Seeing the young man wake up, the golden-robed old man had a happy expression on his face.

"Master, how are you feeling?"

After Lou Muyan's treatment, the young man's pale face turned a little bloody, and he slowly said, "It's fine."

"That's great!" The golden-robed old man was very excited.

"It was this young lady who treated me." The man turned his gaze to Lou Muyan, restraining the aura of anger and power in his eyes.

Lou Muyan nodded and said with a smile: "Well, but it's not for saving you in vain. Your subordinates and I have already negotiated the remuneration."

"Thank you anyway!" The man's voice was as deep as the sea, with a sense of stability.

He was very aware of his injuries. Not only was the blood flow more than that simple, but his internal organs were also severely injured. Even if he returned to Beiyuan Kingdom to find the eighth-rank alchemist to worship him, he would only be able to save his life.

And the young woman in front of him not only stopped his bleeding, but after taking the medicinal pills she refined and treating with gold needles, the wounds in his inner abdomen miraculously healed.

He believes that as long as he rests for a period of time, he can fully recover, and even his cultivation will not have any effect.

Lou Muyan took out another essence nourishing pill and handed it to the man, "Taking this pill will help you restore your cultivation."

"Thank you!" The man's body was already able to move, and he reached out and took the medicine pill without hesitation.

Feeling a cool medicinal pill dissolve, the burning pain in his body also disappeared, Yuan Li began to operate, he immediately closed his eyes and quickly repaired the injury.

Lou Muyan did not disturb his recovery. The continuous refining of the seventh-grade medicinal powder and medicinal pills, coupled with the use of a lot of green spiritual power, also made her a little tired.

So he leaned against the wall of the carriage and closed his eyes.

The two Murong Qing brothers were shocked when they saw Lou Muyan resuscitating the man who seemed to be not far from death, and the hope was also infinitely expanded.

It turned out that her medical skills had reached such an extraordinary level.

A day later, the young man's complexion turned a lot more rosy, and the medicinal pills in his body that had passed through Lou Muyan had been repaired a lot.

"My name is Fei Yanchen." As soon as he opened his eyes, he looked at Lou Muyan and said.

Lou Muyan looked up at him, thought about it and said, "Lou Muyan."

When Murong Qing heard Fei Yanchen say his name, there was a strange look in his eyes, but he quickly covered it up. Fei was the royal surname of the Beiyuan Kingdom's royal family, and there was only one person who could be called Chen.

He had already guessed Fei Yanchen's identity.

"Murong Qing."

"Murong Yu."

The two Murong brothers also introduced themselves, while Lei Huang and Bingji leaned against each other lazily and did not speak.

"Young master of the Murong family." Fei Yanchen looked at Murong Qing with deep meaning.

He planned to reveal his real name and didn't plan to hide his identity, and he obviously found that Lou Muyan and the other two men didn't show the slightest difference to his name. First, they didn't care, and second, they didn't learn from the name at all. Guess your identity.

Murong Qing's eyes just now showed that he already knew his identity, so he didn't need to go around in circles.

"I didn't expect to meet King Jin of Beiyuan Kingdom here, disrespectful!" Murong Qing smiled playfully.

Fei Yanchen laughed softly, "I didn't expect to meet Young Master Murong here."

Lou Muyan saw that although the two did not know each other, but clearly knew each other, she was actually a little curious about Fei Yanchen's true identity, after all, she was her big creditor.

"What is the origin of this Fei Yanchen?" Lou Muyan transmitted a voice to Murong Qing.

The expression on Murong Qing's face did not change, but he thought in his heart that it was indeed the case. Lou Muyan seemed to have no understanding of Beizhou's forces at all.

"Fei Yanchen is the eighth prince of the most powerful superpower in the center of Beizhou, and the youngest son of Emperor Beiyuan."

Murong Qing paused and said, "However, there has been a recent civil strife in Beiyuan Kingdom. His father, the emperor, died, and his direct elder brother inherited the throne. However, several princes colluded in private to prepare to seize the throne."

"Then how could he be here and assassinated?" Lou Muyan asked.

"He had been traveling abroad before. Emperor Beiyuan died too suddenly. He should have been ambushed by other princes when he came back from outside." Murongqing explained.

"How do you know so well about the secrets of the royal family of Beiyuan Kingdom!" Lou Muyan continued to ask with a chuckle,

"Our Murong family is one of the eight largest families in Beizhou. It can be regarded as tied with the Beiyuan royal family, but it is not as profound as theirs."

Murongqing continued: "We are jealous of each other about the royal family, so if there is any trouble with the other party, we will all get the news, not to mention the Beiyuan Kingdom's troubles this time."

"So that's the case, is Fei Yanchen's brother at a disadvantage now?" Lou Muyan was more interested in this.

She remembered that the headquarter of the mad lion mercenary group where the young master of the blood evil mercenary group that she killed before was located in the imperial capital of Beiyuan Kingdom. If the situation is good, she can help Fei Yanchen.

"No, his brother holds two-thirds of the power of Beiyuan Kingdom, but only half of it is in Fei Yanchen's hands, so those people will send someone to assassinate him." Murong Qing replied.

"How is the relationship between the two brothers?" Lou Muyan continued to ask.

"Okay, Fei Yanchen once saved the current Emperor Beiyuan with his life. The two are brothers who can support each other in life and death."

A layer of light flashed in Lou Muyan's eyes, "By the way, do you know the Wild Lion Mercenary Group?"

Murong Qing was stunned for a moment, obviously not expecting Lou Muyan's topic to change so quickly.

"I know, they are an eighth-level mercenary group, and their power in Beizhou is also huge."

Murong Qing recalled that Lou Muyan killed the son of a deputy head of the mad lion mercenary group in Qingyuan Forest, and thoughtfully added: "The mad lion mercenary group and Fei Yanchen's half-eldest brother privately The relationship is very good, and this coup may also have their shadow."

"It turned out to be from the political enemy faction, that's good!" Lou Muyan smiled.

The enemy of the enemy is a friend. Since she has met Fei Yanchen, she can't miss this chance to make friends. She must be prepared to deal with all the revenge by the mad lion mercenary group.

"It would be beneficial for you to unite with the mad lion mercenary, and it would be beneficial for you to befriend Fei Yanchen. His status in Beiyuan Kingdom is now the most honorable prince besides the emperor." Murong Qing said with a change of mind.

If the eldest prince supported by the mad lion mercenary group ascended the throne, it would be very unfavorable to Lou Muyan and the others. After all, she would be found out one day, and they are now often appearing as mercenaries.

Although their Murong family is a super family in the North, they have never participated in the disputes between the Beiyuan royal family. This was an agreement made thousands of years ago.

Even if he is the young master of the Murong family, he can't change or the influence of the Li family's family.

However, Fei Yanchen was completely different. He could justifiably intervene in the affairs of the royal family. If his brother's throne was stabilized, it would be a matter of course to suppress the mad lion mercenary group.

"Well, then let's help Fei Yanchen." Lou Muyan whispered.

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