As soon as Ming Xiu reached the top of the boat, he found that the power in the ice blue egg was constantly fluctuating and leaking.

Lou Muyan is holding the formation flag and printing the formation constantly, and she is setting up the spirit gathering formation.

He didn't hesitate to put out the natal array flag and set up a defensive array that was conducive to the transformation of spiritual energy into demon power to assist the upgrade of the beast.

Others on the flying instruments also noticed the fluctuations on the top of the boat and went out of the room to check.

When I saw Lou Muyan and Ming Xiu forming a tacit understanding, and there was a big egg that was about to break in the center of the formation, I was very surprised. This was the reaction of the monster to advance!

Especially the disciples of the Royal Beast Sect stared wide-eyed, such fluctuations are not like the promotion of the eighth-level monster at all, is it the promotion of the ninth-level monster?

One by one, they quickly released their spiritual pets, just to watch the big egg advance.

Other disciples who were not spirit beast masters but had contracted spirit pets with the help of spirit beast masters released their monsters one after another.

In this way, the top of the boat was not only full of people, but also full of monsters that looked like they had been beaten with blood.

Lou Muyan naturally discovered their actions, but did not stop them, and being able to watch the promotion of the same kind was also very helpful to him.

She also released the blood and the Scarlet Emperor, who was still gnawing at the crystal core of the blood-devouring ant mother.

After the formation of the formation is completed, everything depends on Bingji's own creation.

"Aren't you going to release the other spiritual pets to see?" Lou Muyan saw that there was only a stupid dragon standing coldly holding hands beside Ming Xiu, and there were no other spiritual pets.

Ming Xiu said with a smile: "I only contracted the stupid dragon for one spiritual pet."

This interface is so good that it is difficult to contract with a monster with a good bloodline. Not everyone is as lucky as Lou Muyan.

Lou Muyan blinked and asked, "Aren't you also an advanced spirit beast master?"

She and Mingxiu know all five spells, but her alchemy skills are higher than his, and his alchemy skills are higher than hers.

The attainment of the formation technique has its own merits, and it can be regarded as an equal share. She should be slightly better in the talisman, and the level of the cultivator in the animal control is actually higher than her.

"I've seen two spirit beasts prepare their contracts before and they were destroyed by stupid dragons." Ming Xiu said speechlessly.

Lou Muyan glanced at Long Yao who was stunned, and asked amusingly, "Is he afraid that you contract with other spiritual pets to steal his favor?"

Long Yao turned his head and snorted coldly: "I don't care about Ming Xiu's favor. Whoever divides it is the best."

All he knows is to squeeze him all day long, and there is no love for a guy who has the opposite sex and inhumanity.

Lou Muyan knew that Ming Xiu was actually very good to stupid dragons, but he just liked to be poisonous. He smiled at Long Yao and asked, "Then why did you break his contract with other spiritual pets?"

"Those spiritual pets are all rubbish, one is not a divine beast, and the other is not a monster with a mutated talent against the sky, what is the contract doing? Are you holding back?" Long Yao pouted in disdain.

Most importantly, it's not cute at all.

Then he scolded: "Who is as lucky as you, either the contracted ice luan mythical beast, the golden dragon bloodline, or the red bee queen with the purest bloodline capable of nine transformations, and it is almost a mutant cannibal that is hard to find in ten thousand years. Bloodthorn Vine King."

He looked at the noble and glamorous Mo Yan on Lou Muyan's shoulder again, and said, "The most powerful thing is that he also encountered the purest and noblest royal bloodline of the spirit-devouring beast. If Ming Xiu can encounter a monster like Mo Yan, Even if he doesn't contract, I will let him contract."

"..." Lou Muyan gave him a speechless look, this stupid dragon was still thinking about taking her Mo Yan as a pet.

Mo Yan gave Long Yao a cold look, the king was full of fanaticism, and softly spit out two words, "Idiot."

Long Yao choked, glared at Mo Yan, and saw that the other party took his eyes back and didn't bother to pay attention to him, and was maddened.

Then, seeing Mo Yan's fluffy ears moving again, and feeling like being scratched by a cat, he couldn't help but stretch out his hand.

Before reaching the top of Mo Yan's head, Lou Muyan slapped him away, "Don't do anything to my Mo Yan, or I'll be rude to you."

When she saw Long Yao's saliva, she wanted to beat him up, and then threw a stupid thing at Ming Xiu. Was it really the descendant of the ancient Void Dragon's royal family? It can't be fake.

Ming Xiu nodded helplessly, and returned a look that was indeed true.

Long Yao's claws were slapped open, and Gao Leng's face couldn't hold back. He transmitted a voice to Mingxiu with a little grievance, "Take care of your woman, I will die if you touch it!"

Ming Xiu warned him with his eyes, "It's impossible for you to touch if you don't have a good relationship with others."

"Then how can I get Mo Yan? Why don't you contract him?" Long Yao's eyes were bright.

"Do you think it's possible? You coax Yan'er and Mo Yan first, maybe there is a chance." Ming Xiu guided.

This stupid dragon is really stupid, how could he snatch his woman's monster over to contract.

Long Yao rolled his eyes and kept his grim face, "Okay, then I don't remember the villain, so I'll forgive her for slapping my paw this time."

But in his heart, he was thinking about how to befriend Lou Muyan, a woman as shameless as Ming Xiu?

By the way, do what she likes, this woman loves spirit grass and spirit stone the most, he will grab more for her in the future.

So Long Yao reluctantly retracted his gaze from Mo Yan's furry ears, and muttered to himself.


As the complicated runes on the ice-blue egg became clearer and clearer, the demonic energy inside overflowed, and thunder sounded in the sky.

Then I saw that the originally blue cloudless sky was immediately covered with dark clouds and quickly floated towards the flying instrument.

Lou Muyan's mind moved, and a palm-sized colorful glazed tripod appeared in her hand.

"Mingxiu, I want to refine a sixth-grade medicinal pill, protect me." Lou Muyan said.

"it is good!"

Ming Xiu held a crimson long sword in his hand, and his spiritual power spread all around him to prevent people from suddenly appearing in the dark market to make trouble.

Mo Yan and Long Yao were also on alert with their Demon Senses fully activated. The promotion of Bing Ji was too important to make mistakes.

After all, the success rate for a ninth-order monster to advance to a tenth-order monster is actually not very high.

Lou Muyan took out all the spirit herbs that she was going to make medicinal pills and threw them into the cauldron. A small orange unicorn emerged from the center of her eyebrows and submerged into the cauldron.

The green cauldron before her could barely support the refining of the sixth-grade intermediate medicine pill, but if it was replaced with the sixth-grade high-grade medicinal pill, it would have to explode.

She and Ming Xiu have already made a public relationship, so it doesn't matter if she takes out the colorful glazed tripod and exposes it to everyone.

Seeing that Lou Muyan suddenly took out the colorful glazed tripod and started alchemy, everyone was stunned.

"Junior Sister Lou wants to make alchemy? Her spiritual pet is still advancing!"

"Is she crazy? Is this the time for alchemy?"

"The colorful glazed tripod was photographed by Senior Brother Chi before, and it was originally given to Junior Sister Lou."

"Your focus is wrong, the focus now is why Junior Sister Lou wants to concoct alchemy now!"

A sixth-grade alchemist from Yaozong said: "She is preparing to refine sixth-grade intermediate or high-level medicinal herbs to attract Dan Lei to help spiritual pets fight against tribulation thunder."

"What?" Everyone exclaimed in unison.

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