When the flying instrument entered the center of the inheritance land, a sudden strong force not only prevented the flying instrument from advancing, but also shrouded it in place.

All the disciples walked out of the room to check on the top of the boat after discovering the strangeness.

"Formation, we are trapped by the formation." A disciple of Haoyuezong exclaimed.

The others also showed dignified and nervous expressions, and Qi Qi took out the magic weapon and slashed the transparent mask ruthlessly.

It's a pity that this kind of power not only did not cause any damage to the formation, but all the Yuan force was actually sucked into the formation.

Then, more than 30 people in black were exposed to the open space one after another, each holding an identical auxiliary magic weapon and forming a blessing to support the formation.

Before waiting for the disciples to continue to respond, the formation of light began to operate.

"It's the Primordial Formation again." A disciple of Jianzong said with a panicked face: "I feel that the essence of my body is starting to drain again."

The other people immediately took back the Yuan Li they were about to mobilize.

Ming Xiu and Lou Muyan stood in the middle of the disciples without making a sound or taking any action.

"Jie Jie!"

A strange and cold laughter continued to echo, and then everyone saw a woman with all white hair but a very young face appearing in the air not far from the formation.

"The disciples of your six sects are not very good." He continued with a sneer: "But this gathering is exactly what this old man wants, and it is more convenient to catch you all in one go."

This person's body is female, but the voice is a male voice with a strange feeling, and it is obviously a sword god who is possessed by other people.

"What are you proud of, you unjust old immortal?" Bingji transformed into an elegant and handsome man, and looked at the sword god opposite him coldly, "You are the only sword god here today? If you have a companion, call out quickly, It saves the young master that he will have to make another shot later."

"Hmph, a Bing Luan who has just been promoted dares to be so arrogant with the old man, you are really courting death!" The woman who was smiling suddenly turned gloomy, "To clean up you, the old man alone is enough."

They received news that the other party had a rank 10 monster that had just been promoted. Just in case, there was still a sword god hiding, but he was conceited that he would be able to refine the souls of all the six disciples here.

The sixth-rank Juyuan Formation could not trap the tenth-rank ice halberd, which possessed the power of space, so he dodged and fell beside the sword god and quickly formed a ball.

Long Yao has been hiding in the space, and when he found a high-level aura fluctuation not far away, he showed a playful smile.

"Stinky Bird, there is a Sword God hiding 500 meters in front of you." He spoke to the ice halberd.

Bingji squinted his eyes, instantly transformed into his body, and spewed out an ice-blue flame towards the Sword God in front of him in that direction.

"Stupid Dragon, let's work together again?" He couldn't deal with two Sword Gods with the strength of the ice halberd, so he was very sensible and invited Long Yao, who was not pleasing to the eye, to join the battle group.

"Hmph, is it possible to expect you to kill two of them?" Long Yao's meaning was obvious, he would take action.

Bingji's face turned black, damn stupid dragon, after coming down, he must go to Boss Mo to blacken this stupid dragon.

Seeing this, the woman immediately moved her body to avoid the ice halberd's natural fire, but found that the space was distorted, and his footsteps were pulled back abruptly.

The ferocious flames instantly enveloped his body. Although he quickly opened a layer of body-protecting Heavenly Gang outside his body, he was still injured by the aftermath of the flames.

The Sword God who was hiding in the dark frowned, looked at the sky, did not intend to delay any longer, and immediately moved behind the ice halberd to prepare for a sneak attack.

A palm wind with ten percent of the power of the mid-level sword god suddenly fell on the head of the ice halberd.

The ice halberd didn't lift his eyelids, and kept fluttering his wings and releasing ice picks to attack the sword god who was shrouded in flames in front of him.

The person who attacked was stunned, and suddenly had a bad premonition.

Sure enough, the space above the head of the Bingluan mythical beast suddenly distorted, and the palm wind unexpectedly changed its direction and attacked him.

Unprepared, although he sacrificed a defensive shield, he was still hurt by the wind of his own palm and spat out a mouthful of blood.

"Who, who is so despicable, get out of here for me." He roared and used his mental power to explore the surroundings but found no breath.

At this time, the two sword gods in the dark city also found that they had been fooled.

There must be a tenth-order monster who understands the power of space hidden to attack them.

"You immortal, you are a despicable thing yourself, and you are too embarrassed to shout?" Bingji snorted coldly.

The two looked at each other and quickly converged to launch a ferocious attack on the ice halberd.

However, most of the moves were either resolved by the ice halberd, or Long Yao, who had hidden his black hand, used the space secret method of Mo Yan to devour the past.

The two monsters clearly had the upper hand and continued to deal with each other and toy with each other.

On the flying instrument, Ming Xiu and Lou Muyan kept forming seals, and an orange fire unicorn and a golden fire dragon drilled out of their bodies and flew toward the two directions of the formation.

Then the two array plates flew out, and the two kept printing into the array plate.

"I'll control the formation, you can set up the formation." Lou Muyan said to Ming Xiu when she was ready.

Ming Xiu nodded, and a red flag flew out of his sleeve and slowly unfolded.

The golden fire dragon was divided into nine under the control of his mind and ran towards several directions of the formation.

The orange fire unicorn dashed straight to the formation where the sixth-rank restraint formation was arranged, constantly releasing the power of spirit fire to nibble away.

Lou Muyan continued to condense the Dharma seals against the two array plates, and the movements of Ming Xiu's hands did not stop.

Everyone saw that the two did not say a word, but they cooperated seamlessly and could not help but admire them.

In particular, the disciples who knew the formation method were watching the two tacitly cooperate to arrange the formation.

The time for a stick of incense is less than that, and the light of the formation is once again prosperous.

The disciples of the six sects on the flying instrument suddenly felt extremely relaxed. Not only did their essence disappear, but instead, strands of aura mixed with the power of essence penetrated into their bodies.

On the contrary, the killers in the dark market who were blessing the formation were on the contrary. They used the body as a medium to use the formation to absorb the essence of the disciples of the six sects.

But now not only is there not a trace of essence inhaled, but the essence in the body is rushing towards the formation like a deflated ball.

"Withdraw from the formation, quickly withdraw from the formation." The face of the later Sword God who was fighting Bingluan changed greatly, and he immediately shouted to the more than 30 dark market killers below who were maintaining the formation.

Those more than 30 people obeyed the order to stop injecting Yuan Power into the magical instruments in their hands, but after they stopped blessing the formation, they still did not change the status quo of being sucked back by the essence of Yuan Power.

"Want to withdraw?" Lou Muyan smiled sarcastically: "It's too late, let the disciples of our six sects come to taste the power of your essence."

The power of sucking essence is not only useful for the demons in the dark market, but also for the disciples of the six sects.

It's just that this method is too sinister, except for demons and ghosts, generally no sword masters will use them, otherwise they will be haunted by demons in the future.

This time, they can also be regarded as repaying their own body with their own way, so they will not be affected by their inner demons. Each disciple frantically absorbs and refines the essence of each other's energy.

Standing on the roof of the boat, Gu Ruozhi's eyes sank, and his heart became ruthless, and he quickly moved to Lou Muyan's back and waved his palm.

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