An ice-blue giant bird covered most of the sky, its eyes were icy cold, and the feathers fanned countless ice cones down towards the Sword God in the dark city.

The Sword God snorted coldly, with a grey long sword in his hand, slashing at countless ice picks.

It's just that after the sword qi burst out, the space suddenly distorted, and the sword qi disappeared inexplicably.

The Sword God didn't expect such a situation at all, and hurriedly took out a shield to block it before he was able to avoid the ice pick.

The corner of Bingji's mouth twitched, that stupid dragon is really nosy.

The Sword God vigilantly felt that he did not find the aura of other high-level powerhouses around, and then he was relieved.

The ice halberd raised his head and spewed out a mouthful of ice-blue flames. The sword energy instantly melted and disappeared, but the flames did not completely dissipate, and the aftermath fell towards the sword god.

Seeing this, the Sword God's eyes narrowed, and he moved quickly to prepare, but was blocked by an invisible force of space.

He was forced to stop as soon as he took a step, and was hit by the flames of the ice halberd.

Lou Muyan found out that Long Yao has been playing tricks all the time, and he was very happy. This old guy should play him like this.

"Bingji, have fun." She gave Bingji a look and asked him to play with the stupid dragon.

At first, Bingji was very dissatisfied with the stupid dragon's intervention, but seeing the sword god running out of the flames angrily with his whole body charred black, he also found it very interesting.

One light and one dark, play the old dog to death, although the stupid dragon still hates it.

The sword god was completely furious. He slashed dozens of swords in the direction of the ice halberd with his long sword, and then evolved a sword formation.

But apparently he was going to fail.

Afterwards, no matter how he attacked, he couldn't fall on the big bird in the sky. Instead, every time the space would be twisted to take away all his sword energy, and the sword formation would be drawn away from time to time, and part of its power would be greatly reduced.

And every time the Bing Luan attacked him accurately, he would be blocked by the force of space if he wanted to change his position, and if he took out the magic weapon to resist, he would be inexplicably unloaded by the distorted space again. Go for most of the power.

In a short while, the sword god of Dark City had loose hair, his whole body was charred black, his eyes were red (completely angry), and he was attacking and dodging in embarrassment.

"Who, who is attacking? Get out?" After a stick of incense, he also realized something was wrong.

Even if the ice luan mythical beast in the sky has the power of space, it is impossible to exert such a level, and he shouted at the air angrily.

It was obvious that the stupid dragon and the stinky bird were having a lot of fun, and it was rare for the two divine beasts to cooperate so perfectly, so how could they not continue?

Then everyone saw that the sword god of the dark city was forced to the brink of collapse by the ice halberd and an inexplicable invisible force.

After Ming Xiu hit the ice halberd with the sword god, he took out his golden long sword and slashed a few swords at the formation below. The swords fell on the weak point of the formation.

In an instant, the formation made a loud noise and completely collapsed under the bombardment of golden sword energy.

The more than 20 disciples inside also ran out quickly, each of them only had lingering fears and happiness after the rest of their lives.

Lou Muyan had already fallen beside Lou Mubai and Su Jin, and one of them gave a sixth-grade medicinal pill that could treat internal injuries and restore vitality.

After Ming Xiu broke the formation, he stood beside her, watching the two monsters play with a rare smile in his eyes.

It would be a good thing for the stupid dragon to have a good relationship with Lou Muyan's monsters in the future.

Mo Yan lay on his stomach lazily, and strands of spiritual energy continuously penetrated into his demon mansion and turned into the most quintessential demon power.

Since Stupid Dragon helped him free from the imprisonment since the rebuilding, he absorbed the spiritual energy several times faster. After refining the medicinal pill given by Lou Muyan, he has already hit the peak of the ninth rank, and he can advance to the tenth rank with just one opportunity. .

Seeing that the stupid dragon and the ice halberd cooperated well, his eyes were dark and deep. After getting ready, let the two monsters cultivate a spatial supernatural power that he knew, and it would be much easier to go out and deal with the high-level sword gods of the main body.

Both Long Yao and Bingji have good bloodlines, but their vision and experience are not even a little bit worse than Mo Yan. In front of the two beasts, Mo Yan can be regarded as a senior.

Before using the secret technique to rebuild, to deal with the Sword God who was cultivated by the Sword God, he could completely disappear from this world with a single thought.

Strength, both before and now, is still so important.

Seeing that Lou Mubai's pale face gradually returned to normal after taking the medicinal pill, and opened his eyes, Lou Muyan was overjoyed.

"Brother, are you alright?"

"After taking your medicine pill, the injury is almost healed." Lou Mubai stood up and looked at the baby sister with gentle eyes.

"That's good!" After Lou Muyan finished speaking, he took his hand and took the pulse again, "The internal injury can be healed after a day of recuperation."

Because the blood spirit was severely injured, Lou Mubai was also seriously injured, and it would take at least half a month to recover on his own.

Because Su Jin was mentally damaged, it took longer to recover than Lou Mubai.

The disciples from the Baji Sect and the Sword Sect who came out of the formation came forward and thanked Ming Xiu: "Thank you Brother Chi for your life-saving grace."

Ming Xiu still looked like an alienated immortal, and said indifferently, "We are all disciples of the Six Sects. We are both prosperous and damaged. It is right for you to be saved."

All the disciples looked at Ming Xiu with adoring eyes. He really deserved to be the first genius of the Sixth Sect. Such a Sixth Grade Primordial Formation was destroyed in just a few swords.

They can be sure that even the sixth-grade array mage of the sword saint level in the sect can't be defeated so quickly.

Su Jin quickly opened his eyes from the recovery, got up and looked at Lou Muyan and Chi Xiu with a light smile and said, "Thanks to Junior Sister and Junior Brother Chi this time, otherwise I would have died here today."

"Senior brother is too polite. If you feel bad, you might as well just give me some good things as the master said." Lou Muyan joked.

Su Jin smiled in a low voice, with a deep smile in Wen Ya's eyes, "When I go back, you can choose my baby."

"Okay! Then I'm welcome." Lou Muyan's eyes narrowed into crescents and he smiled, like a fox.

Ming Xiu looked at her with a funny look and said, "Why do you want to ask Senior Brother Su, the treasures in my place are not all yours."

Lou Muyan glanced at him angrily and said with a smile, "Idiot, what's yours is mine, and what's your brother's is not mine. Of course I'm going to shave it off, or else I won't betray the kindness of my brother-in-law."

"That's right." Ming Xiu's handsome face showed a brisk smile, and the indulgence and pampering in his eyes could not be concealed.

And their interaction also made Lou Mubai and Su Jin see that something was wrong, and their smiling faces changed.

One is the sister control, and the other is the junior sister control. Seeing that Lou Muyan and Chi Xiu were talking and laughing, there was an interaction and atmosphere that only a double-cultivator partner could have.

Of course, it wasn't Lou Muyan who made them black face, but Chi Xiu who put his hand on Lou Muyan's waist.

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