Lou Muyan and Ming Xiu arrived at the western front, and when the red bees swarmed, the Demon Legion immediately dispersed, and they escaped without a trace after a while.

The swordsmen on the Western Front danced with excitement when they saw this, and the military spirit was immediately invigorated.

After the two entered the base camp established by the front, Su Jin and several sword gods greeted them.

"Junior sister, you are so famous now!" Su Jin looked at Lou Muyan with a half-smiling smile, a look of pride on her elegant and unparalleled face.

Lou Muyan smiled angrily at Su Jin, "Senior brother laughed at me too."

"Whoever dares to laugh at you now is afraid that you are scared to death." Su Jin joked.

Lou Muyan said amusingly, "I'm not a man-eating monster, why are you afraid of me?"

"You can kill a demon army with one person now, and your prestige has spread throughout the entire Tianling Continent." Su Jin said: "Look, when you came to the high-level demon swordsman, you were scared and ran away. It's not even a trace, it's not fierce!"

Now, not to mention the demons, even the high-level swordsmen on the human side have a deep understanding of Lou Muyan's vicious name, and mentioning her is nothing but praise and fear.

"They should have other purposes." Lou Muyan guessed that the demons should have received some order not to confront him, otherwise they would not be so cowardly.

Su Jin narrowed his eyes and said, "The recent actions of the Demon Race are indeed a bit weird."

"Well, but no matter what their idea is, we won't let them succeed." Lou Muyan sneered, "Since they dare to make the Tianling Continent into a slave land, we will let them go back and forth. ."

"Junior sister is right, even if they are the demons of the upper interface, so what if they bully us, let them all be buried here." Su Jin's eyes flashed coldness.

"Senior brother, Ming Xiu and I will go to set up the formation first." Lou Muyan looked at the barrier that had been bombarded by the demons and said.

With the war on the mainland, Ming Xiu mobilized the Ming Alliance Chamber of Commerce to deliver supplies and dispatched high-level powerhouses to participate in the war, and his identity was exposed. Su Jin and others knew his real name, and Lou Muyan no longer concealed it.

Su Jin nodded and asked, "Need help?"

"I don't need it for the time being, I and Ming Xiu have already refined the array for setting up the formation." Lou Muyan replied.

"Then I will trouble the two fellow Daoists. The defense line of our western front depends on them." An old man standing next to Su Jin said enthusiastically.

Lou Muyan smiled slightly: "You're welcome, fellow Daoist."

The two of them didn't say any more, they took out the array equipment and array flags and started to form a large array.

As the two continued to seal into the formation, a layer of light blue aperture covered the entire western front, a wave of water elements waved, and the air was a bit more humid.

This time, the two established a seven-rank offensive and defensive formation based on the water element. The defense is very strong. Unless a super-sword god cultivation base arrives, it is possible to destroy it.

After arranging the formation, Lou Muyan handed ten blue formation flags to the old man and said, "This is a formation mainly based on the water element. You should find ten swordsmen who are proficient in the water element attribute. By refining the flags, you can freely control the formation."

The old man took the array flag and said gratefully, "This time, I am really grateful to Fellow Daoist Lou and Fellow Daoist Ming for their help."

"You're welcome!"

The old man and several other sword gods knew that they were going to talk to Su Jin, so they consciously gave up space, "The two fellow Daoists should go into the room with fellow Daoist Su to rest first."

Lou Muyan thought about it and asked Su Jin, "Do you have any plans, senior brother? Do you want to stay on the western front or go with us to the northern front?"

"I'll be with you. Master let me help you." Su Jinqian said with a smile.

Lou Muyan nodded and said a few more polite words to the people on the western front, then left the western front with Ming Xiu and Su Jin and rushed towards the northern front.

Entering Long Yao's body space, Su Jin handed several space rings to Lou Muyan, "This is the array material, spirit grass, and spirit stones gathered by the temporary alliance."

Lou Muyan took it and swept it around, smiled in surprise, and said, "I didn't expect that they would give so many spirit grasses and spirit stones so generously in addition to double the materials."

Immediately, she blinked at Su Jin and asked with a smile, "Isn't the master responsible for it?"

"That old man is helping you continue to trick people." Su Jin said amusingly: "It is estimated that the next batch of spirit grass and spirit stones will be gathered soon."

The formation materials for the layout of the four fronts are the fastest to gather, not only the temporary alliances, but also the empires and families in the four major regions have generously donated their money, hoping to establish the formation as soon as possible.

After all, after Lou Muyan and the two set up a seven-rank offensive and defensive formation, at least they don't have to worry that the empires and families on the front line will be forced to leave their homeland and be displaced like those families when the demons attacked at the beginning, let alone It is said that the resources are all cheaper for the demons.

"Well, with this batch of spirit herbs, I will be able to refine a large number of seventh-grade medicinal herbs." Lou Muyan said with a wide-eyed smile, "You guys talk first, I'll go to alchemy."

Watching her leave in a hurry to go to another independent small space for alchemy, both Su Jin and Ming Xiu laughed and shook their heads.

"Junior sister is really an alchemy madman!" Su Jin's eyes filled with a smile.

Ming Xiu restrained his pampered look and said with a smile, "Yan'er can't help it when she sees the high-grade spirit grass."

During this time, Lou Muyan took all the time to prepare resources. He saw it, and she had already told him how she felt.

He believes that such a sixth sense is not inexplicable. After all, after reaching a certain level of cultivation, some people will have a very subtle and accurate premonition.

Therefore, during this period of time, not only Lou Muyan was preparing cultivation resources for those he cared about, but he was also arranging matters for the Tianling Continent Nether Alliance Chamber of Commerce.

His second incarnation in the Guangling World has recently cut off contact with his body from time to time, and he doesn't know what happened. He must quickly break through the shackles of this interface and go back.

Originally, the pure Yuan force he suppressed in the second dantian two years ago was enough to support him to advance to break through the sword god and ascend to the vast spiritual world, but he met the most important woman in his life.

So he didn't break the seal of the second dantian, and after staying for two years, he was naturally promoted to the sword god, just waiting for the beloved woman to return to the Guangling world together.

His eyes are distant and deep, and it seems that the time is almost here.

Even if Ming Xiu and Su Jin hit it off before, Ming Xiu made a pot of spiritual tea and the two chatted.

After more than an hour, there was a wave of fluctuations in the other independent small space.

Immediately, the thunder of "Rumbling" sounded, and the pill calamity of the seventh-grade medicinal herbs came.

This time, because he was concocting alchemy in Long Yao's independent space to endure the pill calamity, apart from Lou Muyan's few vying for the pet that was struck by thunder, he was the most fiercely struck by the thunder.

Although he didn't get used to it when he was hacked, and there were still a few points that were scorched, but when the pill robbery dissipated, the body's meridians seemed to be washed again, and after the injury was quickly healed, he only felt refreshed and repaired. To improve a little bit.

Seeing that Lou Muyan started the second wave of refining, his eyes were amazingly bright, and he secretly thought about making Dan Lei come more violently.

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