Bu Zhan and Zhan Kuang had a good relationship. Seeing that he had several blood holes all over his body, and the other three were also seriously injured, he sighed in his heart.

Who would have thought that the multicolored demon vine would be so cunning and vicious that it would lurk in ambush on the only way to enter the depths of the forest.

"Mu Yan, can I trouble you to look at Zhan Kuang's injuries?"

He looked around. Although the female pharmacist of the Crazy Wolf Mercenary Group was not dead, she was seriously injured and her clothes were soaked with blood, so he looked at Lou Muyan with a pleading look on her face.

Lou Muyan nodded: "Okay!"

She squatted down to take the pulse of the woman whose breath was getting weaker and weaker, and immediately took out a bag of white medicine powder and sprinkled it on her wound, the bleeding stopped instantly, and then she took out a Qi nourishing pill to feed She takes it.

Seeing her frown slightly, Zhan Kuang asked eagerly, "Miss Muyan, how is she?"

"She suffered serious internal injuries." Lou Muyan cast a soothing look at Zhan Kuang, "Although it's a little troublesome, but I can cure her, don't worry."

Immediately, she took out three packets of medicinal powder and three medicinal pills and handed them to Zhan Kuang, "You first apply medicinal powder to stop the bleeding, and after taking one medicinal medicinal pill to recover, I will heal her first."

"Okay, thank you Miss Muyan!" Zhan Kuang took the medicine powder and medicinal pill gratefully, now is not the time to be hypocritical.

Lou Muyan took out the gold needle and pierced the woman a few times, and a faint green glow lingered on each gold needle.

After a while, the woman's pale face regained a trace of blood, and she gradually woke up from the coma.

As soon as she opened her eyes, she met a stunningly beautiful face, stunned, and when she smelled the faint medicinal fragrance on the other side, she slowly said, "Thank you for saving me!"

"You're welcome, don't run your Yuan Li first, and wait for an hour to wait until all the medicinal effects in the dantian have evaporated." Lou Muyan instructed.

"it is good!"

After rescuing the woman from the gate of hell, Lou Muyan pierced the three Zhan Kuang with gold needles. They took her medicine pill and the gold needle therapy, and it took only an hour for most of the injuries to recover.

The members of the Hurricane Mercenary Corps have taken numerous risks, and they are familiar with such injuries. If they were replaced by the pharmacist who had quit before, it would take at least half a month for them to gradually recover.

But I never imagined that Zhan Kuang would recover in such a short time in just an hour.

They had a deeper understanding of Lou Muyan's medical skills, which was followed by another shock. They guessed in their hearts that she might be more than a fourth-grade pharmacist.

At this time, the members of the Gale Mercenary Corps were extremely fortunate that they met Lou Muyan when the Mercenary Union issued a task to recruit pharmacists that day.

And now, both the members of the Gale Wind Mercenary Group and the Crazy Wolf Mercenary Group feel that Lou Muyan is giving them an increasingly mysterious feeling.

They guessed that she might be a young lady from a big family, otherwise, how could she have contracted an ice luan mythical beast spirit pet higher than her, possessing such an out-of-this-world noble temperament.

But they didn't really care about her identity, they all remembered that they owed her a life.

When the four members of the Crazy Wolf Mercenary Group recovered almost, Bu Zhan asked them, "Do you have any plans?"

The faces of the four showed sorrow, Zhan Kuang sighed and said, "Our Crazy Wolf mercenary group has capsized in the gutter this time. We should either disband or find a mercenary group to join together."

They feel very sad about the dead teammates. After all, the partners who have lived and died for so long have not even left the complete corpse capital, which is also a blow to them.

A team of four can no longer become a mercenary group, it can only be regarded as a mercenary team.

They have deep feelings for the profession of mercenary. Although they "hang" their heads on the belt of their pants every day, they will continue to be mercenaries whether they are surviving or liking it.

"As the head of the Hurricane Mercenary Group, I invite the four of you to join our Hurricane Mercenary Group." Bu Zhan sincerely invited the four of them with his hands on his heart.

Zhan Kuang and the other three team members were stunned, without any hesitation, "We are willing to join the Hurricane Mercenary Group."

Their two mercenary groups have cooperated more than ten times, and they are very familiar with each other. It is better to join Hurricane than to join other unfamiliar mercenary groups.

"Zhan Kuang, from now on you will be the deputy head of my Stormtrooper mercenary group. From now on, we will be brothers who share life and death." Bu Zhan stretched out his hand and patted Zhan Kuang's shoulder.

Zhan Kuang did not refuse, he knew that this was the kindness of Bu Zhan, and he was indeed qualified for this position, "Okay, brother."

They all welcomed the four of them who joined the Hurricane Mercenary Corps. In fact, they wanted to invite Lou Muyan to officially join the Mercenary Corps, but they suppressed this urge because they guessed that she might have a good status.

"Our injuries have recovered a lot, let's move on." Zhan Kuang stood up and said.

"it is good!"

It is not a wise choice to stay in the core area of ​​Qingyuan Forest, and there have been bloody fierce battles here.

After the two mercenary groups buried the bones of the dead, they headed for the depths together.

Along the way, the ice halberd released the breath of the ninth-order late-stage monster to deter the monsters lurking around, but it also calmed down to An.

Three days later, they came to a deep winding canyon.

"After this canyon is the core of Qingyuan Forest, everyone is careful." Bu Zhan reminded everyone.

"it is good!"

After stepping into the canyon, they found that the grass on the ground had been trampled on, indicating that someone had entered the depths first, and there were still a lot of people.

"I don't know if those people are going for the Dragon Beard Beast." Bu Zhan said thoughtfully.

Zhan Kuang's face also showed a bit of solemnity, "The resources of Qingyuan Forest are extremely rich. Many people who enter the depths at this time should be for the dragon's whisker grass and several other spiritual grasses. We are vigilant."

Not all mercenary groups are harmonious, and it is common for many mercenary groups to fight for quest items or resources to accumulate grudges.

So in such a dangerous place, they not only have to guard against the monsters and plants that raid, but also guard against other swordsmen.

Lou Muyan lightly swept the messy footprints that had been trampled on the ground, and there was still a trace of breath on them.

"You can see it too." Mo Yan lay on Lou Muyan's shoulder, and there were not many waves in his indifferent eyes.

"Well, among the people who entered the Qingyuan Forest in front of them, there are strong people in the Danyuan realm, and there should be no less than ten sword gods." Lou Muyan said cautiously.

"There are two sword masters in the early stage of Dan Yuan, thirteen sword gods, and more than twenty sword saints." Mo Yan paused and said, "They are two groups."

"Is this kind of strength also for the Dragon Beard Grass?" Lou Muyan frowned slightly, she always felt that the purpose of the two powerful teams should not be simple.

Mo Yan pondered and said, "No, they must have other purposes."

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