Ye Qinghan's whole body exudes indifference that refuses people thousands of miles away, and when he sees the people waiting for him, there is a chill in his eyes.

"You came out." The warm man smiled but did not reach his eyes.

"What are you looking for from me?" Ye Qinghan asked indifferently.

"Do you know the plan of the Demon Race?" the man asked back.

When he mentioned Mozu Ye Qing's cold and indifferent eyes, he frowned slightly and said, "You mean they want to wipe out all the elite disciples of the six sects? I know that."

"No, what I want to ask is that there is a demon altar in the place of inheritance, do you know?" the man asked.

"I don't know." Ye Qinghan shook his head, "You mean that the real purpose of the Demon Race is not to destroy the elite disciples of the Six Sects, but to go to the altar?"

"Well, according to the secret information I found, the high-level demons in the dark market will welcome the arrival of the divided souls of the demons from the upper realm at the altar."

The man paused and said, "However, it is also one of their plans to absorb and destroy all the elite disciples of the six sects."

"What does that have to do with me?" Ye Qinghan sneered indifferently.

He is the young master of Tianyuan City, but not the city master, not to mention he is not interested in the affairs of the Demon Race.

"You are from our Sea Clan. Our Sea Clan and Demon Clan have always been mortal enemies. Naturally, we want to destroy their plans."

The man immediately changed the conversation and said with a sharp smile: "What's more, if the Tianling Continent is invaded by the demons, won't you be affected?"

"So what? The demons really want to invade the Heavenly Spirit Continent, so it will be dealt with by the high-level officials of the six sects and major forces. What right do I have to interfere?" Ye Qinghan replied indifferently.

His attitude was clear, and he added, "And I don't have any interest in the matter of the sea clan, you don't need to talk about it."

In his heart, he is actually very resistant to the identity and blood of the sea clan. After all, he has lived for so many years as the young master of the night clan of the human clan.

The expression on the man's face did not change when he heard him say this, as if he had expected it a long time ago. A dark light flashed in his eyes, and then he said with a deep meaning: "I don't care about the Tianling Continent, and I don't like the identity of the sea clan. You're not indifferent to Lou Muyan, are you?"

Ye Qinghan froze, raised his head and squinted his eyes, and asked dangerously, "What are you trying to say?"

Yes, he really doesn't care that much about the survival of the Tianling Continent, and he is more opposed to the identity of the sea clan, but Lou Muyan is the only softness and light in his heart.

Since the identity of his sea clan was revealed, although the Ye family did not attack him, their attitude changed suddenly, and his seemingly affectionate father immediately expelled him from the house.

Even the younger sister, who had loved and grown up since childhood, was silent after learning about this, obviously unable to accept his identity.

He was brought back to the Ye family by the mistress of the Ye family back then, which also meant that the real young master of the Ye family was actually dead.

In the hearts of the current Ye Family Patriarch and Ye Qingle, he is an outsider who occupies the position of their relatives.

There was a hint of sarcasm on his lips, even though Ye Qingle still remembered a little brother and sister relationship to him, but his attitude was obviously a lot more alienated and cold.

Only Lou Muyan's attitude towards him has never changed, whether he is Ye Qinghan of the Human Race or Lan Zi of the Sea Clan, he believes that her friendship with him will not change because of this.

She should have guessed some of his identity that day, so she said, "No matter what Qinghan does or does in the future, I will stand behind Qinghan and become your backup." Let's make such a promise.

The gentle man chuckled lightly, and his heart was really like this. Now in Ye Qinghan's heart, Lou Muyan is probably his only dawn and true love.

"Lou Muyan has been assassinated many times by people in the dark market. This time, she and Chi Xiu have also destroyed the matter of the demon clan destroying the six elite disciples and collecting the essence." The man asked with a smile: "Do you think the demon clan saint is coming? After that, the dark market will let her out alive?"

"Speak directly about your purpose." Ye Qinghan's eyes were all cold, and he stared sharply at the gentle man, "Lance, don't think I don't know your little thoughts, I know everything about you in Luoguihe. already."

The gentle man, Lan Si, let out a low laugh, and when he raised his head again, the warm and jade-like temperament on his face disappeared, adding a bit of tyrannical evil aura, "I have never denied my interest in Lou Muyan. "

"Why don't we work together?" Lance said with a half-smiling smile, "After all, we are not only members of the Sea Clan now, but also belong to the party who can't get it."

Ye Qinghan raised his eyebrows and asked, "How do you want to cooperate?"

"I heard that Lou Muyan and Chi Xiu have made public the news that they want to form a dual-cultivator partner, and Lou Muyan and the others should have known about the existence of the Demon Altar."

"They plan to go to the Demon Altar in two months to destroy all plans of the dark city."

Lance continued: "Let's push them together, not only fulfilling our mission as a sea clan, but also helping Lou Muyan."

"Does such a thing require cooperation?" Ye Qinghan glanced at Lan Si, "You should have made preparations long ago."

"How about we cooperate to get rid of Chi Xiu secretly? At that time, we will compete for Lou Muyan with our ability." Lance's eyes hide the determination to win.

"By the way, Chi Xiu is not called this name. His real identity is the Emperor Ming of the Ming Union Chamber of Commerce. His name should be Ming Xiu." He added another sentence with a faint smile.

Ye Qinghan quietly raised his eyes to look at Lance, and then his lips were full of mockery, "Lance, do you think everyone is the same as you?"

"You can find out his identity secretly, why can't I find it?" Ye Qinghan sarcastically said: "I am hostile to Ming Xiu, but I will not take action against him, because that will only bring Mu Yan from Push away from me."

"I am in love with Mu Yan, and I hope that one day she can accept me, but she will not stop her happiness because of selfish desires, and will not destroy it."

He sneered and said slightly contemptuously, "You, the king of the South Sea, will never understand such feelings."

"I don't know that the cold-hearted and cold-hearted Ye Qinghan still hides such great feelings." Lance also smiled sarcastically: "You can't ask for it, so you have to fulfill it? Stupid."

"I don't want to talk for a while, I have nothing else to do." Ye Qinghan didn't want to cooperate with Lan Si, this man was a wolf in fox fur.

Lan Si smiled evilly: "The matter of going to the altar..."

It was just that he was interrupted by Ye Qinghan before he finished speaking, "I will go to the altar in two months, but it has nothing to do with you or the sea clan."

His estranged attitude was obvious, and without waiting for Lance to speak, he took a step and disappeared in place.

Lan Si squinted his eyes, turned his mind, and a deep arc was drawn around his lips, and he turned and disappeared here.

Lou Muyan and Ming Xiu, who were in the inheritance hall, went to the main hall where the exercises were placed together.

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