Lou Muyan and Ming Xiu set up a large golden formation on the northern defense line. Once the attack power is very powerful, the defense also needs a sword master with super sword god cultivation to break through.

She handed the ten array flags to the middle-aged man with the highest cultivation level on the northern defense line and said, "After you let ten people who are proficient in Jin Yuanli attributes refining, you will be able to completely control this great array."

"Many thanks to Daoist Lou and Daoist Ming for your help. If you hadn't arrived in time, the demons would have broken through the barrier of our defense line at this time." The middle-aged man said gratefully.

Lou Muyan said with a smile, "You are welcome, fellow Daoists, the mainland has been occupied by the demons, and it is your responsibility to resist foreign enemies."

"Fellow Daoist Lou, there have been many rumors that are not good for you recently. You should pay more attention to it." The middle-aged man thought about it and couldn't help but reminded: "Maybe it is a conspiracy of revenge by demon spies against you."

"Thank you for reminding me, I will handle this matter. If it is a conspiracy of the Demon Race, it may affect the safety of the entire continent." Lou Muyan said with a sigh.

The middle-aged man waited for the Sword God to agree and nodded, "This point must be checked clearly, but the demons cannot succeed."

"My junior sister has a pure and kind heart and is young. She has never experienced many conspiracies and tricks. I hope you can help me a lot." Su Jin said with a helpless smile.

Several people couldn't help but twitched the corners of their mouths when they heard his words. They didn't dare to judge Lou Muyan's temperament, but they were absolutely sure that she would not have a pure heart, otherwise, how could it be possible to destroy a demon army without blinking an eye.

Su Jin is really talking nonsense with his eyes open, but no one will stand up against it now.

The middle-aged man turned his mind and asked with a smile: "If you need help, Daoist Su, just ask directly, as long as we can do it, we will do it well."

Lou Muyan helped them guard the line of defense.

"Actually it's nothing, I just hope that you can send a message to the temporary alliance for feedback on the rumors and speculations you have heard."

Su Jin sighed, and said angrily, "To save the time when rumors spread throughout the mainland, my junior sister was originally kind to protect the mainland, so don't turn into a murderous villain instead."

"No, I can't guarantee other people, but the human swordsmen guarding the four defense lines are absolutely convinced and grateful to Fellow Lou, and there is no cruelty. If they have goodwill towards the demons, there is absolutely only a dead end. ." The middle-aged man said excitedly, patting his chest.

Others also catered to them. Only the sword masters who really guarded the four lines of defense knew how aggressive the demon attack was. Their lives were hanging in the air at any time. If Lou Muyan and Ming Xiu hadn't come, they would have become The food of the ghost beast.

What Lou Muyan and Ming Xiu did to the four lines of defense have already saved most of the mainland's territory. If such credit is turned into slander by rumors with ulterior motives, then they will definitely be the first to stand up against it.

Su Jin smiled slightly and nodded with a bit of pain: "Yes! If it wasn't for the sake of the whole continent, how could my innocent and kind junior sister have blood on her hands. She used to be reluctant to step on an ant to death."

"That damn demon and evil-minded human swordsman are so vicious."

"..." The others smiled embarrassingly, are innocent and kind really talking about Lou Muyan?

Even an ant is reluctant to step on it, but a tenth-order ghost beast can be killed with a single shot...

Su Jin's abhorrent eyes, if someone who doesn't like it, will think that those people have done heinous things, turning his innocent and kind little junior sister into a killing god.

For the first time, they found that the handsome and extraordinary Su Jin was so shameless, and they couldn't find a reason to refute it.

Lou Muyan twitched the corners of her mouth, her black belly and shamelessness towards her senior brother was refreshed again, and her face was thicker than hers.

It's not a shame that he was the eldest disciple taught by his cheap master...

"Fellow Daoist Su, don't worry, we will report this matter to the Temporary Alliance's subpoena to the ancestors." The middle-aged man assured.

Su Jin clasped his fists at several people and smiled: "Then thank you fellow Daoists."

Lou Muyan was also moved, and immediately took out a few bottles of Grade 6 high-grade medicinal pills and stuffed each of the Sword Gods present, "It's really hard for you to guard your home."

They are grateful to everyone present at Lou Muyan, and they think it is appropriate to help her. However, they have no resistance to refuse the sixth-grade high-grade medicinal pills, and they are embarrassed to take it for nothing, so they took out a lot of spirit herbs to give away. give her in exchange.

Lou Muyan couldn't dodge and could only accept it, and finally gave each of them a jar of royal jelly for a hundred years before leaving with the three of Mingxiu.

After a few people left, the sword gods who took the benefit immediately sent a summons to the temporary alliance headquarters, angrily attacked the rumors that slandered Lou Muyan, and unanimously demanded that the temporary alliance should give Lou Muyan an explanation. Do not cold the hero's heart.

After hearing the news, the Sword God powerhouses on the other three lines of defense also stimulated subpoenas to testify to the temporary alliance that Lou Muyan was not like the rumored ferocity and bloodthirsty.

Two-thirds of the Sword Gods and Sword Saints on the mainland were in an uproar under the stimulation of Ming Xiu and Su Jin's operations behind the scenes. They all demanded that those who deliberately spread rumors be punished, and they believed that they belonged to the Demon Race. conspiracy.

Countless words of praise for Lou Muyan were circulated in the mainland, and she also changed from a brutal and bloodthirsty to an innocent victim. It is rare for the sword gods on the mainland to be so united and demanded to strictly investigate those who slander Lou Muyan in the service of the demons.

Lou Muyan and Ming Xiu gradually became known as the heroes of the Heavenly Spirit Continent because they reversed the battle situation on the four fronts at a critical moment and saved the lives of countless empires and family swordsmen.

The top management of the temporary alliance received thousands of direct messages in half a day, one head became two big, and he hated the person who spread the rumor even more.

They did not invite Lou Muyan to support the front line to build a negative image. The person who slandered Lou Muyan's reputation behind him was doing the opposite of them.

So one by one orders were conveyed from the top of the alliance, and it took only one day to find out the mastermind behind the rumors.

The super-aristocratic Bai family in Tianling Continent and the City Lord's Mansion in Extreme Cold City are the mastermind behind the rumors, and this news has not yet been digested.

Another news broke out again. It turned out that the Bai family and the Gu family had long been chess pieces buried in the Tianling Continent in the dark market of the Demon Race, used to break into the Human Race to inquire about news and create conflicts.

The main force of the Bai family's direct line has long since been transferred to the extremely cold city, lurking in cooperation with the demons' plan to invade the mainland.

Ancestor Tianxuan and Lou Muyan were furious when they got this news, and the swordsmen in the entire Tianling Continent were also shocked, and they all condemned and demanded that the two big moths be exterminated.

So Lou Muyan and Ming Xiu led more than 100 high-level powerhouses from the six sects to the extremely cold city immediately.

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