Lou Muyan took out a pile of materials for refining talismans, refining them piece by piece.

Through observation, Lou Muyan already knew what talismans the two champions of Tianji Palace and Jianzong were going to refine.

The disciples of the Tianji Temple made the Vajra Great Power Talisman of the 5th grade intermediate level, and the disciples of the Sword Sect made the 5th grade primary sword Mi Talisman.

She can only win the championship by refining the 5th-grade advanced talisman.

After thinking about it, she took out the materials for refining the fifth-grade high-level invisibility charm and began to refine it.

Go to the referee's bench.

"What kind of talisman is Lou Muyan trying to refine?" The referee didn't know much about talismans, so he asked the elder of the Refining Pavilion.

In the Refining Pavilion, apart from the Refining Master, there is also a Talisman, and Refining and Talisman belong to the same family.

The elder of the Refining Pavilion frowned and said, "What she has prepared is the materials for refining the fifth-grade high-level talisman, but I really don't know what talisman to refine."

"What? Advanced talisman materials of the fifth rank?" The elders of the Formation Alliance widened their eyes. "She won't be a senior talisman master of the fifth rank, right?"

"It should be." The elder of the Refining Pavilion said regretfully: "Seeing that she is very proficient in refining talismans, and the fifth-grade advanced materials have been refined in her hands, there have been no flaws or flaws. How can such a genius be a disciple of the Eight Extreme Sect?"

If a talent like Lou Muyan was dug up by his Item Refining Pavilion, he would definitely spend a lot of money to train him to become a master of sorcery, what a pity!

Lou Muyan's concentration on refining the talisman was not affected by the outside world at all.

Watching her hands lightly and nimble on the competition stage constantly refining materials one by one, it gave people a pleasing and elegant feeling.

Because the others were almost halfway through refining before she started, so after the other four finished refining, she began to fuse.

The other four had been preparing for this talisman competition for a long time. The talismans they chose to refine were not only of the highest grade they could refine, but they had also practiced them many times.

The talismans refined by the four were all successful at one time.

About half an hour later, a crisp and pleasant voice sounded, and the talisman made by Lou Muyan was instantly covered by a layer of white light, and it took a while to return to calm.

"Referee, I've also finished refining."

The five people finished refining one after another, and the chief referee and several deputy referees walked to the test stand to let several people demonstrate the efficacy of the refined talismans.

Then the five people demonstrated one by one, and Zi Che Shi also participated in the second session this time.

Unexpectedly, what he refined was a fifth-grade intermediate-level talisman, which successfully overwhelmed the disciples of Jianzong, but was still a step behind the disciples of Tianjigong.

In addition, the disciple of the Royal Beast Sect refined the fourth-grade high-level talisman, and his grades were naturally the bottom.

Lou Muyan was the last one to successfully refine it, so she was also the last one to demonstrate.

"I'm refining a fifth-grade high-level talisman invisibility talisman." Lou Muyan handed the talisman he refined to the referee and said, "After the invisibility talisman is activated, as long as the elemental power is not used, it can cover all spiritual power and physical detection. ."

When the referee heard the rare glimpse of this function's calm eyes, he asked with a cheerful smile, "How to activate this invisibility charm? Come and try it."

Lou Muyan approached the referee's ear and gave him the activation formula for the invisibility charm.

After listening, the referee couldn't wait to pick up the talisman to activate it, and then saw a white light covering him.

What is shocking is that the referee gradually became transparent with the white light and disappeared on the stage.

All the disciples present and the senior sect who were sitting at the front were constantly using their mental power to sweep and try to find the figure of the chief referee, but they came to nothing.

After a while, the referee lifted the invisibility effect according to the formula given by Lou Muyan. He asked a little excitedly, "How long can this invisibility charm be invisible at a time?"

"You can be invisible for about half an hour." Lou Muyan replied.

The referee's eyes lit up and then asked, "How many times can that invisibility charm be activated?"

"An invisibility talisman can be activated three times, and the talisman will be automatically discarded after three uses." Lou Muyan said.

"It's not bad to be able to activate it three times." The referee nodded, and the serious old face smiled warmly, "Little girl, how about selling this invisibility charm to this old man?"

Lou Muyan pondered and replied with a smile: "The materials for refining the invisibility charm are very rare and expensive, and the disciples only gathered a pair of refining materials. Just give me a pair of refining materials."

Rare is the most precious thing, so Lou Muyan naturally made it difficult to refine the invisibility charm.

"Haha, no problem, little girl, you will report a copy of the refining materials to the old man, and the old man will definitely find it for you before the six major sects compete." The referee carefully collected the invisibility symbol in his hand like a treasure. rise.

Immediately, he restrained his smile, and declared in a righteous and serious manner, "Fuzhuan won the championship in the Baji Sect's Lou Muyan competition."

None of the people present thought that Lou Muyan not only refined the high-level talisman of the fifth rank, but that the talisman he refined also had the effect of stealth, which was simply too heaven-defying.

If you have such a talisman, it is simply a must-have card for traveling in dangerous places, and it is also very useful to save your life.

"By the way, the invisibility charm has a disadvantage, that is, it cannot be activated during battle."

Lou Muyan looked at the referee and continued: "But as long as you get out of the battle, you can use the invisibility talisman in places where Yuan force will not be affected."

"This is understandable." The referee said, "If the invisibility charm can be activated during the battle, it is not against the sky."

If you can be invisible in battle, will you still be afraid of your opponent? If you can't beat it, run away, or sneak attack is definitely a weapon.

If this invisibility talisman really has the effect of combat invisibility, the senior leaders of the various sects present will definitely not feel at ease. After all, Lou Muyan is a disciple of the Baji sect.

Of course, although the invisibility charm cannot be used in battle, it is still very sharp to escape or detect information.

If you encounter a strong opponent, as long as you temporarily escape the Yuan force fluctuation range of the pursuit, after activating the invisibility charm, the opponent will no longer be able to detect his own breath.

The referee can see the value of the invisibility charm, how can other people not see it.

Everyone's eyes were fiery, and even the two champions of Tianji Palace and Jianzong looked at Lou Muyan at this time, like a hungry wolf seeing fresh meat.

Go to the first viewing seat.

"Old Feng! Your Baji Sect is hiding too deep, and there are such talismans as invisibility talismans that you haven't taken out before." The elder of the Sword Sect said half-jokingly.

"Yeah! Lao Feng, this invisibility talisman is a good thing. It's too inauthentic to hide it like this." The head of the Imperial Beast Sect said with a smile.

The masters of the other sects also agreed, and in general they expressed a meaning, they were all very interested in this invisibility charm.

The corner of Feng Yuan's mouth twitched, but he didn't know how to answer. After all, how could he, an alchemist, know what invisibility charms.

And these old immortals are too shameless. They used to call them "Master Feng", but now they want to get closer to each other, "Old Feng".

Hmph, it's useless to call you Big Brother Feng.

He unconsciously cast a look for help at Huo Linglong. Lou Muyan is a disciple of Fu Yuan, and the one who knows the invisibility talisman the most should be Huo Linglong.

The most important thing is to deal with these shameless old undead, and only the demon girl Huo Linglong can do it.

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