Lou Moyu's strength has grown by leaps and bounds since he no longer hides his talent, and the high-grade elixir and spirit wine provided by Lou Muyan has successfully reached the peak of Sword Sovereign.

After a day's rest, Lou Muyan and Ming Xiu arranged the Yuanling Formation to help Lou Moyu advance.

After being promoted to Juggernaut, Lou Moyu decided to go out to practice instead of continuing to practice in seclusion.

Lou Muyan didn't persuade him either, after all, it was not so easy to improve diligently after only retreated and practiced to the Juggernaut.

"Father, there are several array balls and a few seventh-grade talismans that integrate the combination of attack and defense of Rank 7. If you encounter any crisis, you can use it to activate it."

Lou Muyan handed a space ring to Lou Moyu, "The elixir, spirit wine and spirit stone in it should be able to support you until you are promoted to Sword God."

Lou Moyu's eyes were full of relief and warmth, but he didn't expect that he would need his daughter to worry so much.

"Okay!" He took the space ring without saying anything.

"Father, are you going to the Black Mist Canyon?" Lou Muting asked.

Lou Moyu nodded and said with a smile, "Your uncle found a small secret realm in the Black Mist Canyon. Let's make an appointment to explore it."

"That's okay. Although the Black Mist Canyon is dangerous, it is still a good place to improve his strength." Lou Muting got the opportunity to advance to the Sword Saint in the Black Mist Canyon.

Their eldest uncle did not fall after being thrown into the Black Mist Canyon by the fake aunt, but was trapped in an ancient monk's cave. Although he had the opportunity to be promoted to the peak of Sword Sovereign, he could not come out.

Last time, Lou Muting and the mercenary group accidentally opened the mechanism to break in and rescued the person.

With the help of Lou Muyan and Ming Xiu, the uncle was also successfully promoted to Juggernaut.

Lou Moyu walking together is more reassuring.

"You have to be careful when you go to Yinsha Cliff." Lou Moyu's cultivation base could not get down to Yinsha Cliff, so he decided to go to the Black Mist Canyon for training, but he was still very worried about the safety of his three siblings.

Lou Muyan smiled and said, "Don't worry, Dad, we will come out of the Yinsha Cliff safely, and maybe we can all reach the cultivation level of ascending to the Guangling World."

"Okay, if your brothers and sisters can ascend to the Guangling World, go to your mother first." Lou Moyu is still very confident in the talent of his three sons and daughters.

It is a certain fact that the three brothers and sisters ascended to the Guangling World before him and the old man.

"If we fly to the Guangling Realm first, we will find our mother first, and then wait for our father and grandfather to reunite." Lou Muyan felt that he was not far from breaking through the highest realm of Tianling Continent.

"it is good!"

After a few chatter, Lou Moyu left Lou's house and went to Ling's house to visit his father-in-law and meet his brother-in-law.

The old man has been in retreat all the time, and he is at the key point. Lou Muyan and the others did not disturb him, and left a wealth of cultivation resources and went to Luoguihe together.

The four arrived at Luogui River two days later.

After the birth of Yaoying Stone, the Luogui River has recovered its crystal-clear water. From time to time, mercenaries or swordsmen go in and out to find spirit grass or hunt monsters.

And within the range of Yinsha Cliff, few people dare to enter.

After Lou Muting was promoted to Sword God, his mental strength was also much stronger. As soon as he stepped into the deep forest of Yinsha Cliff, he found a lot of hidden aura.

"There are a lot of flies lurking here!"

Lou Muyan swept it casually, "Six Sword Gods, twenty Sword Saints, and over a hundred Sword Masters, the dark market really has some plans for Yin Sha Cliff."

"Master, why don't you ask Stinky Bird and Stupid Dragon to clean up the flies." Miaomiao said lazily in Lou Muting's arms.

"No, let's go directly to Yinsha Cliff to lure them out." Lou Muyan hooked her lips and smiled: "Blood and blood have reached the peak of the ninth order, if all the people in the dark market here are absorbed, they will be able to advance to the tenth order. ."

Blood and blood wrapped around Lou Muyan's wrist, very excited, "Master, master, I want them."

Among the few spiritual pets now, only he and the Red Emperor have not yet advanced to the tenth order. Now the Red Emperor has stepped into the ninth order and is laying eggs. In the future, a large number of eighth order red bees will be produced, which will be of great help to the master, so he It is also extremely urgent for promotion to improve strength.

Lou Muyan flicked his head lightly and said with a smile, "I'll make you full in a while."

"Master is the best!" Bloody rubbed Lou Muyan's wrist intimately.

Miaomiao has the best relationship with blood and blood. She pulled Lou Muting's hair and said, "Idiot, don't let the nourishment of blood and blood run away for a while."

Lou Muting pinched her cheek dotingly and smiled, "Don't worry."

Ice Halberd and Long Yao hide in the space and follow.

"Stupid dragon, my family Miaomiao is going to be kidnapped by the master's second brother, why are you so indifferent." Bingji moved to Long Yao and said meaningfully.

Long Yao gave him a white look, and said angrily, "Miaomiao was kidnapped and ran away, what's my business?"

"My family's Miaomiao is from the blood of the golden dragon. Why do you want to find a female dragon companion in the future?" Bingji joked.

Although Long Yao is a bit stupid, his bloodline is too pure, and the ancient Void Dragon family is more noble than the Golden Dragon bloodline.

Barely worthy of his family Miaomiao.

Long Yao looked at the delicate and cute girl who was being held by Lou Muting in his arms, and then glanced at Mo Yan, who was lying on the furry shoulders of Miao Lou Muyan.

He sighed and said regretfully, "I'm not interested in female dragons. I still prefer Mo Yan. Why isn't he only a mother? Then I can get him to be my daughter-in-law."

As soon as his voice fell, Mo Yan on Lou Muyan's shoulder looked up instantly, with a clear coolness in his eyes, his lips opened slightly, and said coldly: "Stupid dragon, shut up if you don't want to die."

"Haha, stupid dragon, you actually dare to covet Boss Mo, you are so courageous." Bingji couldn't help laughing happily.

His Boss Mo is so noble and glamorous, not everyone can match it. If the stupid dragon really wins Boss Mo, he will definitely be beaten ten times a day.

He suddenly looked forward to seeing such a scene!

It's a pity that Boss Mo is only male, so he can only think about it that way.

Mo Yan gave Bingji a warning look, "Shut up for me too."

"..." Bing Ji shrank his neck and glared at Long Yao fiercely.

Long Yao's cold face was cracked, but his eyes were staring at Mo Yan, who had turned his head proudly.

I really want to grab Mo Yan and hold it in my arms, what should I do? If only Mo Yan was a mother...

Ming Xiu glanced in the direction of Long Yao, saw his silly appearance, shook his head and whispered, "Idiot!"

Several people did not restrain their breath, but swaggered all the way through the deep mountains and forests to the Yin Sha Cliff.

At this time, the dark market experts lurking near the Yinsha Cliff found the traces of the group, and found that the four sword gods were all cheered up.

As for fear, there is no such thing. There are six Sword God powerhouses on their side, and they are all gearing up to gather at the top of the Yinsha Cliff to join in the fun. After all, staying here for more than a year is too boring.

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