The shrill screams echoed continuously in the forest.

The expressions of several members of the Storm Mercenary Group changed when they heard this voice.

The old bear listened carefully and said with wide eyes: "This seems to be the cry of a member of the mad wolf mercenary team."

The Crazy Wolf Mercenary Group, like their Gale Wind Mercenary Group, is a fourth-level mercenary group, and they often encounter them when doing missions.

Although there are occasional conflicts of interest, there is not much conflict between the two teams. On the contrary, they sometimes help each other and establish some friendships.

"Let's go take a look." Bu Zhan said with a frown.

If the mad wolf mercenary group is in danger, they can't just sit back and ignore it.


The others responded one after another. The last time they encountered a crisis in their mission, the Crazy Wolf Mercenary Group helped them to escape. This time, they couldn't help but die.

Lou Muyan's eyes were calm and unwavering, and he followed the group of people and quickly swept in that direction.

When she first arrived in Tianling Continent, although she also went to the mercenary union to accept the task, but she went to the Extreme Fire Mountains with her employer, Ye Qinghan, and could not understand the real mercenary team at all.

Although the time she spent with the Gale mercenary group was not long, she felt the atmosphere of the team and the straightforwardness of the mercenaries.

She found that she began to like this team atmosphere gradually.

Now that the source of the shrill cry was the Mad Wolf Mercenary Group known by the Gale Wind Mercenary Group, they all rushed towards the dangerous place without hesitation, making the plan in her heart stronger.

She may be able to form her own mercenary group, a mercenary group that will become a ninth-level mercenary group in the future, a mercenary group that may make the underworld forces fear it.

Soon, the group arrived at the source of the cry.

I saw that in the dense woods, strips of five-colored vines continued to extend and entangle, dragging three men and a woman in the air, and several people had no resistance at all.

Another dozen or so bloody and bone-covered corpses were thrown aside.

"What? This, this is the colorful demon vine."

When the group arrived here, they saw this tragic situation, and they were even more surprised that the mercenary group was surrounded by the colorful demon vines that made the mercenaries feel the wind.

"Ah!!" The five-colored vines wrapped around the group tighter, causing them to make a scream that was close to suffocation.

The expressions on the faces of the members of the blast mercenary group changed, but a layer of light emerged from the bottom of Lou Muyan's eyes.

Unexpectedly, there are colorful vines in Qingyuan Forest. This kind of monster plant is extremely fierce. It likes to devour human flesh and blood, but it hates bones. Usually, it is extremely rare.

Therefore, as long as the colorful vines grow, there must be bones of all kinds of humans or monsters.

Although the multicolored vines make many people tremble, a kind of colorful spiritual fruit will grow on the rhizomes, which can not only quench the body, but also can be used to refine medicine pills and brew spirit wine.

Maybe to others, the colorful vines are a nightmare, but to Lou Muyan, it is a shining spirit.

The spirit wine brewed from the colorful spirit fruit not only has the effect of quenching the body, purifying the vitality and improving the cultivation, but also has a very sweet and mellow taste. Lou Muyan likes that taste very much.

She regretted that there were no colorful vines in Tianling Continent before, but she didn't expect to encounter it now.

"Boss, what should I do?" Feng Yi looked at the five-colored vines that had already surrounded them with vigilance and fear, and couldn't help but feel bitter in his heart.

Originally, they wanted to save the members of the Mad Wolf Mercenary Group, but who knew that they would immediately face everything that the Mad Wolf Mercenary Group had experienced before.

"Kill!" Bu Zhan was not afraid in the face of danger, and the arrogant anger naturally subsided, and there was a sense of chill in his body.

Immediately, the flaming bird on his shoulder squeaked and turned into a huge flaming bird, opened its mouth, and bursts of crimson flames erupted, burning all the five-colored vines around it.

The other members of the Hurricane Mercenary Corps who possessed fire energy also took action one after another, and groups of flames staggered out.

A red-blooded long sword appeared in Bu Zhan's hand. He stared at a few people surrounded by five-colored vines not far away, and slashed in that direction.

A beam of red light annihilated the five-colored vines that bound the members of the Wild Wolf mercenary team. After a few people were rescued, they hurriedly ran towards the direction of the Gale Wind mercenary team regardless of their injuries.

However, everyone underestimated the strength of the colorful demon vine.

"You bastards are actually disturbing my sleep, let's all be the fertilizer for this king." A sharp and oppressive voice enveloped the surroundings.

Suddenly, the multi-colored demon vine burst into a group of multi-colored rays of light, and the five-color vines grew again.

"Oh my God! This turned out to be a demon plant in the middle stage of the ninth order." Feng Er exclaimed.

Their highest cultivation base is the head of Bu Zhan and the head of the Crazy Wolf Mercenary Group, Zhan Kuang, both of whom are Sword Sovereign's peak strength.

But if it is against the multicolored demon vines whose strength is comparable to that of the human swordsman and the swordsman in the later period, there is no room for resistance at all.

It is very difficult for Yaozhi to advance, and the cohesion of strength is stronger than that of human swordsmen, so in the case of relative same level, the strength is capable of being the next level of swordsman.

For example, this multicolored demon plant is in the middle stage of the ninth rank, but it can fight against the powerhouses in the later stage of the Juggernaut or even the peak cultivation.

"Boss, what should I do?" Feng Wu quickly took out a set of formations and started to set up the formation.

A fifth-grade primary defense formation was quickly laid out, and a layer of khaki light shrouded everyone in it.

The five-colored vines continued to grow, and immediately covered the entire mask, slapped the mask one by one.

Except for Lou Muyan, the group's expressions changed drastically, and the fifth-grade defensive formation could not last long.

"Bu Zhan, sorry for dragging you down this time." Mad Zhan's body was full of blood holes pierced by vines, and there was a look of despair on his face.

Their Crazy Wolf mercenary group was completely destroyed, and now they also affected the Gale Wind mercenary group that saved them, which made him feel very sorry.

Bu Zhan patted him on the shoulder with a wry smile and said, "It's okay, brother, the big deal is to die together. Eighteen years later, he will be a hero again."

This road is the only way to the core of Qingyuan Forest, and they always have to encounter this colorful monster plant that has been ambush here for a long time.

Zhan Kuang and the others all sighed, facing such a powerful Yaozhi, they didn't even have the strength to resist in the face of absolute power.

"Kacha!" In just a few breaths, the shield of the defensive formation made a few crisp sounds and immediately collapsed.

Strips of five-colored vines stretched out to the people in the formation excitedly, because they were about to become its food.

The Huo Luan was also whipped by the main cane of the multicolored demon vine and fell next to several people.

Just as everyone was shrouded in a shadow of death and desperately waiting for death to come, a clear and melodious female voice sounded.

"Bingji, it's time for heroes to save beauty."

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