Above the second side hall is also a plaque "Alchemy Hall".

The two opened the second hall according to the method of opening the first side hall.

Inside, there were some pill bottles lying in disorder. Lou Muyan picked up a few bottles and opened them. Most of them were 4th or 5th grade pills, but he didn't dislike them and put them all away.

She also did not let go of the magic weapon in the first hall. After she went out and returned to the sect to return to her life, she was going to return to Lou's house.

These things are not very useful to her, but they are very useful to Lou's family.

Two jade slips were also placed in the innermost part of the hall, and the two of them activated it tacitly.

This time, it was Lou Muyan who first comprehended the contents of the jade slip, and only opened his eyes after two days of meditation.

The two opened the alchemy furnace in the side hall according to what Yu Jian said at the end, and two bottles of medicinal herbs flew out from it.

After opening, a strong Danxiang wafts out and spreads instantly.

"This is a seventh-grade medicinal pill." Lou Muyan's eyes lit up.

Although she is now able to refine sixth-grade high-level medicinal pills, she is still a long way from refining seventh-grade medicinal pills.

Ming Xiu raised an arc on his lips, "This is a seventh-grade soul essence pill. After taking it, it will not only help to enhance the soul power, but also help improve the success rate when the sword saint attacks the sword god."

"Good stuff." Lou Muyan put away the bottle in his hand and smiled, "I can use it later."

"Let's go to the next side hall." Ming Xiu nodded and said with a smile.


After opening the formation hall in the same way, there were three jade slips in the innermost. The two first realized the jade slips that flew into their hands.

Five days later, Lou Muyan and Ming Xiu opened their eyes at the same time.

"There are quite a few seventh-rank formations in this inheritance, and even two eighth-rank formations." Lou Muyan sighed, "It seems that these two Sword God seniors have high attainments in formations."

"Well, according to what the jade slip said at the end, the jade slip also has the inheritance of the combination attack formation." Ming Xiu pointed to the jade slip that was covered with a layer of transparent mask on the table.

Lou Muyan's eyes were full of interest, and he said with a smile, "Let's open it up."

"it is good."

The two opened the mask according to the method instructed by their respective jade slips at the end.

The jade slip, which was lying still quietly, instantly turned into two white lights and disappeared between the eyebrows of the two of them.

Then the two entered a place that looked like an independent space, and there were array diagrams in it.

The two people's comprehension one by one, each time they start and end at the same time, their tacit understanding and comprehension are very strong.

Ten days later, the two comprehended and inherited all the array diagrams in the space, the space collapsed and dissipated in an instant, and they also came out of the state of meditation.

"The formation skills of the two seniors are really strong!" Lou Muyan said in admiration, "Not only are there attack and defense formations for combined strikes, but there are also many formations from Rank 6 to Rank 8 to help sword masters advance."

"Yeah! With this formation, we can help many people advance to Sword Saint and Sword God." Ming Xiu's eyes flashed.

The two benefited a lot from the inheritance of the formation hall. Not only did they learn a lot of ancient formation inheritance, but they also got the formation diagram of the Lingyuan promotion formation.

Lou Muyan blinked, "As soon as I advance to the Sword Saint cultivation level, the formation will also be able to enter the seventh-rank formation master."

"Your talent is already very good. If it weren't for your cultivation, you would have been a seventh-rank Array Master and Alchemist." Ming Xiu's long and narrow phoenix eyes were dyed with a bit of pride.

Lou Muyan smiled helplessly and said, "Yeah! Every time I go somewhere, my cultivation level is always at the bottom."

"You are already very powerful to have such a cultivation base when you are less than 20 years old." Ming Xiu did not comfort Lou Muyan, but told the truth.

Lou Muyan's talent is placed in the Guangling World where spiritual energy is abundant and resources are abundant. The speed and strength of cultivation are also outstanding among the younger generation of genius disciples.

If she was born in the Guangling World, she would definitely have entered the Sword God cultivation base by now.

After Lou Muyan passed on the ancient techniques left by the sword god in the three side halls, the bottleneck of the Great Consummation stuck in the stage of forming pills also reached its peak, and she found that she was about to break through.

"Mingxiu, I have practiced a special technique, and I feel like I'm going to break through." Lou Muyan didn't hide it from her man.

"I found that there is a place in this hall where the spiritual energy is much stronger than the outside world. You go there to break through, and I will guard the gate for you." Ming Xiu took Lou Muyan's hand and walked in one direction.

Lou Muyan felt the temperature from the other party's big hand, and a warm current rippled down the lake in his heart.

The place of inheritance is full of countless opportunities, and time is very precious in comparison, but Ming Xiu is willing to give up to find opportunities alone and to guard her cultivation breakthrough. .

The two walked through more than a dozen corridors and arrived at an empty room full of spiritual energy.

"This room is the training room of the two Sword God seniors." Lou Muyan guessed that there was nothing in the room except the two futons.

Ming Xiu nodded: "It should be, the relationship between the two seniors is very good."

"I think so too."

"You can break through, I'll go outside to guard the gate for you." Ming Xiu said thoughtfully.

Lou Muyan has a special exercise, he didn't want to spy on her, he just hoped that she could succeed.

Lou Muyan's heart moved, and she took his hand with a smile like a flower and said, "The spiritual energy in the training room is ten times that of the outside. You can guard for me inside, and you can also practice along the way."

Since she decided to form a double cultivation partner with Ming Xiu, and she really liked him, then she would give her all the trust.

She is the only one who knows the cultivation techniques in the Immortal Cultivation World, and when the Nascent Soul Cultivator is condensed, she will find out. It is better to let him know now, which is also a trust.

Ming Xiu was stunned, a rare evil and charming sunny smile appeared on his handsome face, he kissed Lou Muyan's forehead and said from his heart, "Yan'er, thank you for your trust."

"We decided from opening our hearts that we are one when we are together. It is necessary to trust you." Lou Muyan replied with a soft smile.

An unspeakable emotion fluctuated in Ming Xiu's heart, how could his smoke make him not love him.

From childhood to adulthood, it was the most difficult thing to "trust" in his identity, and Lou Muyan's whole-hearted trust made him find a sense of spiritual connection.

He was extremely fortunate to have come to Tianling Continent and met Lou Muyan.

"Well, I will always trust Yan'er." Ming Xiu held Lou Muyan in his arms and made an oath: "Never leave, never give up, never betray."

"Okay, I believe you!" Lou Muyan hugged him back, "If you don't leave me, you won't give up and never betray."

Ming Xiu felt that "I believe in you" was the most beautiful love words he had ever heard, so he lowered his head and kissed her lips before letting go.

The two looked at each other and smiled tacitly, and Lou Muyan went to sit on a futon in the training room.

Then he took out a Ningying Pill specially refined to improve the chance of conceiving and took it. He closed his eyes and began to communicate with the world's spiritual energy with his body.

After a while, the spirit gathering array in the training room automatically opened, and strands of spiritual energy madly penetrated into Lou Muyan's body and was absorbed by her, and transformed into the most pure spiritual energy.

Ming Xiu glanced at his lover tenderly, and went to sit on the futon in the distance, while vigilantly guarding the surroundings to prevent accidents, while practicing.

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