As for the words of the blood demon mercenary group, Lou Muyan knew that it was false just by looking at the expressions in their eyes.

She was too lazy to talk nonsense with them, so she gave Bingji a look.

Now that she is all cumin, she has no family scruples for the time being. Even if she offends a deputy head of an eighth-level mercenary group, she is not afraid of revenge.

If one day you are really hunted down by that eighth-level mercenary group, you can't beat it, and you'll be able to find your way back when your strength is strong.

This is also the so-called debt is not worrying, anyway, her enemies in the Guangling world are very strong.

As soon as Bingji received Lou Muyan's expression, the cluster of ice-blue flames in his hand flew out immediately and enveloped all the people lying on the ground.

All the members of the well-known Blood Evil Mercenary Group were burned to ashes by Bingji's natural demon fire before they could even scream their last screams.

Seeing Lou Muyan's resolute and resolute style, although the Gale Wind Mercenary Group felt complicated, they didn't feel any estrangement.

After all, if the bloodletting mercenary group survives, everyone present may be retaliated against, and more mercenary groups will be murdered by them in the future.

"Do you think I'm cruel?" Lou Muyan asked with a half-smile looking at the members of the Hurricane Mercenary Group.

Everyone shook their heads tacitly: "No, you did the right thing."

What they were worried about was not that Lou Muyan had destroyed the Blood Evil Mercenary Group, but that they were afraid of revenge from the Wild Lion Mercenary Group.

"Mu Yan, the Wild Lion Mercenary Group is an eighth-level veteran mercenary group, and it can be regarded as a great force in the human realm. If you encounter their team members in the future, you must be extremely careful." Bu Zhan said cautiously.

Lou Muyan nodded and smiled: "Well, I understand."

She continued apologetically, "I don't know if my actions today will affect you all."

"No, if you don't take action today, we will surely die." Bu Zhan said with lingering fears.

They have long heard of the blood evil mercenary group's notoriety, and the mercenaries they encounter will never have good fruit to eat, and countless people have died at their hands.

"Yeah!" Feng Wu looked at Lou Muyan gratefully and said, "If it wasn't for you to take action, we wouldn't know where we would be in the future."

If these people are caught and sold in the black market slave market, they may live in darkness forever.

Lou Muyan killed all the villains of the bloody mercenary group, which would only make people happy.

"It's fine if you don't care!" Lou Muyan didn't care about other people's opinions, but she still had a good impression of the Hurricane Mercenary Group, and they did not disappoint her.

"Why do you care, we owe you another life." Zhan Kuang said with a straightforward smile.

Lou Muyan smiled slightly, and just about to speak, her eyes suddenly showed a bit of sternness and looked not far away, "A few of you have seen enough."

Hearing Lou Muyan's words, the others looked in that direction vigilantly.

After a while, seven figures appeared on this hill.

"It's kind of interesting." One of the noble men in a black brocade robe stepped forward with interest and looked at Lou Muyan and smiled.

The aura of the six people behind him was much stronger than the blood demon mercenary group.

Bu Zhan and the others found that they couldn't see through the cultivation of the other four at all, and their hearts shrank tightly. There was only one such situation.

These four people are all strong in the Dan Yuan realm, and the aura emanating from the other three is almost the same as that of Lou Muyan, indicating that they are all sword masters at the peak of the Sword God.

Lou Muyan also discovered the other party's cultivation base, she said slowly and indifferently: "Are you guys still happy to see it?"

"Happy, this is the first time I've seen a woman as changeable as a young lady." The black-clothed man headed back with a smile without denying it.

They were going to rush to the active volcano, but one of the alchemists in the team just needed the dragon's whisker to make a seventh-grade medicine pill, so they were going to come here to find some, who would have seen such an interesting scene.

"Since the show is over, we won't be with us." Lou Muyan turned to Bu Zhan and the others and said, "Let's go."

"Okay!" The members of the blast mercenary group were extremely nervous, and they all admired Lou Muyan's temperament and indifference.

Seeing that the beauty opposite was really about to take someone away, the man in black said, "Hold on."

Lou Muyan raised her eyebrows, "What's the matter with you?"

The strength of this group is very strong, if there is no one from the hurricane mercenary group, she will turn around and leave, but now she has scruples.

It's easy for her to run, but she can't bring so many people to run with.

"I have a question that I am curious about, and I would like to trouble the lady to answer it." Fan, the man in black, said politely.

Lou Muyan looked at him with interest, "Ask."

"How did you find us?" the man in black asked.

Others also showed curious eyes, but they used a magic weapon that could hide their breath. Under normal circumstances, even the powerhouses of the Earth Element Realm may not be able to find their traces.

But how did the woman find out they were hiding here?

"Because of the taste." Lou Muyan knew that it was difficult to fool the other party, so she told the truth.

The man in ink continued to ask inexplicably, "Taste? What do you mean?"

Lou Muyan glanced at a man in white behind him and said, "He smelled of medicine, I didn't find any trace of you at first, but just now my spirit pet used demon fire, the temperature here instantly It increased a lot, so the medicinal smell became a lot stronger, so I found it."

"Of course, this is mainly because I am more sensitive to the smell of medicine." She added.

Her explanation, although the group of men in black clothes was very surprised, they did not doubt it.

Her eyes were clear and her explanation was reasonable, and they couldn't find a reason to refute.

Although the magic weapon can cover up the sword master's breath, there are countless strange people in this world, and it is not impossible for people like her to be sensitive to the smell of medicine.

"Is the young lady a pharmacist?" The black clothed man asked with interest in his eyes.

"En." Lou Muyan nodded, frowned slightly and asked, "I have answered your question, can I go now?"

The man in black clothes was stunned for a moment. He obviously didn't expect her to be so impatient. It was the first time he had met a woman with such an indifferent attitude towards him.

"Miss, please." He covered the strange color in his eyes and said with a harmless smile.

Lou Muyan didn't say any more, and left here with the people from the Hurricane Mercenary Group.

When they completely disappeared nearby, the man in white behind the man in black coughed violently.

An old man next to him hurriedly took out an elixir and handed it over, "Young Master."

After the man in white took the medicine pill and took it, he gradually stopped coughing.

"Third brother, are you alright?" The man in black clothes showed some worry in his eyes.

The man in white has deep eyes, and his voice is slightly hoarse: "No problem."

"That woman is very interesting." The man in black said regretfully: "Unfortunately, we still have important things to do, otherwise we can learn more about it."

The man in white gave him a light look, "Let's go!"

The black-clothed man restrained his interest, looked at the white-clothed man jokingly, and said, "Third brother is really boring."

The man in white didn't bother to pay attention to him and walked straight into the depths of the hill. The old man who handed him the medicinal pill released a green monster that looked like a squirrel.

The black clothed man pouted and followed the white clothed man with the others.

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