When the two sword qi were easily caught and extinguished, Lou Muyan's figure immediately burst out a hundred meters.

Chu Han raised his head, the scarlet color in his eyes became more intense, and there was a never-before-seen evil on his stern face.

"This stinky boy has been suppressing me to come out. Thanks to your mental power attack, his soul fell asleep. Otherwise, this old man wouldn't be able to take the initiative in this body so quickly." Chu Han's voice became hoarse and dark. With an old fashioned look.

Lou Muyan narrowed his eyes, but the sword god in Chu Han still came out.

"Even if I don't use mental power to attack, as long as he loses, you can still use the secret method to control his body." Lou Muyan said calmly as before.

"Haha..." Chu Han laughed loudly: "You stinky girl knows quite a lot, and it was intentional to attack his eyes just now, right?"

"I hate scarlet eyes, I want to destroy them when I look at them." Lou Muyan knew that the other party was testing her, and coldly used the excuse to deal with Shen Mufeng.

There was a look of doubt in Chu Han's eyes. It stands to reason that after being demonized, there should be no weakness, but why does being attacked in the eyes make the stinky boy fall asleep?

"Jun Luochen, doesn't he know the weakness of the demons after demonization!" Lou Muyan said in a voice transmission.

Jun Luochen said disdainfully, "He's just an impure bloodline, how could he know that his weakness is his eyes if he can't even do magic, he's just testing you."

Among the demons, only people with pure blood can be demonized, and only those who can demonize can know the secret of weak points.

But every demon of pure blood will be cursed from birth. As long as he doesn't tell the secret, he won't leave any information even if he is forcibly searched for his soul.

The possessed Chu Han didn't think too much. He raised his head and stared at Lou Muyan as if he was looking at a dead man, "The spirit fire on your body is very high, and when the old man kills you and takes away the spirit fire, it can be considered to make up for the stench. boy."

Immediately he grabbed it in the air, and an invisible force attacked Lou Muyan.

When her mind moved, nine divine beasts rushed towards her, all blocking her in front of her, offsetting that power.

Chu Han snorted lightly, "It's interesting, but it's useless."

The strength of his body continued to skyrocket, and with one move, the falling double-edged sword flew instantly.

He held the giant sword and waved it gently, and a sword energy that made the space fluctuate constantly as if it was about to collapse flew out.

The Jiuyou Killing Array standing in front of her was only affected by the sword energy, and it collapsed and disintegrated in an instant.

The breath of Lou Muyan's life, the unicorn spirit fire, was wilting, and it turned into a purple light that flew between her eyebrows.

"Pfft!" Her natal spiritual fire was damaged, and she also suffered internal injuries.

Mo Yan suddenly jumped out of Lou Muyan's shoulder and turned into a huge beast with a size of 100 zhang. He opened his mouth, and a cluster of blue flames spewed out.

The sword energy and the nether fire with strong power met with a loud noise.

Then the fire of the nether returned to Mo Yan's body, and the sword qi disappeared.

Surprise appeared in Chu Han's eyes, and he immediately said with joy, "Haha, it's actually the fire of the Netherworld. If this old man kills you and takes the Fire of the Netherworld for refining, maybe there is hope of breaking through the Sword God and ascending to the upper realm."

Mo Yan took a few steps back, his eyes were cold, "Dreaming."

Chu Han tore the seal in his body, and the sword god's breath enveloped the entire space.

"The space has not collapsed. Could it be that the land of inheritance can't bear the entry of the swordsman's cultivation base, it is the dark market or the devil's ghost?" Lou Muyan said in shock.

Chu Han sneered: "Smelly girl is smart."

"Go away!" Mo Yan said to Lou Muyan.

Lou Muyan clenched the two long swords in both hands with a firm gaze, "No, it's a big deal, we will die together, Mo Yan, we are partners.

Mo Yan sighed softly, "Silly woman."

Jun Luochen in Lou Muyan's pendant was deeply touched when he heard the conversation between the two. Are you a life-and-death partner?

"Go?" Chu Han smiled sarcastically: "This space has been enchanted by this old man for a long time, and none of you can escape."

Mo Yan turned around, turned into a streamer and flew into Lou Muyan's body.

Lou Muyan's hands continued to form seals, and the secret method was used. Her body's cultivation level skyrocketed, and it didn't stop until she was a high-level swordsman.

"It's kind of interesting, I haven't met a younger generation with so many tricks and tricks for a long time." Chu Han had a cruel bloodthirsty smile on his face, "but unfortunately it's useless."

Immediately, his cultivation level skyrocketed again, and he quickly rose from a beginner sword god to a high level sword god, showing the eyes of a cat catching a mouse, "Suffer to death."

The power of the double-edged sword in his hand increased a lot, and after injecting a force of yuan, he swung the sword again.

In an instant, the surrounding air seemed to be condensed into ice, and a cage made of ice chains enveloped Lou Muyan.

The sword qi suddenly attacked, and Lou Muyan threw out a few defensive magic weapons to block it, but it was useless, only offsetting 20% ​​of the strength, it turned into pieces and fell.

Then she was wrapped in a group of blue and purple-gold flames, the gold and silver long sword in her hand turned into forty small swords to block her, and a wisp of black smoke emerged from the pendant to protect her heart.


The sword qi slashed heavily, and forty small swords bounced off after a few spins in the air. If it wasn't for refining with the spirits of Tianji, they would have been shattered by now.

After being blocked by 20% again, the sword qi fell directly on Lou Muyan's body.

"Pfft!" A mouthful of blood spurted out of her mouth, and her body slammed into the ice prison behind her.

The ice prison was shattered by two forces, and Lou Muyan's body fell straight down like a fragile rag doll.



He heard only the sound of the ice breaking on the lake surface and splashing water, and Lou Muyan was smashed into the bottom of the lake.

"Pfft!" A mouthful of blood was spit out again, her breath was sluggish, and her chest was burning and hurting badly.

Her body gradually sinks to the bottom with gravity, but the desire to survive in her eyes remains undiminished.

It turns out that the power of the high-level Sword God level is so powerful, no wonder it is said that the Sword Saint was a watershed at the beginning, and it will be another world after crossing it.

Then Chu Han above was obviously not going to let her go.

The lake water under her was constantly stirring, and an icicle lifted her up.

Chu Han swung his sword again, this time the sword qi contained 100% of his energy.

"To die under the slash of the old man's full strength is a kind of respect for your strength."

Lou Muyan's eyes flickered, and her mental power began to gather crazily, ready to reveal the last trump card.

Mo Yan got out of Lou Muyan's body, his breath was much weaker than before, and his whole body was burning with a blazing fire of hell, rushing towards the sword energy.

"Mo Yan." Lou Muyan's eyes showed panic, "Don't."

It's just that her call did not stop Mo Yan's footsteps, he rushed out and blocked Lou Muyan in front of him with his body.

The cold sword qi hit him hard, the green flames on his body turned into a pair of giant hands to hold the sword qi, and wisps of blood overflowed from his mouth.

"Jun Luochen take her away." His voice was very weak, but very firm.

Jun Luochen's heart was touched even more deeply, without hesitation, a layer of black mist enveloped Lou Muyan and was about to fly away.

"Where to run." Chu Han shouted loudly, and a cluster of black flames fell from the sky accompanied by sword energy, with the power to destroy the sky and destroy the earth.

Seeing this, Mo Yan took a deep breath, glanced at Lou Muyan with nostalgia, and transferred all the power of Yaofu into his body, and the crystal nucleus burst out with a layer of light.

As long as he uses his last strength to hold the other party for a moment, Jun Luochen can take Lou Muyan away.

"No!" Lou Muyan felt the firmness and fearlessness in Mo Yan's heart, a tear fell from the corner of her eyes, she couldn't let Mo Yan die for herself.

Her mental power had reached its peak, just when she was about to use the secret method of exploding the body and keeping the soul to let the other party peel off a layer of skin to protect Mo Yan.

Suddenly, a golden flame fell, instantly dissipating the fusion power of the sword energy and the black flame.

A cold male voice crossed the sky.

"Dare to hurt her, court death!"

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