The coercion released by the Demon Race made the entire Flame Universe in a panic. Such powerlessness was like meat waiting to be slaughtered on the chopping block.

Since the three saints emphasized the command of the three saints to capture the flame universe, the demon army dispatched consisted of thirty sword gods, three thousand sword saints and sword masters.

Such a combination can be comparable to one-third of the strength of the high-level powerhouses in Tianling Continent.

Although the overall strength of Yan Zhou Kingdom has improved a lot in the past two years, it is still a lot different from the superpowers in other regions.

A superpower would definitely not be able to last an hour in the hands of such a combined demon army, let alone Yan Zhou, who didn't even have a Sword God cultivation base.

Yan Zhou's highest cultivation base is Lou Zhantian, who has just broken through to Juggernaut, but such strength is really not enough in front of the enemy.

"Are you abandoning the city and surrendering, or will we personally extract your souls?" The leader of this demon army said in a high-spirited manner.

His voice spread throughout the entire Yanzhou Emperor Capital, making the people of Yanzhou tremble.

"If I wait for the abandonment of the city to surrender, can you let go of the people in the city?" In Yun Tianchen's heart, in addition to being powerless, there is despair.

If the surrender of the city would allow most of the people in the Yan Zhou Emperor to survive, he would rather bear this infamy.

"Haha, just because you are also worthy of our conditions?"

The leader of the demon clan said disdainfully, "If it wasn't for the Three Saintess's instructions to turn the Yan Zhou Kingdom into a purgatory, and all those related to Lou Muyan would have to be suffocated, we wouldn't bother to bother and directly You are slaughtered in the city."

Hearing his words, the people present were shocked and turned their attention to Lou Zhantian from time to time.

Many of these glances contain sophistication and resentment.

It turned out that Lou Muyan had offended the demon army attracted by the three saintess of the demon clan. Many people had an indescribable resentment against her in their hearts.

Lou Muyan was afraid that he had already received the news and fled. It was them who had an accident now, so why let them bear the burden!

Lou Zhantian naturally noticed so many resentful eyes, he closed his eyes, looked at the demon commander in front of him and said, "I am Lou Muyan's grandfather, Lou Muyan is a member of our Lou family, what can I do? Just come to the people of our Lou family, it has nothing to do with other people."

Listening to the old man's words, many people feel better, but some people in the Lou family quit.

"Father, why should we suffer with Lou Muyan's trouble? We are just a branch of the Lou family." An old man retorted on behalf of many people in the Lou family.

"Hmph, then don't take advantage of the resources that Yan'er brought to the Lou family!"

Lou Muyan's second uncle sneered and said, "When you are enjoying resources, you are more active than anyone else. Now when you are living or dying with the Lou family, you all want to get rid of your responsibilities. There is no such thing as the best of both worlds in this world."

"Even if we enjoy resources compared to our own family, we are pitiful, don't say it so high-sounding, since that's the case, then we are leaving the Lou family now." The man said indignantly.

Lou Zhantian glanced at the man coldly. He used to think that the name of the building would not be distinguished from other families. Since the two brothers and sisters Lou Muyan joined the sect and brought rich resources, the main family has also focused on cultivating branches.

I didn't expect that it would be nice to say it normally, but it was really only when life and death were crippling that I could see people's hearts.

Some people are like what Yan'er said, feeding unfamiliar white-eyed wolves all their lives.

"Okay, the person who wants to cut ties with this family will stand up today, and the matter of Yan'er will never involve you at all." Lou Zhantian said sternly and righteously.

The people on the Demon Race side looked at each other in dismay, but the Demon Race leader watched the Lou family infighting with great interest. Anyway, they were all dying people, so it didn't matter to see the drama of their infighting.

After Lou Zhantian finished speaking, sure enough, some people came out and broke ties with the family.

Lou Zhantian took a closer look and found that nearly half of the people in his life had such thoughts, and even some of the family's direct lineages who focused on cultivating them silently stood on which side.

Of course, not all family members are cowards.

More than half of the people still stood on Lou Zhantian's side and wanted to live and die with the Lou family.

Seeing that the Lou family's sub-family demon clan did not stop it, and the minds of other aristocratic families were also active, many people immediately jumped out and condemned the Lou family, saying that Lou Muyan did not harm people.

Yun Tianchen and Old Ancestor Yun looked at each other and both saw the other's struggle.

In the end, both of them showed firmness, and Old Ancestor Yun nodded to Yun Tianchen.

"Do you think that if you disassociate from the Lou family, the demons will let the Yanzhou go?" Yun Tianchen glanced sharply at the restless people, "The demons have captured the entire Tianling Continent, and they will not attack Yanzhou. It's not just anger towards Lou Muyan."

"Have you forgotten that so many countries have been captured by the demons, which city is not a purgatory-like existence? The final result of many surrendered countries still can't change the food for their ghost beasts."

He said righteously: "Since death cannot be avoided, why is it more dignified not to die?"

He could see that the Demon Commander had been playing with them as ants, and he had no intention of letting anyone go.

The other occupied territories are actually a lesson from the past, why should they fight with hopeless hopes and only increase the enemy's laughter.

Hearing Yun Tianchen's words, many people were stunned, and suddenly felt a chill when they remembered the tragic scenes of other occupied kingdoms.

yes! Even if there is no Lou Muyan, the demons will surely capture the Yanzhou Kingdom, and it is impossible to let them go.

But to say that he didn't complain about Lou Muyan at all was definitely fake.

"Don't complain about Lou Muyan. Without her, the Royal Family of Yanzhou Kingdom and the major families would not have developed to this point." Yun Tianchen's words were truly heartfelt.

A senior executive of an aristocratic family snorted coldly: "What if it develops to this point? It's not about being implicated by her. If we know that it is the current result, we would rather be as it was."

"You..." Yun Tianchen was furious, and just as he was about to say something, he was stopped by Lou Zhantian.

"Okay, what's the use of arguing like this?" Lou Zhantian looked at the executives of the various families behind him and said, "If you want to break away from our Lou family, stand up quickly, if the demons are really angry because of Yan'er, it will be with you. It's irrelevant."

Hearing his words, there are still many aristocratic families who stand up and draw a clear line with the Lou family.

But there are opposites, and naturally there are those who maintain Lou Muyan and Lou's family. After all, cultivators know how to repay more gratitude than ungrateful white-eyed wolves.

Lou Zhantian remembered them one by one in his heart.

"Are you finished fighting?" The leader of the Demon Race jokingly said after watching the play, "We didn't say that even if we draw a clear line with Lou Muyan, we will spare your life. You monks in Tianling Continent are all We feed the food of the ghost beasts."

"As food, do you feel that you are qualified to question or choose?"

After the words of the leader of the demon race fell, everyone's faces turned pale, especially the people who had fallen out with the Lou family before, who finally had a glimmer of hope and was deeply cut off.

The Demon Commander enjoyed their desperate appearance very much, and waved to the people behind him: "Kill all of them and leave no one behind."

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