Ming Xiu and Lou Muyan didn't delay any longer, and hurried towards the core area on Ming Xiu's flying instrument.

"Is that sword god dead?" Lou Muyan asked Ming Xiu, remembering the sword god who took Chu Han's body.

Ming Xiu took a sip of the honey tea made by Lou Muyan, and replied with a smile: "He didn't die, his soul was arrested by the stupid dragon, but Chu Han was rescued by the strong man of the demon race."

"Tear apart the space? Is there an existence beyond the Sword God in Tianling Continent?" Lou Muyan asked in surprise.

Even if the powerhouse of Sword God cultivation is at the peak of strength, it is impossible for him to have the ability to tear open space.

"No, it's just a sword master with a sword god's peak cultivation, but I don't know what secret method the demons used to control the power of part of the inheritance, so he used this power to show the ability to tear apart the space, but The backlash is also huge." Ming Xiu said with narrowed eyes.

Lou Muyan's face showed deep thought, and after a while, she said with a deep meaning: "The Demon Race would rather sacrifice a Sword God to save Chu Han. It seems that his status in the Demon Race is not low!"

"If I guessed correctly, he should also be a demon saint who was secretly cultivated in the small interface, but he has not fully awakened, so he is naturally much more valuable than that sword god." Ming Xiu said.

Lou Muyan asked in surprise: "The holy child of the demon race that was secretly cultivated in the small interface? Is that different from Shen Mufeng? Why should it be cultivated in the small interface?"

"The demons will choose a lot of small interfaces to cultivate and grow up babies with pure talent and blood after birth."

Ming Xiu paused and said: "In the small interface, where the spiritual energy is thin and materials are scarce, the holy son who can break through the sword god and ascend to the Guangling Realm is better than the general situation in the Guangling Realm in terms of potential and strength. "

"Then what if the training fails? If Chu Han can't break through the sword master, wouldn't the devil's efforts be in vain?" Lou Muyan asked.

"So there are a lot of Holy Son babies who are thrown into the lower interface, and the 1% success is also earned by the demons." Ming Xiu replied.

Lou Muyan nodded: "So it is."

I heard Mo Yan say that the upper interface is only the Guangling world, but there are hundreds of thousands of lower interfaces, that is, there are hundreds of thousands of interfaces like Tianling Continent, and the degree of aura is different.

The Tianling Continent can only be regarded as medium in terms of all the lower interface resources and the thinness of aura.

"I don't know what plans the Demon Race has. The dark market's plan to wipe out the six talented elite disciples must have something to do with them." Lou Muyan said with a little worry.

It doesn't matter if she is like cumin in her previous life, she won't care too much about whether the demons will disturb the turmoil in this continent.

But now that there are relatives and friends on this continent, she has to worry about their safety.

Ming Xiu shook her hand and said, "Don't worry, everything is still with me."

He must destroy the plan of the Demon Race to occupy the Tianling Continent to plunder resources and slaves.

"Yeah." Lou Muyan shook Ming Xiu's hand and nodded.

Ming Xiu took out a dark bottle and handed it to Lou Muyan, "There is the power of the sword god's soul in it, let Jun Luochen refine it."

As soon as Lou Muyan took the bottle, a black smoke emerged from her pendant and took the bottle away.

Then I heard Jun Luochen's voice: "Your man is not bad."

Ming Xiu raised an arc on his lips, this Demon Venerable is quite sensible.

Lou Muyan twitched the corners of his mouth, and really wanted to ask Jun Luochen: How could your dignity as a Demon Venerable be bought by the power of the soul of a Sword God.

If Jun Luochen knew about Lou Muyan's thoughts, he would only curl his lips. He is now an out-of-date Demon Venerable, and his dignity is nothing. The most important thing is to improve his strength and fight back for revenge.

Moreover, he had this understanding because Lou Muyan's last call made him wake up. There is nothing wrong with doing it again. The previous self was really too arrogant and always disdain to use ruthless means to confront the enemy, so he was insidious. The villain is murdered.

Now that he is fully enlightened, he has also learned a lot of ways to survive with Lou Muyan. He must not be soft-handed when it is time to be yin. It is too easy to deal with the enemy and let them die. Playing with death is the right way.

Lou Muyan also didn't expect that a Demon Venerable who was originally upright in his methods would follow her for a long time, and he would gradually start to grow crooked...

"Does that Sword God know any news? For example, what is the real purpose of the Demon Race for the inheritance land?" Lou Muyan recalled that Ming Xiu had ordered Long Yao to search his soul before he fell asleep.

Ming Xiu replied: "He doesn't know much information, he only has two tasks, one is to protect Chu Han from going to the core area of ​​the inheritance land to join a demon commander, and the other is to see us assist Chu Han to kill , the disciples of the six sects and other top forces are also destroyed by the way."

"What a sinister plan." Lou Muyan frowned, "Is the dark market going to oppose the major forces in the Tianling Continent after preparing to leave the land of inheritance?"

"If there is no accident, it should be. In the core area of ​​the inheritance area, they must have some purpose and plan to implement. We must destroy it." Ming Xiujun's face showed a rare solemn color.

Lou Muyan nodded firmly: "Well, they must not let their plan succeed."

If you want to kill her and Ming Xiu, you must be prepared to be bitten off by them.

Along the way, they encountered several waves of killers in the dark market, but they were all easily handled by the cultivators, and they all turned into nourishment for blood and blood.

A few days later, more than a dozen people suddenly fled in their direction from the horizon not far away. Lou Muyan opened his eyes and used his mental power to investigate, and was stunned.

"It's a disciple of our Eight Extreme Sect." She immediately stood up and said to Ming Xiu, "I'll go take a look."

Ming Xiu was cultivating a secret technique and it was inconvenient to go out. He opened his eyes and said, "Be careful."

After Lou Muyan got out of the flying instrument, he looked at Long Yao and said, "Go protect Yan'er."

"Ming Xiu, you are of the opposite sex and inhuman, and I am not your woman's spiritual pet." Long Yao snorted and turned his head away.

Ming Xiu chuckled: "If you have a good relationship with Yan'er, maybe she will support you for a while after Mo Yan comes out."

Long Yao's listless eyes instantly lit up, thinking of Mo Yan's fluffy ears and soft sensuality, he wanted to hold him in his arms and tease.

"I go."

Mingxiu watched Long Yao turn into a purple light and drilled out of the flying instrument, and whispered, "It's really a stupid dragon who doesn't like thinking."

Mo Yan used to be the king of the demon realm, and it was a coincidence that Lou Muyan could contract, so how could he be willing to let the stupid dragon play as a pet.

Now that the confinement in Mo Yan's body has been lifted, the speed of cultivation will increase a lot, and maybe he will be able to break through the tenth order soon.

And with Mo Yan's scheming and methods, the stupid dragon will definitely be beaten.

Ming Xiu smiled with some schadenfreude, then closed his eyes and continued to practice.

Long Yao, who had already flown out some distance, sneezed several times in succession. He touched his nose, thinking in his heart that he had been tricked by that idiot again?

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