The appearance of the ice halberd shocked the senior leaders and disciples of the various sects present, and even the two ninth-order demon cultivators who were fighting in the sky showed a surprised look.

The palm of the ice halberd made a piercing wind, and the pressure on Miaomiao and Xuexue collapsed in an instant.

"Two little reptiles dare to be so presumptuous in front of grandpa." Bingji snorted coldly as she looked at the two monsters, with a proud look on her face.

The burly yellow-robed man's face was instantly gloomy, and his voice was cold, "Who are you calling a little reptile? Don't think that you are invincible if you are the descendant of the Qingluan mythical beast, and a stink bird who has only advanced to the ninth rank will dare to be here. We are arrogant in front of us, I really don’t know what it means.”

"Hmph, it's useless to talk too much, let's see the true seal in your hand." Bingji had already been impatient to clean up the two reptiles.

The red-clothed woman showed some sarcasm on her face, looked at the yellow-clothed man lightly and said, "This stink bird is handed over to you!"


Then Bingji and the yellow-clothed demon Xiu used various magical powers to fight in the sky, and Bingji's superb ice-elemental force technique forced the yellow-clothed man, who had mastered the earth element, to step back.

Then the man was furious, and with a roar, he transformed into a huge Huang Jiao, and opened his mouth to swallow the ice halberd.

The ice halberd snorted coldly, raised its head and squeaked, transformed into a blue-blue ice luan mythical beast with glowing rays of light, and shot out the densely packed ice arrows with a wave of wings.

Huang Jiao was startled, and immediately closed his mouth and opened his mouth to spit out countless earth thorns towards the ice pick.

However, the ice halberd is a divine beast, and has the inheritance talent of Qingluan. Although it is only the early stage of ninth order, it has the strength to fight ordinary ninth order late stage demon cultivators.

Only in the middle stage of the ninth order, Huang Jiao began to show a tendency to decline after fighting for more than ten rounds, and was forced to avoid the ice picks by the ice halberd, and was extremely embarrassed.

The ice halberd intensified its offensive and used various ice-attribute exercises. Gradually, countless tiny cracks appeared on Huang Jiao's body, and blood gushed out.

The woman in red who was fighting in the sky had a bit of anger on her cold face. She raised her hand and waved, and a flame erupted from the air into a powerful fire snake that burned towards the back of the ice halberd.

Lou Muyan squinted, "You despicable and shameless reptiles really lose the face of a ninth-order demon cultivator."

"How can we still not be able to question you, a weak human being." The woman in red then fired a burst of fire at Lou Muyan, which was no worse than the attack on the ice halberd.

Lou Muyan's right hand turned into a claw, just as he was about to use the spirit fire, suddenly Miaomiao from the ground bounced up, opening his mouth and a mass of misty water column spurted out.

The water column fell on the flame, freezing it for a hundred miles in an instant, and the flame was actually sealed in the air by Miaomiao's ice water.

Then a few thick golden vines burst out of the ground and slapped heavily on the flames temporarily sealed by ice.

"Boom!" After a loud noise, the power of ice and fire in the air exploded and disappeared into the sky.

"Master, this fire dragon, I will fight with blood." Miao Miao Nuo Nuo's childish voice sounded, but with a proud firmness.

Xue Xue roared, and hundreds of thick vines with blood thorns drilled out from the ground and wrapped around the woman in red.

Miaomiao also quickly greeted her with a flick of the snake's tail. Although she couldn't immediately hurt the woman in red, it also caused her a lot of trouble, preventing her from attacking the ice halberd.

The fire snake stretched out to the back of the fire halberd, and there was a hint of mockery in his eyes, and he disappeared in place with a dodge, and the fire snake hit the air.

A water column volleyed out and extinguished the might of the fire snake.

"You have already activated the power of space." The woman in red repelled Miaomiao and Xuexue while staring at Bingji with wide eyes.

Qingluan possesses the power of space, and the descendants of the divine beasts also have the chance to inherit the power of space, but none of them exist.

She didn't expect that this ice luan from the lower realm would have this kind of talent, which means that the Qingluan bloodline in his body is very pure.

Miaomiao and Xuexue were slammed back by the red-clothed heroine again and again and landed heavily on the battlefield, but the two little things had an indomitable spirit. They failed to continue the fight, and it didn't matter if they were injured.

That energy is the incomparable admiration of the countless disciples of the various sects present.

There was a smile on Lou Muyan's face, but there was no warmth in his eyes, "I will help you."

It's not bad to use the ninth-order fire dragon to hone the combat power of Miaomiao and Xuexue, these two little things are belligerents.

With the continuous knots on her hands, she immediately took out four bright white primordial stones and placed them on the battlefield.

"Get up!" She whispered softly, and a green Yuan force shot out, which was formed by a formation.

Green energy lingered in the formation, and strands of green energy rose from the formation and penetrated into the bodies of Miaomiao and Xuexue.

Under the nourishment of green qi, the countless blood openings on the white python's body were gradually healed, and the sluggish rhizomes were also revived under the perfusion of green qi.

Chief Referee.

"What kind of formation is this? It actually has the effect of restoring the injury and blessing the Yuan force." The elder of the Refining Pavilion was shocked.

The elders of the Formation Alliance also showed disbelief, "This, this is the long-lost Lingyuan Formation."

"Ling Yuan Formation? Is that the blessing and recovery formation known as a weapon for group warfare?" the referee asked.

"Yes, that's the formation." The elders of the formation alliance showed excitement and complexity on their faces, "The Baji Sect is worthy of being a famous sect of formations, but I didn't expect such a long-lost formation to still exist. reserve."

Several other elders nodded in agreement, Lou Muyan should have such a formation technique taught by a high-quality formation master of the Eight Extreme Sect.

Lou Muyan activated the Lingyuan Array to quickly heal Miaomiao and Xuexue's injuries, and blessed the demon power in the two demons to keep them at their peak.

This spirit element array was learned and improved by her in the Array Comprehension Tower. Although it was the first time to use it, it seemed to work well.

"Boom!!" Huang Jiao's huge body suddenly fell from the air.

His breath was sluggish, blood was constantly spurting out of his big mouth, the scales on his body were beaten to pieces, and the whole body was covered in blood.

The red-clothed woman was furious and used her whole body demon power to slap Miaomiao and the blood and blood, and one dodged and fell to Huang Jiao's side.

She took out a majestic spirit grass and quickly fed it into Huang Jiao's mouth, looking at the ice halberd with resentment in her eyes, "If you dare to hurt my husband, I want you to live rather than die."

After her words fell, she immediately transformed into a crimson Jiaolong, with a dragon horn emerging from her head, and her two claws were extremely sharp.

Not only that, she raised her head and roared, circles of blush swirling on the fiery red scales glowing with fierce light, and her cultivation level suddenly skyrocketed.

In just a moment, the coercion emanating from the entire Flood Dragon suffocated all the disciples present, it was the breath of the late ninth-order.

At this time, even the judges who were sitting first and the masters of the various sects all showed their expressions of surprise.

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