When Lei Huang heard Lou Muyan's words, he also recalled that when he was guarding the gate outside the Fire Falls, the ice halberd often took the lead and disappeared for a while.

Feeling is to steal spirit wine, it's not kind!

He looked at Lou Muyan sadly, and complained extremely aggrieved: "You are treated differently."

"..." Lou Muyan twitched at the corner of his mouth, this arrogant pervert could not be replaced by someone.

She didn't know that Lei Huang didn't want to leave at all, and had already decided to rely on them, so the aloof momentum also subsided, gradually revealing his true nature.

"You have already robbed us of a lot of seventh-grade medicinal herbs." Bingji glared at Lei Huang not afraid of death.

Ever since Lei Huang came to Guangling Realm, he has often asked his master for the seventh-grade medicinal pills, and his actions have touched their interests.

"I also made a contract with her, and I should have a share of what you have." Lei Huang raised his eyebrows: "I do nothing less than you idiot."

Lou Muyan can refine high-grade medicinal pills and brew high-grade spirit wine. Although many masters are a little awkward, Mo Yan, the former demon king, is completely convinced, and he has nothing to criticize.

The most important thing is that he can see that after getting along for a while, Lou Muyan regards spiritual pets as equal partners, not just as a fighting tool like many other human monks.

After being alone for so long, he began to gradually fall in love with such a lively atmosphere.

Bingji froze instantly, "Who do you call an idiot?"

Boss Mo called him an idiot and he endured it. After all, Boss Mo was so strong and so pleasing to the eye, what did this thunder beast pull out of?

"Of course you're an idiot." Lei Huang gave you a stupid look, "Is there anyone here more stupid than you?"

"..." Bingji actually felt that he had nothing to say, did he dare to say that Lou Muyan or the other pets were idiots?

He dare not!

"I'm going to fight you one-on-one." But if you lose, Bingji rolled up her sleeves and prepared to fight Lei Huang.

Lei Huang glanced at him with contempt, "Just because of your strength, you want to fight me head-to-head? Save yourself."

Then he released a coercion that was only available in the late stage of Dan Yuan, and instantly suppressed the high momentum of the ice halberd.

"You are the white chicken, my skin is not as white as yours." Bingji stared at him and said, "I will beat you up one day."

"The skin is whiter than yours, it's a natural beauty that's hard to give up, and it's useless for you to be jealous." Lei Huang's handsome face evoked a sinister smile, "As for your white chicken, in addition to knowing space secrets, it's really unbearable. use."

"Lei Huang, you are a pervert, you have a kind of comparison with our boss Mo." Bing Ji stretched his neck like a proud rooster.

Lei Huang took a sip of his wine glass and took a sip before he said slowly, "You already said that he is the boss of Mo, why should I still compete with him?"

"I will be your second brother Lei from now on, remember to respect the old and love the young." He looked around at a few spirit pets and announced arrogantly.

"..." Several spirit pets who were still watching the excitement were stunned for a moment, and they agreed in their hearts that Lei Huang was actually thicker than Bingji.

"You're the second brother of Lei from that sect, bah." Bingji was reluctant to admit that judging from its strength, momentum and appearance, this stinking thunder beast can really take the second place.

The other spiritual pets don't have much opinion, after all, whoever is their second child is the same.

After Lei Huang made a contract with Lou Muyan, several spiritual pets had a kind of intimacy with him, and he also loved Miaomiao, Xue Xue and Chi Huang very much.

Mo Yan's dark and pale eyes darkened, it seemed that this thunder beast was trying to be Lou Muyan's spiritual pet.

In comparison, Lei Huang's talent was the best besides him, his bloodline and race were not low, and staying by Lou Muyan's side was indeed a help.

And he had to admit that with Emperor Lei, it seemed that they were more lively.

"In the future, he will be your second child Lei." Mo Yan said that he acquiesced to the addition of Lei Huang.

Bingji's mouth grew big, and instantly changed from a proud cock to a defeated cock.

"Boss Mo, can we not want him?" Bing Ji looked at Mo Yan pitifully.

"He has already made a contract with Lou Muyan, this is an indisputable fact." Mo Yan looked at Bingji with a rare gentle gaze and said, "From now on, he is your goal of surpassing, I believe in you!"

"..." Bingji's eyelids jumped, don't think he didn't know that Boss Mo was digging a hole for him to jump.

Chi Huang flew to Lei Huang's shoulders and said, "I like Lei's second child."

The Thunder Emperor often exudes a thunder and lightning attribute, and she likes this aura very much.

"I also like the second child of Lei." Miaomiao smiled cutely, showing two little tiger teeth.

Lei Huang would often take her to secretly hunt game when the master was in retreat, and he also taught her how to stimulate her innate supernatural powers, like a big brother.

Not to mention blood and blood, when he was in Luoxia Mountain, he was very afraid of Lei Huang, and now Lei Huang takes care of him very much, "I agree too."

Bingji glared at the little ones, "You little traitors."

However, the indulgence in his mouth cannot be ignored.

Lou Muyan looked at a few spirit pets amusingly, "You were all bought by him during the month or so when I was in seclusion!"

She can see now that Lei Huang is not only arrogant and perverted, but also very good at bribing people's hearts.

Of course, as the time together increased, she liked Lei Huang's temperament quite a bit, and she really wasn't ready to let him go.

Where can she find a thug who is so easy to use and impossible to betray.

Lei Huang glanced at her in disapproval and said, "What do you mean by being bribed by me? I'm from the bottom of my heart and they are a few little ones."

"Okay, you won." Lou Muyan gave him a funny look.

Then he said with a sincere smile: "Then you are welcome to officially join our big family."

"It's not sincere, why should there be a welcome gift?" The blue brocade robe on Lei Huang's body was still loose, and with that lazy and handsome appearance, there was a more romantic and wanton taste.

"The welcome gift is all for you to drink." Bing Ji snorted with a shriveled mouth, but there was a bit of a smile in his eyes.

He actually had no hostility towards Lei Huang, and in his heart he had long thought that he was one of them.

"Fart, you all drink seven-grade spirit wine, of course I can't be worse than you as the second child." Then he smiled at Lou Muyan, "Remember that you owe me two pots of seven-grade spirit. liquor."

"You're enough!" Lou Muyan said with a sullen smile.

This guy really is a pervert with an abnormal brain circuit.

Murong Qing and Murong Yu were also affected by this atmosphere. Compared to the days when they were in the family, besides cultivation, it was the family's interests. This kind of life seemed to be very good, and they both gave birth to a kind of expectation.

"That." Murong Yu raised a hand and asked weakly, "Aren't you all Mu Yan's spiritual pets?"

Judging from the conversations of several people and the gorgeous transformation of the Red Bee Empress before, Murong Yu felt that the others present except him and the third brother were not real people, but demon cultivators.

Bingji gave him a look like you're an idiot, "Why don't you ask? Of course we are."


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