The queen suddenly couldn't stand such an indifferent Emperor Beiyuan.

She raised her head and asked firmly: "You actually always knew that I was poisoned?"

After being a husband and wife for more than 20 years, she still knew something about him.

"Yes, I just want to completely give up our relationship as husband and wife." Bei Yuanhuang nodded calmly.

The queen bit her lower lip tightly, and after a while, she laughed loudly, "You are more ruthless than anyone else."

A person who can be ruthless to himself is really ruthless. She suddenly realized that she had never really understood him for more than 20 years. Did she miss anything?

"Whatever you think, from now on you are just an irrelevant person to me."

Emperor Beiyuan pinched his brows wearily, "I will decree that after the abolition, if you don't want to go on the road with your beloved eldest prince, then go to the cold palace for a lifetime."

"You can't treat me like this." The Queen's eyes showed some panic, "Why are you so heartless?"

Everyone present did not understand the Queen's brain circuit. It was clearly that she relied on Bei Yuan Huang's favor and acted recklessly, but instead harmed Bei Yuan Huang. What right does an unfamiliar white-eyed wolf have to blame Bei Yuan Huang's heartlessness.

Lou Muyan doesn't sympathize with the queen. Such a woman is blinded by love. The man who really cares and loves her doesn't care about wanton hurt, and as a matter of course, asks for the love of Emperor Bei Yuan for her, but he never does. pay.

The man who took advantage of her hypocritically wanted to offer everything to her, that was cheap.

When a man loves you, he can do everything to hold you in the palm of his hand, but he can be considered cold when he is ruthless, but Lou Muyan supports Bei Yuanhuang's approach.

"Send the queen to the cold palace, and never take a step outside the palace gate." Emperor Beiyuan ignored the queen's words and instructed a golden-clothed deacon directly.

"As ordered!"

"No, you can't do this to me, no, you..."

After the queen was taken away, Emperor Beiyuan said apologetically to Lou Muyan and the old man in white, "Today is really troublesome for the two of you."

Then he looked at Lou Muyan and thanked: "Thank you girl for your kindness in dispelling the poison, I will definitely repay it."

"Okay! The reward will be given to the eighth-grade spirit grass and the top-grade spirit stone." Lou Muyan smiled rudely: "As for the number of Emperor Beiyuan, it's up to you."

Emperor Beiyuan obviously did not expect Lou Muyan to answer so bluntly and unceremoniously, he froze and smiled: "Miss is really a straightforward person, I will ask the eighth brother to send me a reward after handling some private affairs in the palace. of."

"Okay, then we won't prevent Emperor Beiyuan from resting." Lou Muyan stood up and said goodbye.

"I do have some inconvenience today, and I will invite the lady and others to enter the palace for a chat another day." Huang Beiyuan smiled gently.

"it is good!"

"I'll send you off." Fei Yanchen said.

"No, you stay with Emperor Beiyuan." Lou Muyan refused with a smile.

"Alright then, I'll come to you after I'm done." Fei Yanchen said after a while.

"Well, let's go first."

After Lou Muyan and others left, the white-clothed old man from the Dan Pagoda also said goodbye and left.

After leaving the palace gate, the white clothed old man smiled lightly and said to Lou Muyan, "Miss's medical skills are very good. I must have extraordinary alchemy skills. I wonder if you are interested in visiting the Pill Tower?"

"I'll go when I have a chance." Lou Muyan replied with a smile: "Senior has a broad mind and is respectable, but his vision for accepting apprentices is a bit poor."

The old man in white said with a meaningful smile, "Miss I laughed."

"Senior will have a future." Lou Muyan smiled.

"There will be a period later." The old man in white touched his beard and nodded.

After Lou Muyan and the others disappeared, the old man in white looked at the pale young man behind him and said, "Go back."

"Master doesn't want disciples anymore?" The young man raised his head in dissatisfaction and said, "Is it because my aunt was put into the cold palace by Bei Yuanhuang? With the favor of Bei Yuanhuang's aunt, she will soon be released from the cold palace. ."

"What do you have to do with the old man?" The old man in white said coldly: "The queen insisted that you send you to the old man to learn alchemy, but the old man has never admitted that we are master and apprentice. Your temperament is too impetuous and not suitable for you. Be an alchemist."

If it weren't for the fact that he once owed the Queen's grandfather a favor, he would not have agreed to teach this man alchemy techniques, and he did not expect that there would be a scandal in the royal family.

"You know for yourself." The old man in white disappeared after speaking.

The young man clenched his fists tightly but was helpless, and hurried home to report what happened today.

After returning to the other courtyard, Murong Yu sighed and said, "That queen is really vicious, and Emperor Beiyuan is very pitiful."

The feeling of being in a cuckold by a woman you love must be uncomfortable.

"There is something wrong with Emperor Beiyuan's vision." Bingji pouted and said.

Although the queen is really beautiful, her temperament is too bad.

"What I can't figure out is is he worth it?" Murong Yu said inexplicably: "I know clearly that the white-eyed wolf poisoned him, why should he suffer?"

Others don't understand, is it because the love is so deep that they even tolerate it?

"No, Emperor Beiyuan is worth it." Lou Muyan said leisurely.

"Why? Mu Yan, come and listen." Murong Yu asked for an explanation.

"Emperor Beiyuan should do this just to cut off the roots and pursue the avenue." Lou Muyan paused and said, "He put it to death and completely gave up on the queen in his future life, and he will not have hearts when he advances to the fusion realm in the future. magic."

"And I'm sure that even if I don't save him today, he may wake up in a short time." Lou Muyan continued.

"Why? Didn't it take the Queen's blood to save him?" Murong Yu asked.

"He should have ordered people to act secretly. Not only did he cut off his love for the queen, but he could also test out other people's positions." Lou Muyan replied.

The deep scheming of Emperor Bei Yuan must have been arranged a long time ago, but he still admired the way he risked his death and survived. After all, if a certain link goes wrong, he will become a living dead.

"Fei Yanchen isn't among the tempted people, right?" Murong Yu was not stupid, she turned around after hearing Lou Muyan's words.

"I don't know, maybe there is, maybe not, I see that his concern for Fei Yanchen doesn't seem like a fake." Lou Muyan shrugged.

Since ancient times, many emperors have been suspicious. She is not sure whether Beiyuan Huang has the purpose of testing Fei Yanchen by the way, but presumably after this incident, he will be completely at ease with Fei Yanchen.

"That's right." Murong Yu nodded and no longer cared about the affairs in Beiyuan Palace.

Lou Muyan smiled and said, "Anyway, I can earn it."

She believed that the reward sent by Emperor Beiyuan would not be too small, and she was in great demand for the eighth-level spirit grass.

That night, Lou Muyan was cultivating, and suddenly a murderous aura from outside the hospital seeped in, and she opened her eyes and it was clear.

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