When the killer in the dark market approached, Lou Muyan and Lei Huang immediately greeted him.

Lou Muyan held a crimson long sword in his hand, and the long sword was engraved with layers of complicated patterns, all of which were forbidden by the formation.

She swung her sword at the sword qi that attacked the carriage, and the bright red flame swept across an arc and instantly annihilated the sword qi.

Then turned around and rushed into the midst of ten killers, and the scarlet long sword instantly turned into twenty small swords to form a sword formation to trap ten people.

Lei Huang's fingers moved, and waves of thunder and lightning attacked the trapped killer in the sword formation.

As soon as the ten people formed an ultimate move, they were hit by the Thunder Emperor's power of lightning and felt a brief paralysis.

At this moment, Lou Muyan's mind moved, and clusters of blazing flames burned on the twenty small swords, constantly changing the power of the killing formation, and slaughtered ten people.

"Ah!!" Several people were hit by the sudden appearance of a small sword as soon as they were able to move.

The cooperation between Lou Muyan and Lei Huang was flawless. The ten killers from the Dan Yuan realm were trapped in the sword formation and couldn't get out at all, and the clever assassination methods were even more useless.

Suddenly, golden vines appeared on the ground one by one, and instantly wrapped around the bodies of ten people and dragged them one by one to the ground to enjoy.

After absorbing and refining the colorful demon vine, the blood and blood underwent a mutation, and now the body has other attributes in addition to metal.

These ten killers happened to have all five attributes. After absorbing the blood essence, his other attributes can also be improved like flying.

Collecting space rings was Bingji's favorite thing to do. Seeing that the battle was almost over, he flew up and used space magic to find the space rings of the other ten people without omission.

At this time, all the people below were stunned.

Is this the end? How does it feel that Lou Muyan's murder is as simple as chopping melons and vegetables.

When Lou Muyan returned to the carriage, her clothes were not messy. She hooked her lips and smiled: "It's done, let's go on."

After getting on the carriage, Murong Yu couldn't help but sigh: "Mu Yan, your sword formation is amazing."

He could see that Lou Muyan's sword formation was fused with a magic formation, which was so powerful that even a powerhouse from the Earth Origin Realm would be unable to escape within a short period of time.

"Well, I created this myself." Lou Muyan smiled slightly.

After she and Ming Xiu obtained the inheritance of the pair of double cultivation partners in the inheritance place, they discussed and groped together to integrate a lot of killing formations into the sword formation, which would be even more powerful after combining with the Yuan force attribute.

In addition, after reaching the Divine Transformation Stage, her divine consciousness expanded countless times, and even her mental power increased a lot. Using her mental power to control the sword formation against the enemy, she could even kill ten sword masters in the early stage of the Earth Origin Realm.

The strength can be superimposed after being promoted to the Danyuan realm and the spirit transformation stage. Although she is only in the middle stage of the Danyuan realm on the surface, she can completely kill the sword masters under the Tianyuan realm.

Fei Yanchen's deep eyes were calm, but he was more interested in Lou Muyan in his heart.

"Mu Yan, are you still a seventh-rank Array Mage?"

Lou Muyan nodded: "Yes!"

Since she wants to help Fei Yanchen, she won't hide her strength, and cooperation is naturally based on strength.

"You are really versatile." Fei Yanchen praised with a smile.

Lou Muyan shrugged, "No way, I want to make a living."

"..." A few people couldn't help but twitched the corners of their mouths when they heard her words. The purpose of emotionally learning alchemy and formation was to make a living.

Along the way, Lou Muyan once again refreshed the bottom line of Fei Yanchen, Murong Qing and others.

Those seven-grade medicinal herbs were fed to a few spiritual pets like they didn't need money, and the degree of prostitution made them outrageous.

You must know that whether it is in the Murong family or the Beiyuan royal family, the seventh-grade medicine pills are very precious. The seven-grade medicine pills of the family and the royal family are worshipped like something, and it takes a month or two to refine a pot and return Terrible.

But in the family and the royal family, the value of medicinal pills in Lou Muyan is not much different from that of sugar pills.

"Cough cough, Mu Yan." Seeing Lou Muyan took out another bottle of Rank 7 medicinal pills and started feeding it to the pet, she couldn't help but said, "You're too prodigal to consume such a high-grade Rank 7 medicinal pill. ?"

Shouldn't the high-grade pills of the seventh rank be used on the blade? Why eat it as a snack every day!

He didn't want to admit that sometimes he really wanted to be Lou Muyan's spiritual pet.

As soon as Murong Yu's words fell, he was cast a cold light by Lou Muyan's spiritual pets.

"It's not a prodigal, and their daily pills are not for nothing." Lou Muyan looked at Murong Yu jokingly and said, "Any one of my spiritual pets can beat you."

"..." Murong Yu couldn't help laughing and laughing, whether or not to hit people like this, although it was a fact.

"Then why don't you feed me two pills every day, and I'll be your thug in the future." Murong Yu joked.

Lou Muyan rolled his eyes at him angrily, "Humans and monsters have different physiques. If you take two seventh-grade medicinal herbs every day, a lot of erysipelas will accumulate in your body. Their digestive function is much stronger than yours."

"And you can't rely too much on the efficacy of the medicinal herbs. The most important thing is to rely on your own understanding and cultivation."

She added with a serious expression.

"Monster beasts are different from human swordsmen. Although they also need to understand the attributes of Yuan Li, they are not as complicated as humans. They have the ability to be close to nature."

"Taking too many medicinal pills will not limit their potential development, but will enable them to improve their cultivation all the time. After all, their bodies are actually quite large, and this medicinal pill will quickly be used up."

"For humans, on the contrary, taking too much of the medicinal pill will cause a dependence and make it difficult to stimulate the potential in the body. There are naturally many benefits when taking it properly.

When Murong Yu heard Lou Muyan's words, they were stunned and thought deeply.

No wonder they never saw Lou Muyan taking medicine pills often, it turned out to be to stimulate their potential, comprehend and advance.

It seems that the thoughts they were instilled in the past were not correct. While cultivation resources are very important, their own understanding and hard work are also inseparable.

Fei Yanchen's half-drooping eyes contained a strange brilliance. The more she got along with Lou Muyan, the more her unique charm attracted his attention.

Along the way, in addition to the wave of ten-person Dan Yuanjing killers, there were several more powerful killers, and even a leader of Earth Yuanjing killers appeared when they approached Qingyu Kingdom.

But there is no doubt that they were all killed by Lou Muyan, Lei Huang, and Xue Xue.

The power of her sword formation and her own strength also made Fei Yanchen, Murong Qing and others unable to re-examine.

After dealing with the last wave of killers, Lou Muyan and others also successfully entered the imperial capital of Qingyu Kingdom.

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