After Lou Muyan rested in the carriage for five days, the green fog in his body repaired most of the injuries of Dantian, and his cultivation level returned to the peak of Jianzong.

Cultivating the Witch God Art can hide her cultivation base or change her cultivation base at will, so the Wu family members who traveled together did not find that her cultivation base had recovered.

In the past ten days, Lou Muyan's time has been used to restore her cultivation. Wuya occasionally came to find fault and was ignored by her. A few young men came to talk to her and she was coldly dismissed.

On this day, Zhaolie found an open place to rest for the night, the day was slightly bright and the carriage was ready to continue its journey.

"After passing the canyon in front, you can reach Qingzhou City." The three elders said with a smile, staring not far away.

The first elder frowned and said: "The terrain in that canyon is dangerous, and it is a place where robbery often happens. We must be more careful when we go there."

"Yes, we have all walked for so long, so we can't have an accident on the last section of the road." The second elder nodded in agreement.

"Okay, tell them to be vigilant when they are near the canyon. As long as we have passed the canyon, our mission of guarding this time is more than half completed." The elder always felt that the road was too peaceful, and there was an unspeakable sense of danger. .


Wu Ya turned her eyes when she heard the words of the first elder, and glared at Wu Nuan and Lou Muyan, and then proudly sat in the second elder's carriage.

Wu Nuan knew what she was thinking. If she really encountered danger in the canyon, the first carriage would be the most unsafe.

Before Wu Zhuo got on the carriage, he was also called to the third carriage with darts. His cultivation was the highest among the younger Wu family members, so he needed to guard the dart carriage with others at key locations.

Wu Nuan and Lou Muyan got into the first carriage.

After walking for a short distance, Lou Muyan opened her eyes and looked at Wu Nuan and asked with a smile, "A Nuan, can you tell me about your place?"

Wu Nuan wondered why Lou Muyan asked such a question, and then guessed that she might be from another place.

"We are the most remote and barren land in the northern part of the Human Territory. The Qingzhou City in front is a large trading city in the North China."

"Our Wu family is based in another small city, which is almost a second-rate family in that city."

Lou Muyan thought for a while and asked, "Are there many countries in the northern part of Human Territory?"

"Yeah! There are countless large and small countries and families in the human domain."

Wu Nuan looked at Lou Muyan and asked curiously, "Muyan, are you not familiar with Renyu?"

"Yeah! I was teleported to the Guangling World from another interface, and then I was seriously injured when I encountered spatial turbulence during the teleportation." Lou Muyan thought about it and told Wu Nuan.

She believes that she is quite accurate in seeing people. After so many days of getting along, she knows that Wu Nuan is a person who can be trusted.

The most important thing is that she observed these few days and found that Wu Nuan has basically become cold-hearted towards the Wu family, and her talent for alchemy is extremely strong. The Wu family is a buried pearl, so she wants to take Wu Nuan away.

Ming Xiu and her mother have extraordinary identities. If she wants to be accepted by those close to them, she must become very strong, so she plans to slowly form a force in the Guangling World.

The first person she saw was Wu Nuan, who was kind and clear but not ignorant.

Wu Nuan stretched out his hand to cover his mouth in shock, and after a while, he came back to his senses, "Are you an ascended swordsman? Then don't you have the cultivation of Dan Yuanjing?"

"I heard that the ascension monks have fixed human race transmission and reception platforms. How could you appear in this barren land?"

"I'm considered an ascension cultivator, but there was an accident during the teleportation process that caused the space node to go wrong, so I didn't teleport to the Terran reception desk."

Lou Muyan shrugged and said, "I also fell from my realm because of my serious injury, so it's not my cultivation in the Dan Yuan realm."

"Senior Lou, I..." Wu Nuan was stunned when she heard this, and for the first time showed a panicked look.

Lou Muyan stopped her immediately, "Wu Nuan, I regard you as a friend, so you don't have to be jealous of the gap between our cultivation bases, you should treat me like before."

"Okay." After so many years of human affection, Wu Nuan could naturally see that Lou Muyan was serious.

It was rare for her to meet a close friend, and she didn't want to lose her because of restraint, so she felt relaxed.

Lou Muyan liked Wu Nuan's unpretentious behavior, and continued: "Wu Nuan, tell me about the Guangling World."

"Okay." Wu Nuan nodded and said: "Guangling world is divided into four domains, human domain, demon domain, demon domain and sea area. It is said that the strongest among them is sea area. Not familiar."

"The Human Territory is divided into four major states: East, South, West, and North. Each state is divided into countless large and small countries and families. Various forces are staggered. Among them, our North State is the worst in overall strength."

"Although the Wu family where I was born can be regarded as a small force in the local area, it is not even a family that is not in the mainstream in the entire Beizhou."

Wu Nuan thought about it for a while and said apologetically, "I am not valued in the family. Many things in mainland China are known through reading books, so I may not be able to answer you many things you want to know."

"It's okay, I just want to know about it." Lou Muyan lowered her head and pondered, then raised her eyes and asked, "A Nuan, do you know the Nether Palace?"

"The Nether Palace? Of course I know that." Wu Nuan nodded heavily and whispered: "The Nether Palace is the top power in the Human Domain, and it is also the only mythical country in the Human Domain. Palace rule."

"Are all the people in the Ming Palace surnamed Ming?" Lou Muyan continued to ask.

Wu Nuan shook his head and said, "No, only the members of the Imperial Family of the Underworld can be given the Ming surname. Except for the members of the Imperial Family of the Underworld, other people in the entire continent are not allowed to use Ming as their surname, even if it is other people in the Underworld. the same."

"Once it is discovered that someone uses the Ming surname in the human domain, but they want to seize the family and exterminate the family, no one dares to provoke the authority of the Ming Palace."

Because the existence of the Nether Palace is like the royal family in the mortal world, and the imperial power is supreme, so Wu Nuan mentioned the Nether Palace with fear and respect.

Lou Muyan's expression did not change, but her heart was shaken. She always thought that Ming Xiu's identity must be extraordinary, but she did not expect to be such a bully.

She sighed in her heart. With her current cultivation base, it would be impossible for her to get the recognition of the Underworld Palace, and it might even affect the Underworld cultivation.

In order to be better together in the future and to stand side by side with Ming Xiu, she must have a trump card that makes the Underworld Palace jealous.

Strength is still the most urgent need at present.

"This is a mainland chronicle of the human domain. You can look at it. Many things I know are seen from the inside." Wu Nuan took out a well-preserved scroll and handed it to Lou Muyan.

"Thank you very much!" Lou Muyan took it over politely and looked over it.

"you are welcome!"

After half an hour, Lou Muyan suddenly raised her head and asked Wu Nuan: "A Nuan, there is an ambush ahead, your dart team is not its opponent at all, do you want to control it or not?"

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