After Lou Muyan temporarily joined the Hurricane Mercenary Corps, he should know something about the entire team.

Bu Zhan pointed to the burly man next to him and said, "He is Xiong Sheng, the deputy head of our mercenary regiment."

Then he pointed to the eight people behind and said, "They are Feng Yi, Feng Er... Feng Ba, we are all called by code names. They call me the eldest and Xiongsheng Laoxiong."

Lou Muyan smiled and greeted several people separately and said, "You can call me Muyan in the future, and I will also call you according to the code name of the mercenary group."

"Okay!" Bu Zhan and the others nodded with a smile.

Originally, looking at Lou Muyan didn't feel very close, but everyone didn't expect her to be so easy-going, and their impression of her was a little better.

There are two women in the ten members of the Hurricane Mercenary Corps. Feng Wu is dressed in a neutral dress, and his appearance gives people a wild feeling. Feng Qi has a baby face, which is more cute.

The two could neither like nor dislike Lou Muyan, after all they had never gotten along.

They were most afraid that Lou Muyan was a beautiful and arrogant woman, but just because of the other party's freshness just now made them feel a lot more at ease.

"Then let's go."

After Bu Zhan finished speaking, a red light emerged from the spirit beast ring on his wrist, then turned into a fire luan and fell in front of several people.

Bingji, who was standing on Lou Muyan's shoulder, rolled his eyes, he didn't expect to meet the same kind.

The descendants of the Qingluan mythical beast are Bingluan and Huoluan.

Of course, the talented Bing Luan and Huo Luan may also derive other attributes or innate magical powers. For example, the ice halberd also comprehends the wind attribute, and the innate magical power also derives space magic.

As soon as Huo Luan appeared, the mercenary group jumped up one after another, and Lou Muyan also jumped up.

This fire luan in Bu Zhan is an eighth-order monster, and its flight speed is much faster than that of ordinary flying instruments.

Although Qingzhou Prefecture City is relatively close to Qingyuan Forest, it takes about ten days for Huo Luan to fly.

During these ten days, they basically rested in a nearby town inn every two days.

During this period, Lou Muyan discovered that there would be a small town in Qingyuan Forest every other distance, providing food and lodging for the mercenaries, and selling a lot of healing medicines.

There are many scattered mercenaries and mercenary groups in and out of Qingyuan Forest, and she also found two mercenary groups above the fourth level.

According to the jade slip she got from Leng Yi, Qingyuan Forest is the birthplace of dragon whisker grass and several other spiritual grasses, and now is the season when these kinds of spiritual grasses are multiplied and picked.

In addition to these high-value sixth- and seventh-level spirit grasses, there are also many eighth-level spirit grasses, spirit objects, and spar in the core of Qingyuan Forest. Many monsters are used for refining tools and talismans. relatively applicable.

Therefore, Qingyuan Forest is known as a resource paradise for adventurers and mercenaries.

Of course, everything has two sides, and the abundance of resources also means a lot of danger.

There are many high-level monsters in the forest. Many mercenary groups go deep into the core area. As long as one accidentally gets into the high-level monsters, there is basically only one way to destroy them.

Ten days later, a group of people descended on the edge of the deep core of Qingyuan Forest.

After the Qingyuan Forest is close to the depths, the eighth-order monsters will appear frequently, and there are many flying monsters in groups, so even the strong people in the Danyuan realm dare not ride on the flying monsters. It is definitely a forest. A living target for high-level monsters to attack.

"Let's go in now, everyone be careful."

Bu Zhan looked at Lou Muyan and reminded with a smile: "Muyan, the depths of Qingyuan Forest are full of dangers, no matter if it's an ant or a plant, you can't take it lightly, many mercenaries died because of these inconspicuous little things. in hand."

"Okay!" Lou Muyan nodded.

Bingji pouted and said in Lou Muyan's sea of ​​knowledge: "Master, he reminds you of such a low-level question, and he looks down on us too much."

Lou Muyan rolled his eyes in his heart, "This is also a good intention, don't think that the tenth-order monster is rampant now."

"I heard that there are holy-rank monsters in Qingyuan Forest, and they will torture you at that time." She continued with a blow.

"That's right, don't be too complacent, you stinky bird, don't let us help you when you get beaten up by a holy monster." Miao Miao Nuonuo's voice sounded.

Xue Xue followed suit: "Yes, yes, you can only bully those who are lower than you."

"After being with Long Yao for a long time, you have become even more stupid." Mo Yan added lazily.

The Scarlet Emperor said softly: "We can't despise all potential enemies, you can't get carried away with the ice halberd."

Lei Huang only thought that a few spirit pets were bickering funny, but he didn't say much, hiding in the bell space and listening quietly.

Bingji twitched the corners of his mouth, can he still play well, why is he the target of a group attack every time...

"Hey, Mu Yan, your colorful parrot's expression is so rich!"

Feng Qi has a cute baby face and a lively temperament. She accidentally noticed that the colorful parrot standing on Lou Muyan's shoulder was constantly changing expressions, and even felt that he was twitching the corners of his mouth, which made her feel very amused.

In fact, when Lou Muyan first appeared, the members of the Blast Mercenary Group were not only attracted to her beautiful appearance, but she also had a small white beast on one shoulder and a colorful parrot on one shoulder. got their attention.

After being together for ten days, they also discovered that there was a small white snake wrapped around her wrist, which made them feel indescribable that she liked keeping pets.

Several of Lou Muyan's spiritual pets can freely restrain their breath after entering the tenth rank, so the aura they release is only the second and third rank monsters, giving people or other monsters a harmless feeling.

Lou Muyan chuckled and said, "There's something wrong with his brain."

"..." Bingji looked at the sky speechlessly, is this really his own master?

"Do you like keeping pets?" Feng Qi continued to ask.

In fact, she was very interested in the little white beast lying on Lou Muyan's shoulders. The flawless white fur and the fluffy body made people still want to hug.

It's a pity that although this Huoyun Mink is not high-level, it exudes a breath of strangers, so she has been holding back and did not do it.

After arriving in the Guangling Realm, Mo Yan used a secret technique to completely transform his appearance into a Fire Cloud Sable, so no one recognized that he was actually a spirit-devouring beast.

"No! All I keep are spiritual pets." Lou Muyan replied truthfully with a smile.

Others twitched their mouths when they heard her words. Can colorful parrots and second-order little white snakes be considered spiritual pets?

The third-order Huoyun Mink, although not strong in combat, has a keen sense of smell and can search for spiritual grass and spiritual objects, but it can barely be regarded as a spiritual pet.

But it doesn't seem to be of any use to sword masters at the sword sect level.

They thought silently in their hearts, Lou Muyan's hobby of raising spiritual pets is really strange!

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