexue with the pressure of the ninth-order.

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