In Lou Muyan's sea of ​​consciousness, a red shadow came slowly towards her main soul.

"If you are acquainted, you will take the initiative to surrender the initiative of this body, and I can save your life." Hong Ying was shrouded in a layer of mist and could not see his face, but his voice was very cold.

Lou Muyan's mind moved, and the main soul looked at Hong Ying indifferently, "I don't have much ability, but my tone is very big."

Hong Ying sneered, "Since you are so ignorant, there is no need for your main soul to exist."

Although this body is not suitable for her to win the house without the previous all-yin body, but the physique is unexpectedly strong, which can be regarded as a kind of compensation, and she can only take the second place.

Lou Muyan was too lazy to answer, just looked at her coldly.

Hong Ying was obviously stimulated by Lou Muyan's indifferent attitude, and immediately turned into a big mouth and swallowed Lou Muyan's main soul.

Lou Muyan squinted his eyes, and began to recite the Great Brightness Mantra silently in his mouth, pinching his fingers constantly.

Not long after, Hong Ying covered all the power of the soul with Lou Muyan's main soul and tried to devour and refine it, but was imprisoned by one after another of pure Buddha's voice and could not continue.

But she didn't want to give up just like that. If she couldn't take Lou Muyan's body, her split soul would not be able to find a suitable person to take her home.

What's more, her soul-splitting came to this world, and it was not stable at all. If she couldn't fuse with the body of this interface within three days, she would be repelled by the laws of the Heavenly Spirit Continent, and the soul-splitting spirit would disappear.

What the envoy was worried about was exactly what Lou Muyan planned. She kept reciting the light spell. One was to prevent the envoy from encroaching on her main soul and depriving her body of sovereignty, and the other was to weaken the envoy's soul power a little bit. After three days, let the other party's soul completely dissipate.

The Great Light Mantra is a spell to save evil spirits, and it is also a means of restraining evil spirits.

While Lou Muyan and the saint's soul were at a stalemate, a soft light and white shadow also entered her sea of ​​consciousness.

Bai Ying didn't say a word, and suddenly turned into a little bit of shining starlight to surround the red shadow.

Lou Muyan was stunned, but she felt that Mu Ning had absolutely no ill will towards her.

When Lance and the envoy faced each other, she used a special method blessed by the formation to transmit to Mu Ning, telling her to wait for the opportunity to take the initiative of her body.

She didn't expect Mu Ning's main soul to come after Hong Ying, is there any way to refine it?

Lou Muyan didn't think for a long time. After about a stick of incense, Mu Ning's weak voice sounded in her sea of ​​consciousness.

"Mu Yan, hurry up and devour and refine her divided soul." Then the flickering white starlight converged into a silver chain to bind the red shadow.

Lou Muyan was stunned and said, "You can swallow it yourself." This is Mu Ning's achievement, and she will not take advantage of it like this.

She can also see now that Mu Ningding has cultivated some kind of secret technique of soul power, otherwise it is impossible to trap such a powerful soul of the holy envoy.

"Our Muzhi family specializes in soul attack, but our soul power is very strong, but we can't devour anyone's soul." Mu Ning's voice sounded again, which could be regarded as an explanation.

"Thank you so much!" Lou Muyan happened to have seen the introduction of the Muzhi clan in the soul skill books of the Inheritance Hall, and Mu Ning did not deceive her.

The Muzhi family is known as the family favored by the gods. Their soul power has been exceptionally strong since birth, and they can get twice the result with half the effort by cultivating soul skills.

However, there is also a flaw, that is, it cannot absorb and refine other people's soul power and essence energy.

"If it wasn't for you today, I would have died a long time ago. It's me who should say thank you." Mu Ning replied.

Lou Muyan walked towards the red shadow, smiled and said, "We don't need to be polite anymore, you are my cousin, I should save you."

Hearing Lou Muyan's words, Mu Ning was stunned, and then let out a chuckle, "Well, hurry up and refine it."

"it is good!"

Lou Muyan was not hypocritical, and the power of the main soul immediately enveloped the red shadow.

As soon as she came into contact with the red shadow, she found that the holy messenger's soul was extremely sluggish at this time, and it was obviously hit hard by Mu Ning's soul attack.

She did not hesitate, and immediately began to frantically absorb the power of the holy messenger.

Lou Muyan planned to save Mu Ning from the very beginning, and because of this act of kindness, she got a good fortune from Mu Ning.

When the holy messenger's soul-splitting power was absorbed and refined by Lou Muyan, one third of it was absorbed, and the silver chain that Mu Ning had transformed into was also shattered inch by inch, and a white shadow exited her sea of ​​consciousness.

At this time, the saintess had been subdued by Ming Xiu and others, and another saint's soul was pulled out by Lans. Mo Yan took it and threw it into Lou Muyan's pendant.

Lance had made Lou Muyan in danger before because of a negligence, and it was not easy to care about Mo Yan, and he was actually a little more worried about Lou Muyan's safety.

This was the first time he had such an emotion, and he thought it was purely because he was interested in Lou Muyan.

When everyone saw that Mu Ning's soul suddenly left Lou Muyan's body and returned to the main body, they were all nervous.

"Mo Yan, what happened to Yan'er?" Ming Xiu's thin lips pursed into a line, and his eyes were full of worry.

If it wasn't for Lou Muyan's abnormality, and Mo Yan also told them not to act rashly, he couldn't help but want to use the secret method of out of the body.

It's just that the secret method has quite a few drawbacks. He is afraid of inadvertently damaging Lou Muyan's main soul.

Mo Yan replied indifferently: "She is fine, she is now absorbing the soul power of the refining saint."

When several people heard Mo Yan's words, they all guessed that it was Mu Ning who helped Lou Muyan.

After all, the holy messenger's soul division is not the soul power of Sword God's cultivation, and the powerful soul power hidden in it is that people who have many soul attack methods in the current meditation and Lansi cannot refine it.

Of course, this is completely influenced by her cultivation and strength. In the Guangling World, Lansi can press the Death Angel with one finger, not to mention refining her soul power.

The long eyelashes of the holy maiden who were subdued by Lance and Mingxiu moved to cover up the emotions in her eyes.

She didn't expect that this time she would not only meet the people of the Imperial Family of the Underworld, but also the projection clone of the King of the South Sea. Although she is very powerful, she is not at the same level as Lans.

What surprised her was that Ming Xiu's strength was also terrifying. Such a training speed and talent potential would cause a bloody storm to come back to the Ming Palace royal family in the future. She didn't know what that person's attitude towards Ming Xiu was. .

There was sarcasm on her lips. Is this her luck or bad luck?

If it wasn't for Lou Muyan being exploited by the holy messenger to seize the house, Lan Si and Ming Xiu were afraid that something would happen to the woman and it would still be useful to keep them, otherwise they would have been unable to wait to destroy her soul.

But what about the projection/shadow avatar of the royal family of the Underworld and the King of the South Sea?

If it is the split soul of the South Sea King or the main body directly descends, her split soul has no chance of surviving, but a projection/shadow avatar can still give her a chance.

Her mind moved, and a dark bead that was as bright as a star in the sea of ​​​​knowledge continued to circulate, with a mysterious energy of heart palpitations.

It seems that the only thing that can be used is the gift of Lord Demon Venerable.

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