Lou Muyan, the girl, hadn't spoken yet, but Tianxuan's ancestors refused to speak, and several Taishang ancestors suddenly felt itchy.

"Older Tianxuan, you can't say that." Yaozong's Supreme Elder said slowly and slowly: "Since the six sects are advancing and retreating together, shouldn't there be good spirits to share together?"

"That's right, Tianxuan, did you help Su Jinkeng enough before?" The Supreme Elder of Haoyuezong said straight to the point: "Tell me, what are you trying to extort this time?"

Hearing the words of the elders of Haoyuezong, the other elders also showed clear expressions.

They said how could this old thing not be good today, the feelings are deliberately waiting for them to retreat.

Xizhaolou is the property of the Su family, and they have always known that Su Jin is the heir of the Su family.

And since Su Jin gained a firm foothold in the Su family and gathered power for his own use, they obtained the limited spirit wine brewed by the two sixth-grade spirit sommeliers in Xi Zhaolou through Elder Tianxuan.

But every time they make a deal, this old thing will blackmail them severely.

Although they hated their teeth every time, they really couldn't resist the spirit wine, and they didn't lack that little treasure in their current status, so this situation has continued to this day.

"You know me well." Ancestor Tianxuan said meaningfully, looking at Haoyuezong's Supreme Elder, with a smile.

The Baji Sect and the Haoyue Sect have always been at odds. The ancestors of Tianxuan and the supreme elders of the Haoyue Sect naturally often clashed and looked at each other unpleasantly.

If it weren't for their inconvenient status and cultivation, they would have to fight every time they got together.

"Of course, I know your shameless virtue best." Haoyuezong's Supreme Elder hummed.

"Okay! Since you've mentioned this for the sake of it, I won't ask you for anything, it's not that I don't want to give you old people face." Ancestor Tianxuan said bluntly with a half-smile.

Now that his purpose has been exposed, he is too lazy to continue playing.

Several people twitched the corners of their mouths when they heard the words of Ancestor Tianxuan. Can they say: You don't need to give us face.

Lou Muyan's lips twitched when he heard Master Cheap's words, this old man was actually an old urchin who pretended to be a virtuous man on the surface.

"Stinky girl, do you still have the spirit wine brewed on your body?" Elder Tianxuan looked at Lou Muyan and asked.

Lou Muyan replied embarrassedly: "There are some, but..."

Hearing her hesitant words, the beast-fighting ancestor Taishang who was addicted to alcohol hurriedly asked, "But what?"

"But not much, there are only eight pots of spirit wine of the sixth rank." Lou Muyan's face showed a rather helpless look.

The smile in the eyes of Tianxuan's ancestors was even stronger. This stinky girl is worthy of his disciple, and she is really a cunning little fox.

It is absolutely impossible for her to have only eight pots of spirit wine, but she knows the truth that rare is the most valuable, and it is easier to extort a few old things.

"There are only eight pots left!" The old man Tianxuan showed a pity expression appropriately, and said casually to a few people: "This old man is no longer a villain, since you want to exchange your treasures for spirit wine, you can exchange at most two pots for each person. ."

"How can two pots be enough!" The elder Taishang of the Imperial Beast Sect ignored the old man Tianxuan, smiled and looked at Lou Muyan with incomparable love and said: "Little girl, you have more than eight pots of spirit bars on you? I will take high-grade spirit grass and How do you change it?"

He just saw Lou Muyan accepting the senior spirit grass of Jianzong's old thing with a smile, this girl should like the spirit grass.

Lou Muyan shrugged innocently and said with a smile: "I really only have eight pots of spirit wine. After all, I have been staying in the place of inheritance and have no time to make spirit wine."

"Then how about I exchange ten spirit herbs for refining seventh-grade medicinal herbs with you for four pots of spirit wine?" The higher the grade, the better the effect and the taste, so there is no hesitation to take it out.

Lou Muyan changed her mind, looked at the old man Tianxuan, pretended to be a good baby and replied, "I listen to the master."

Ming Xiu and Su Jin, who were behind her, couldn't help hooking their lips when they saw her showing such a simple, innocent and well-behaved appearance.

The old man Tianxuan laughed loudly, "Did you hear me? My good apprentice only listens to the master's words."

Seeing the dazed appearance of the old man Tianxuan, the elders of the Supreme Court simply wanted to vomit blood.

Why can't they find such a well-behaved and obedient disciple?

If their apprentices heard the inner roar of a few people, they would definitely be full of black lines and grievances. When did they disobey?

"Older Tianxuan, how about changing ten spirit grasses for four pots of spirit wine?" asked the Supreme Elder of the Imperial Beast Sect.

Elder Tianxuan has not spoken yet, and the others have quit.

"Your heart is too big, there are only eight pots of spirit wine, do you think we are dead if you exchange four pots?"

The sixth-grade high-grade spirit wine is now the highest-grade spirit wine in the Tianling Continent. Long-term drinking will have the effect of improving their cultivation. Not to mention, Lou Muyan's spirit wine has also added a thousand-year royal jelly, which can prolong life. Spirit of the year.

This kind of spirit wine is to give him eight pots, and he thinks it is too little, but this old man knows how to calculate.

The Supreme Elder of the Imperial Beast Sect smiled shyly: "Didn't I think you don't need it?"

"You don't need it, I'll exchange twelve beads of seven-level spirit grass for four pots of spirit wine." Yaozong's Supreme Elder said.

He is a seventh-rank alchemist himself, so he naturally knows the effect of the spirit wine brewed by Lou Muyan.

After just drinking a few cups, he felt that there was a very small warm current flowing in his dantian, and the Yuan force transformed by the spiritual energy after passing through this small warm current turned out to be even more pure.

Although this kind of spirit wine is only rank 6, its function is comparable to rank 7.

On the other hand, Tianling Continent does not have a rank seven spirit wine master, so the spirit wine brewed by this girl Lou Muyan is definitely number one.

Seeing that several ancestors of the Supreme Being were not fighting for a few pots of spirit wine, the other ancestors of the Sword God showed helplessness and envy.

No way, sommelier is the rarest profession and the most popular right now.

All the high-level sommeliers in the Tianling Continent came from the Su family, a well-established spirit wine family.

If you want to become a high-level sommelier, you not only need to have the talent for winemaking, but also need a wine recipe, and the wine recipe is basically not circulated, so the high-level spirit master will basically disappear.

For their level of cultivation, only the sixth-grade spirit wine can satisfy their appetites and needs, so they scolded Ancestor Tianxuan again at this time.

Especially when Lou Muyan told this old man that he had enough spirits, it made people jealous.

After all, the long-term use of the sixth-grade high-grade spirit wine has the effect of the seventh-grade medicinal pill, and it will not produce erysipelas like taking too much medicinal pill.

Although the effect of spirit wine is not as fast as that of medicinal herbs, it has no hidden dangers, and it will not lose its effect due to taking too much. Long-term drinking effect is better.

Therefore, cultivators are very respectful of spirit wine, and the status of spirit wine masters is more respected and rare than alchemy masters no matter which interface they are in.

"I have thirteen tier seven spirit grasses." The Grand Ancestor of Tianji Palace said.

"I'm out..."

Several people have not yet decided the winner, and suddenly an old voice came.

"What kind of spirit wine is worthy of your competition? This old man doesn't believe that a girl can make spirit wine that is more advanced and mellow than our Xi Zhaolou."

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