After half an hour, the flying instruments of Mingxiu arrived here carrying the disciples of several other sects.

All the people got on the flying instruments and rushed towards the core area of ​​the inheritance land.

The closer it is to the core area, the higher the level of the monsters, but because there are two tenth-level royal blood on their instruments, they are clean and undisturbed along the way.

Along the way, I encountered several waves of disciples from the other five sects. When they approached the core area, except for the disciples who had died or were seriously injured and found a place to hide, the core disciples of the six sects who entered the inheritance land all entered the meditation. of flying instruments.

Lou Muyan has been in the room either refining talismans and medicinal pills or absorbing spiritual energy to improve her cultivation. The closer you are to the place of inheritance, the closer the danger and opportunity are.

On this day, as soon as she came out of the state of meditation, she saw the figure of Bingji come out of the space.

"Master, there is something wrong with that little white face."

Immediately, he handed a very secret communication talisman to Lou Muyan, "This is what the stupid dragon intercepted from the space."

Bingji's spatial ability is not as strong as Long Yao's, so Lou Muyan borrowed a stupid dragon from Mingxiu for a few days.

Lou Muyan took the communication talisman and looked at it carefully, and found that there was a special prohibition on it. If it was intercepted by others, as long as it was not opened by special methods, the communication talisman would be destroyed automatically.

She used her mental power to penetrate into the talisman little by little, and cracked that layer of prohibition.

As soon as the ban was cracked, Lou Muyan checked all the contents of the communication talisman.

Immediately, her brows were deeply furrowed, and her fingers kept tapping on the table in front of her.

"Master, what is written on it?"

"Master, we still have half a day to enter the core area of ​​the inheritance land. Lou Muyan and Chi Xiu each have a tenth-order monster, please prepare to kill." Lou Muyan read out the content.

Bingji's eyes were cold, "That little white face is indeed a spy in the dark market."

The little white face in his mouth was the man named Gu Ruozhi who ranked third on the Baji Sect with a feminine appearance.

Lou Muyan thought about it and went to Mingxiu's room.

"Have you cracked the communication talisman?" Ming Xiu asked with a smile.

Lou Muyan handed him the communication talisman, "Do you think we will kill Gu Ruozhi, or let him catch big fish?"

Ming Xiu read the contents of the communication talisman, took out a special communication talisman of the Ming Alliance Chamber of Commerce and said, "This is something I asked the Chamber of Commerce to check yesterday, and it may be useful to us."

Because this time the top powers of the Ming Alliance Chamber of Commerce also have elite disciples entering the inheritance land, so Ming Xiu has a special channel to contact the high-level chambers of commerce in the outer sect.

Lou Muyan took it over curiously and looked at it carefully, a look of surprise gradually appeared on his face.

"It turns out that Gu Ruozhi is Gu Yanran's half-brother." Lou Muyan narrowed her eyes and said, "No wonder everyone in the Gu family was almost killed and injured when the war broke out in Yanzhou Kingdom, but Gu Yanran couldn't be found. , it turned out to be taken away by people from the dark market."

"The Gu family has always been a chess piece buried in the dark market. Gu Yanran is a pure yin body, and it is the best container medium for the demons to come and divide their souls, so this time she may also come to the place of inheritance." Ming Xiu cautiously Say.

"If Gu Yanran is occupied by the demon's soul, will she die?" Lou Muyan asked after a while.

"No, her soul will coexist with the split soul of the Demon Race, but her body will be controlled by the other party, but with the grudge between you and her, if she really enters the land of inheritance, she should not let it go. Yours." Ming Xiu's eyes condensed with a layer of ice, and the Demon Race's hand stretched a little too long.

"Is it easy for the demons to separate their souls?" Lou Muyan didn't understand the demons on this interface.

Ming Xiu replied: "It shouldn't be easy, otherwise Lan Si and Shen Mufeng would not use projection clones."

"Jun Luochen, come out and tell us what happened to the split soul that the demons descended? Is there any way to overcome it?" Lou Muyan tapped the pendant on his neck with his finger and asked.

Jun Luochen heard Lou Muyan's call as soon as he refined the sword god's soul power captured by Bingji and Long Yao.

He sighed and followed a human cultivator. It seemed that he really wanted to betray the demons completely!

However, he is very happy to destroy all the plans of the current Demon Venerable in various small interfaces. When he was there, he never stretched his hand so long. It seems that his "good brother" has been planning for a long time.

A cloud of black mist emerged from the pendant, and a handsome man with a thin body and a pale complexion appeared in the room.

Lou Muyan looked at Jun Luochen up and down, he looked like a beautiful man, but why didn't he have the evil, arrogant, tyrannical or ruthless temperament that a Demon Venerable should have? It also gives a feeling of weakness.

It is no wonder that the throne of Demon Venerable will be taken away, and the three souls will be separated. It is no wonder that the appearance of this little white face has the majesty of Demon Venerable.

Jun Luochen naturally saw the suspicion and disgust in Lou Muyan's eyes, his face darkened instantly, "What are you thinking about?"

Lou Muyan listened to his question, and decisively asked the idea.

"..." Jun Luochen twitched the corners of his mouth, who stipulated that a Demon Venerable must possess these two qualities?

What's more, he is only the main soul of the wrecked Demon Venerable. How can a soul be evil and tyrannical?

As for brutality, that should be something hidden in the bones, who would be so idiot who often shows on his face.

"There is a big difference between the coming of the demons and the projection clones." Jun Luochen avoided the question of the temperament of the demon raised by Lou Muyan and began to explain.

"The projection clone/body just uses a secret method of the upper realm to project the power body on the small interface. Although it will also affect the main body, it is not big, but there is a big drawback, that is, the power body of the avatar is cultivated. It cannot exceed the level of Sword God, otherwise it will be smashed by the laws of space."

"Although the conditions for the separation of the soul are harsh, it can enable the possessed pure yin body to step up to the high-level sword god, or even the peak of the sword god, and still be able to use some secret techniques of the body."

"Of course, the disadvantage is that once the body of the soul-splitting medium is disappointed, and the split soul of the demon race is destroyed, the body will also be greatly damaged." Jun Luochen said.

Lou Muyan was silent and asked, "Are there any other conditions besides pure yin for the separation of souls to come?"

"There is still a need for demonic infusion. If, as you said, a woman with a pure yin body enters the inheritance land, then they must complete the infusion of demonic energy and let the demons from the upper realm descend." Jun Luochen replied. .

Ming Xiu frowned slightly, "Do you mean that there is devil energy in the land of inheritance?"

"Yes, there is an altar in the deepest part of the inheritance land. It was left by the demons during the interface war. There is an unstable passage connecting the upper realm. Living creatures cannot pass through, but the demonic energy can be poured in."

He pursed his lips and said, "I was physically damaged by the sneak attack. When the three souls were scattered, the main soul escaped to the land of inheritance through that passage, otherwise I would have lost my soul long ago."

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