Gu Ningmeng looked back, it would be best if Lou Muyan died in the blood-devouring ant colony. If she escaped, she would not let her out alive in the inheritance land.

Their Gu family and Bai family are not so easy to step on. Lou Muyan stepped on Bai Feiyao in the six major competitions, so he must be ready for their revenge.

"Most of the eighth-order blood-devouring ants in the nest have gone out. Now is a good time for us to sneak in and kill the ninth-order blood-devouring ant queen." Gu Ningmeng suggested to the crowd.

The others nodded one after another, and each restrained their breath and touched it.

There are thirteen people in their party, and their cultivation bases are all at the peak of high-level swordsmen and swordsmen. Although there is no swordsman, they can kill the swordsman together.

Although the queen of blood-devouring ants is a monster of the late ninth order, comparable to a high-level juggernaut, but with the power of driving high-level ants, her own strength is very fragile.

Now that Lou Muyan has led out most of the eighth-order blood-devouring ants, they are very hopeful as long as they use a few trump cards to kill them.

In the fire formation, Lou Muyan released fire poison to paralyze and paralyze a large number of eighth-order blood-devouring ants, allowing blood to suck blood.

After Mo Yan woke up, all the layers of confinement in his body disappeared, and his cultivation speed and strength improvement were no longer suppressed.

Once the backlog of demon power in the demon mansion broke through the bondage, his cultivation level hit the late ninth order.

If this time he encounters a demon clan similar to the last sword god cultivation base, he will definitely not be so embarrassed again, at least he has the ability to escape with Lou Muyan.

Mo Yan lay lazily and noblely on Lou Muyan's shoulder, his eyes were light and unwavering, ignoring the fiery eyes of the stupid dragon who wanted to take him as a pet hidden in the space.

"Someone went to stab the blood-devouring ant nest." He lifted his eyelids lazily.

Lou Muyan was playing with the blood-devouring ants that were burned to the rank of eighth, and said casually, "They were already lurking when the blood-devouring ants appeared. I guess the blood-devouring ants that Senior Sister Jin and the others inadvertently introduced were the A masterpiece by one or two of the gang."

"The leading woman among them is the daughter of the city lord of Extreme Cold City, and Bai Feiyao's cousin who has a better relationship than her own sisters. She is very hostile to you," Mo Yan reminded.

Lou Muyan raised her eyebrows: "How did you know?"

"When they were sneaking around and watching, I covered the demon consciousness, and I could hear their conversation clearly." Mo Yan's dull eyes were dyed with a coldness.

"They mentioned me?" Lou Muyan asked with a smile.

"Well, that woman also said that you were too arrogant and that you might be buried in the ant colony. She probably hoped so much in her heart, but you hurt her good sister very badly." Mo Yan put Gu Ningmeng down Say it with your own understanding.

Lou Muyan's eyes showed sarcasm, "They all have persecution paranoia. They are only allowed to do evil and harm others, and others are not allowed to fight back. It's a joke, and it's not a good thing."

Mo Yan was also very speechless to the women of the Bai family and Gu family, because the temperament of excessive expansion of identity may be hereditary.

But since the Bai family and the Gu family dare to hit Lou Muyan with their ideas, they must be prepared to be killed by the counterattack.

"By the way, I also heard something that might be of interest to you."

Lou Muyan asked curiously, "What's the matter?"

"Tianyuan City is going to marry Jihan City, and the woman named Gu Ningmeng is the daughter of the owner of Jihan City." Mo Yan said with a half-smile.

Ye Qinghan knew exactly what kind of feelings Ye Qinghan had towards Lou Muyan. Although that person was much more gloomy now, it was impossible for him to marry a woman like Gu Ningmeng.

"You mean Qing Han and Gu Ningmeng are engaged?" Lou Muyan asked in surprise.

"That woman said that she hasn't settled down yet, but it seems like it's already well known from other people's tone." Mo Yan said jokingly, "I heard that woman is called Ye Qinghan Yelang."


Lou Muyan twitched at the corner of his mouth, goosebumps all over his body.

Yelang? Do you want to scream so disgusting...

"Isn't Qinghan being forced to agree by the Tianyuan City Lord?" Lou Muyan frowned, with worry in his eyes, "I always feel that he has become a lot now, and he seems to have been suppressing something. look."

"Although Ye Qinghan is not as domineering and decisive as Ming Xiu, he is not someone who can threaten and force anyone. If he really wants to marry Jihan City, it would be his voluntary choice, but I don't think he will agree to the marriage."

Mo Yan paused and continued: "As for what he suppressed, maybe it has something to do with his identity and blood."

"Identity and bloodline?" Lou Muyan asked in surprise, "What do you mean? Is there something wrong with his bloodline?"

Ye Qinghan is also a special physique, and in the past few years, it seems that some seal in the body has been suppressing the speed of cultivation.

The last time she saw Ye Qinghan, she felt that she couldn't see his strength clearly. Although the surface was the peak of Sword Sovereign's cultivation, if it wasn't for the inheritance, he would have broken through to the Sword Saint.

"He has the blood of the sea clan on him, so he must not belong to the Ye family." Mo Yan sighed and said, "And I accidentally discovered that the blood of the sea clan on him is very pure, maybe his father is the royal family of the sea clan. "

"What? He's not the child of Ye's family?" Lou Muyan's eyes were full of shock, a little puzzled, "He is a lot gloomy now, does he know his life experience? But why is he Ye Ye? What about the young master of the house?"

"This is not very clear, but he must know his identity." Mo Yan said.

"Is Ye Qingle a sea clan?" Lou Muyan asked.

She has treated Ye Qingle's illnesses. There is no seal in her body, and her blood is normal. Although she has already guessed in her heart, she still wants to be sure.

"No, the two of them are not siblings at all. They have different parents and different mothers. Ye Qinghan should have been adopted by the Ye family's wife." Mo Yan said affirmatively.

Because of the special talents of their spirit-devouring beast family, he had long discovered that Ye Qinghan and Ye Qingle were not brothers and sisters, but he didn't care much so he didn't say it.

"Hey!" Lou Muyan sighed softly: "The background of Qinghan's background is not so simple!"

"Tianling Continent also has the territory of the Sea Clan, maybe his biological father is in that sea area."

Mo Yan shook his head: "The blood of the sea clan on his body is almost as pure as that of Lans. It is impossible for the sea clan of the lower interface to have such a noble bloodline, so his father should be a member of the royal family in the sea clan of the Guangling world."

"Is it a projection clone like Lance?" Lou Muyan asked with a frown.

"The sea clan are very mysterious and powerful races in the Guangling world. It is not impossible to use some kind of expensive secret method, and it is not impossible to come in person, but it is not possible to use the cultivation level above the sword god on this interface."

Mo Yan continued: "But the real reason is that I can't guess anything. Ye Qinghan is a person with a story."

"Well, whether he is a human race or a sea race is the cold cold that I know. I believe this will not change."

Lou Muyan looked into the distance, her eyes were deep, she clenched her fist, no matter what identity Qinghan was, she would always be his backing.

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