The two brothers and sisters Lou Muyan comforted their excited grandfather and uncle and went to Ling Qiu's residence together.

I wanted to find out about the eldest uncle from Ling Qiu before, so Lou Muyan did not kill Ling Qiu directly.

Although she had tried many methods and failed to wake him up, she had placed a triple restraint on Ling Qiu.

"Patriarch." There were two Sword King Xiuwei people guarding the door of the room. When they saw Ling Hongzhuo, they respectfully stepped forward to greet him.

Ling Hongzhuo waved his hand and said, "She hasn't come out before, has she?"

"No, there has been no movement in the room." One person replied.

"Open the door." Ling Hongzhuo ordered.


Several people pushed the door and entered, but the room was empty, and the quilt was lifted.

Lou Muyan walked over, touched the bed, frowned and said, "She should have been away for a while."

"Long Yao, Bingji, you two, go and look around." She said to the dragon and the bird hidden in the space.

"it is good!"

"Here, we have been guarding and haven't left, how can people disappear?" One of the two sword kings said in surprise.

"Her disappearance has nothing to do with you." Lou Muyan said to the two: "You go down first."

"Yes." The two knew Lou Muyan's identity, so they bowed respectfully and then left.

"Yan'er, what do you think?" Ling Hongzhuo asked with a gloomy expression.

Lou Muyan tapped the edge of the bed with her fingers, "There must be something wrong with that aunt Ling Qiu."

"By the way, Grandpa, did Ling Qiu's temperament change from childhood to adulthood?" She pondered and asked.

Ling Hongzhuo thought back for a while and said, "When Ling Qiu was thirteen years old, he accidentally fell into a deep pit. After being rescued, he had a gloomy temperament for a while, but after two or three months. It's back to normal again."

"En." Lou Muyan returned and lowered her head in thought.

"Lou Muyan, I feel the breath of the demons awakening from the split soul." At this moment, Jun Luochen's voice suddenly sounded in her sea of ​​consciousness.

"The demons awakened from the split soul? You mean that my aunt was actually taken over by the demons?" Lou Muyan asked with deep eyes.

The thought that she attached to Lou Muyan's body was actually the original body's idea that pulled her, who died suddenly, from the shattered space storm.

As the cultivation level increased, she also discovered that the soul of "Lou Muyan" did not disappear completely, but was harmoniously integrated with her soul, otherwise her soul power and talent would not have been so high.

Therefore, although she is a soul from the world of immortals, she can be regarded as a real Lou Muyan after being integrated into the soul of her original body.

It is precisely because of this that she has deep feelings for the people of the Lou family, and the relatives of the Lou family can also feel the intimacy of blood connection from her.

But if Ling Qiu's body was hiding the demon soul, then he was completely taken away.

"That Ling Qiu was taken away should be when your grandfather said he fell into the deep pit."

Jun Luochen paused and said: "I can feel that the power of the devil's soul is very strong, it may be that her soul is no longer repelled by the law after being in this interface for a long time, so she is more powerful than the one at the altar before. The Holy Maiden's soul power is stronger."

"But Lingqiu didn't receive any demonic indoctrination, so how could she be taken away by the demons?" Lou Muyan asked inexplicably.

"That Demon Clan's Soul Separation is likely to have lurked many years ago, and then by chance, it possessed Ling Qiu." Jun Luochen continued: "I think the new Demon Lord of the Demon Clan has already arranged the plan to invade the Tianling Continent. for many years."

"Is her sudden awakening related to the collapse of the land of inheritance?" Lou Muyan always felt that the two must be related.

"Well, if I'm not wrong, the place of inheritance was deliberately destroyed by the demons, and it may be an opportunity for them to capture the Tianling Continent." Jun Luochen thought for a while and replied.

The dignified look in Lou Muyan's eyes became stronger and stronger, "Maybe Tianling Continent can't avoid a fierce battle."

She must quickly improve her strength to reach the peak of Sword God, and important people in the Lou family and Ling family can't wait to improve their cultivation.

"Can you feel that Ling Qiu's breath?" Lou Muyan asked after a while.

"I can't feel it, she should have restrained her breath and left." Jun Luochen asked: "Didn't you put a triple restriction on her? Can you stimulate it?"

"The ban I placed is very secret. As long as I don't stimulate it, it will be difficult for the other party to find out." Lou Muyan hooked her lips and said, "Isn't it too wasteful to activate the ban now? I guess it will be used one day."

"That's right." Jun Luochen said after being silent, "Don't worry, if one day the demons invade the Tianling Continent, I will help you."

"Thank you so much!" Lou Muyan laughed softly.

In terms of their understanding of the Demon Race, no one can compare to Jun Luochen. If there is a real war, with Jun Luochen around, they will at least have the opportunity to know themselves and their enemies.

After Lou Muyan comforted her grandfather and uncle, she began to treat Su Jin and Luo Ye.

She first used moonshine grass to form a kind of drop, stimulated Luo Ye's eyes with gold needles, and finally injected the spiritual power with repairing function into his body to warm and nourish his eyes.

The next day, when Luo Ye took off the gauze and opened his eyes, a dazzling light hurt his eyes.

He blocked it but didn't close his eyes. He looked at the surrounding scenery from his pupils with a rare greedy expression.

This is the first time since he was born that he sees the world with his eyes instead of feeling it with his spirit.

"Mu Yan, thank you!" He restrained the look in his eyes, and his voice was clear and slow.

Lou Muyan burst into a smile, as warm as the sun, "You're welcome."

Luo Ye calmed down the fluctuations in his heart, withdrew his gaze from Lou Muyan's face, and asked after a while, "Is there any change in the mainland?"

He has the ability to predict, so he often falls into a kind of uneasiness recently, "I fortune-telled that there will be a catastrophe in the Tianling Continent in a year."

"Then have you predicted whether the Tianling Continent will be destroyed after the catastrophe?" Lou Muyan asked in a low voice, putting away the smile on her face.

Luo Ye shook his head and said, "The hexagram only hints that there will be a disaster, and the others cannot be spied on by my divination."

"The demons may invade the Tianling Continent, and the possibility is very high." Lou Muyan said his guess.

"En." Luo Ye sighed and said, "Mu Yan, I have to leave first."

If there is a demon invading the mainland, then he has to go back and make some preparations for the family.

"Okay, take care!"

Lou Muyan didn't want to make plans for the family, the time seemed to be pressing.

If the hidden crisis is not resolved one day, she will not be able to cultivate and ascend to the vast spiritual world with peace of mind.

Luo Ye left Luoxi City on the same day, and Lou Muyan also refined the medicine pill to cure Su Jin.

Su Jin's body seemed to have a barren land all over it. After taking the medicinal pill of Muyan downstairs, plus her golden needle and spirit fire, the barren land gradually became full of vitality.

Two days later, the barrenness in Su Jin's body was replaced by greenness and vitality, and the chronic diseases that had plagued him for many years were completely cured.

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