Ten days later, the crimson flame mark on Lou Muyan's forehead appeared again, and a palm-sized purple-golden unicorn emerged from her body.

There was a ray of green light lingering in the belly of the unicorn, which was the poisonous fire that Lou Muyan cultivated with the highly poisonous refining.

After she refined that drop of pure fire unicorn blood with her natal spirit fire, her natal spirit fire changed into the appearance of a unicorn, and her spiritual intelligence improved a lot.

When she flipped her hand, the little unicorn immediately jumped to her palm and rubbed it.

She has a heart-to-heart connection with the little unicorn, and naturally has special feelings and love for it, and gently rubbed its little head with her fingers.

"Master, will your spirit fire transform into a human form?" Miaomiao turned into a cute girl and asked Nuo Nuo sitting on Lou Mu's leg.

Lou Muyan touched Miaomiao's little head and said with a smile, "No, but its intelligence will get higher and higher."

"Master, when am I going to find your second brother?" Miao Miao nestled in Lou Muyan's arms.

"Let's go tomorrow, don't let Bai Luoyin take advantage of this opportunity against my brother." Since Bai Feiyao was dismissed by her, she was a little worried about her second brother, fearing that the Bai family would try to retaliate.

Miaomiao nodded, "Don't worry, master, I will definitely tear up that woman's true colors and make your second brother mature."

"Well, Miaomiao can do whatever she wants to clean up that woman." Lou Muyan touched Miaomiao's head and said dotingly.

Even if Bai Luoyin is very scheming, when he encounters the cunning and black-bellied Miaomiao, he will be forced to show his true shape.

"By the way, don't expose it at first. First, find out Bai Luoyin's purpose of approaching my brother. I suspect that she was instigated by the Bai family behind her lurking beside my brother." Lou Muyan thought for a while and said.

The Bai family should have gone to his brother's body of slaughter, but his temperament was too upright and sunny, so the body of slaughter could not really be activated. Bai Luoyin was the chess piece that induced his body of slaughter to truly open.

"Well, I will definitely have a good time with that woman." Miaomiao said fiercely through gritted teeth.

She hated Bai Luoyin in her heart. It was that woman who temporarily separated her from her master.

Mo Yan opened his eyes from the meditation, looked at Miaomiao and reminded: "Don't be too careless, that woman can hide much deeper than Bai Feiyao, and her physique is also a bit special."

"Don't worry, Boss Mo, in the words of the master, such an opponent is more challenging." Miaomiao raised her chin with confidence.

Mo Yan believed in Miaomiao's ability. Among the spiritual pets, Miaomiao was the most intelligent and cunning. He was similar to Lou Muyan's temperament, so he would not suffer anywhere.

Although he has full confidence in Miaomiao, in order to ensure that nothing goes wrong, Lou Muyan hangs a defensive-attack pendant that he has refined on Miaomiao's neck.

"There are seven levels of prohibition in it, you can activate it when you are in danger."

Lou Muyan then gave her a space ring, "In addition to the things for my second brother, the rest are pills, poisons and talismans prepared for you. Just run, and when you come back, I and you, Mr. Mo, will help you get revenge."

"Well, the master is the best!" Miaomiao put away the ring and rubbed Lou Muyan coquettishly.

Mo Yan's dull eyes also overflowed with a smile, and he was also very fond of Miaomiao.

Early the next morning, Miaomiao flew out of the Baji Sect in a light boat that had been refined and upgraded by Lou Muyan, and used the tracking talisman to find Lou Muting all the way.

Lou Muyan watched Miaomiao leave, and she felt more empty in her heart. It was the first time that Miaomiao, who had loved and grown up with her since childhood, left her side.

"It's better to let her go out for a while." Mo Yan saw Lou Muyan's thoughts and changed the subject, "Are you still preparing to practice recently? Or do you want to take up the mission?"

"I'm going to cash out the sect's reward, and then continue to go to the elemental underground palace to practice and enlighten."

Lou Muyan paused and said, "The Land of Inheritance is about to open. In addition to the disciples of the six sects, there are also people from major forces. Improving strength is the most important thing."

"Indeed, you should encounter many assassinations in the land of inheritance." Mo Yan nodded cautiously.

The six major sects have places to enter the place of inheritance, and there are definitely places to enter the dark market. Coupled with the mixed forces and super-family people, fighting and killing is absolutely commonplace.

If there is no strength, the place of inheritance is a place of burial.

Lou Muyan raised her eyebrows and smiled, "I always welcome the God of Wealth to come."

Mo Yan rolled her eyes at her speechlessly, this woman was helpless at all, but he was also itching, and it would not be bad to have a good fight against robbery in the land of inheritance.

Lou Muyan stretched out his hand and poked Mo Yan's belly, jokingly said, "You're already at the ninth order, why haven't you turned into a human figure? You're so ugly that you can't see people, right?"

She was actually really curious about what it would be like to transform Mo Yan, the arrogant flower beast of the High Mountains, into a human form.

Mo Yan was a little embarrassed by her poking, and immediately avoided her claws, "What I am like, you will know later."

I don't know why, in Tianling Continent, he didn't want Lou Muyan to see the appearance of other people, and he will talk about it when he ascends to the Guangling Realm in the future.

"Stingy." Lou Muyan pouted.

In the afternoon, Lou Muyan withdrew the formation outside the hospital, Yu Jian flew to the Zongmen Contribution Point Management Office to exchange the rewards, and then went to the Elements underground palace to practice without stopping.

As time passed, following the previous record of the eighth pavilion underground palace of gold elements, Lou Muyan entered the eighth pavilion to practice in the underground palace of the three elements of wood, fire and water, which once again caused a sensation in the inner door.

Then the sensational craze has not yet passed, and news came one after another from the element underground palace. Lou Muyan stepped into the sixth pavilion in the three attribute underground palaces of thunder, earth and wind.

Only the ice attribute is slightly worse, and it only stops at the fourth pavilion of the ice element underground palace.

This time, neither the disciples nor the high-level members of the entire sect were calm, and the fact that Lou Muyan was actually an eight-element element swordsman was simply unpredictable.

If it weren't for the fact that the elemental underground palace couldn't cheat, they all thought that Lou Muyan used some method to continuously create new records.

Lou Muyan didn't want to reveal that he was a multi-attribute swordsman, but cultivating in the elemental underground palace was too useful to understand the attributes of Yuanli, so he had to make a high profile in order to improve his strength.

She always had an unspeakable feeling in her heart, she always felt that it would be very dangerous to go to the place of inheritance if she didn't improve her strength, or even fall.

Anyway, her recent limelight has been very high, and it doesn't matter if she has a little more. Why is it so difficult to keep a low profile?

If others knew what she was thinking, they couldn't help but vomit blood, how could it be so difficult for them to be high profile?

Three months have passed, and Lou Muyan is still nesting in the underground palaces of various elements, madly comprehending the attributes of Yuan Li, and the harvest is huge.

A very important and urgent news of mixed good and bad suddenly came out, and all the senior members of the sect were alarmed.

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