The white-haired and youthful old man, the deputy tower master, stroked his beard and smiled.

"It's just that in the first game, I can't tell which one is stronger, but this time the number of people who identified all the 200 kinds of spirit herbs in the first game has increased by a few more than before. Maybe there will be surprises this time. maybe."

The elegant middle-aged man nodded, "If there is a talented alchemist, let's do it first, otherwise we will be attacked by the towers in Zhongzhou."

Because the core headquarters of the danta is also in Zhongzhou, the Zhongzhou sub-tower relies on this advantage to recruit a lot of young talented alchemists every time, and the people who fall into their four sub-towers are not only few, but also talented and so on. Much inferior.

"Zhongzhou is the concentration of strong people in the human realm. Countless alchemists have squeezed their heads and want to enter Zhongzhou to show their skills. Let's go with the flow." The deputy tower master said with a sigh.

Whether it is resources or attractiveness, the advantages of several states are nothing compared to Zhongzhou. People walk from high places to low places, and the younger generation of alchemy who can achieve good results in every alchemy competition in Danta Divisions rarely choose the four-state tower.

"That's true, but let's give it a try anyway." The elegant man gave a wry smile. Every time he went to the headquarters to look at the undead old Dese of the Central Province Tower, he always felt unhappy.

There were a few people sitting behind them, and one of the white-haired old men was the great elder named Bei Yuanhuang who was seeing a doctor in the palace that Lou Muyan had met.

"That girl is really extraordinary." He looked at Lou Muyan and easily discerned two hundred kinds of spirit grasses in his eyes.

The elegant man asked in surprise when he heard his words: "Do you know that girl?"

"She is the pharmacist who successfully found out the cause of the poison for Emperor Beiyuan. I suspect that she is still a high-level alchemist." The elders still admired a capable junior like Lou Muyan.

"Elder, the cause that you didn't see this time was solved by this girl?" The elegant man and the others were surprised.

You must know that the Great Elder is not only a high-rank 7-rank alchemist, but also an intermediate-rank 7-rank pharmacist. The disease that he could not cure was actually cured by a girl.

"What's the origin of that girl?" The deputy tower master asked with a little interest.

"She is the head of the Murong mercenary regiment that was hotly debated in the imperial capital a few days ago. As for her background, she has no idea of ​​her background, and she has not really joined any faction."

The first elder continued: "The little girl is not very old, but she is very calm and calm. If she has a good talent for alchemy, she will be a good seedling."

As we all know, an alchemist not only needs a good talent, but also has a very important temperament. If an alchemist is impetuous or pays too much attention to the pursuit of fame and fortune, it will not go far.

"Let's focus on her in the next two games. If you have good talent, let's give out an olive branch first." The deputy tower owner said.

After the first game, Lou Muyan and others didn't stay too long and left the arena and returned to the other courtyard, waiting for the second game.

The three of Xia Xuanye came to visit that night, and Lou Muyan already knew how many people visited.

In the living room of the other courtyard, she saw the three people who were waiting.

"Is there something wrong with the sudden visit of the three inspectors tonight?" Lou Muyan asked with a straight-to-the-point smile.

She could see that An Yuqian of the three was not amazing in appearance, but he was the most invisible. People with such a calm and reserved feeling must be extraordinary.

Xia Xuanye looked relatively straightforward, but his scheming was not shallow. Instead, the gentle and elegant man who looked like a smiling tiger should be the simplest of the three.

"We're not going around in circles anymore." An Yuqian's voice was as gentle and gentle as his name, "The three of us came to Beiyuan Kingdom this time for Miss Lou."

Lou Muyan smiled with just the right look of surprise: "For me? What does Young Master An mean?"

Anyuqian has always had a very accurate intuition when looking at people. He felt that Lou Muyan was a very smart and transparent woman. He didn't believe that she really didn't see them at all.

But since she was cunningly pretending to be stupid, he naturally wouldn't expose it.

"Miss Lou, what do you think of the mercenary union?" An Yuqian asked without answering.

Lou Muyan said truthfully: "Very good, the mercenary union is not only strong, but also has a good atmosphere."

"Does Miss Lou want to join our mercenary union?" An Yuqian continued to ask.

Lou Muyan chuckled, looked at him with deep meaning and asked, "Are you trying to invite me to join the mercenary union?"

"Yes, we are here to invite Miss Lou to join the mercenary union." An Yuqian nodded.

"What are your conditions? Or what are the benefits you can give me?" Lou Muyan did not hypocritically conceal that she admired the mercenary union more, she was very straightforward.

Her straightforwardness also made the three present stunned, and their affection for him increased in their hearts.

Living in this world to do a lot of things is to use the drive, Lou Muyan and the mercenary union have not yet established a deep relationship, her words are what she thinks in her heart without being contrived.

After listening to those who flattered the mercenary union or complimented them, they felt that Lou Muyan was the most real and likable.

"You should know that our mercenary union is divided into outer union, inner union and central hall." An Yuqian said.

"I know." Lou Muyan nodded.

"Members who really joined the mercenary union need to start from the inner circle, and only after reaching a certain contribution value can they enter the central hall."

An Yuqian paused and said, "But in view of Miss Lou's excellent training and formation talents, as a person in charge of the inspector, I can apply for you to directly join the Central Hall and become one of the core members of the mercenary union."

"Is that the only way?" Lou Muyan raised an eyebrow and smiled.

An Yuqian's expression did not change, "After joining the Central Hall, Miss Lou can enjoy all the rights that a core member should have, including receiving training resources suitable for the realm from the union every year."

"Can you show me what rights the core members enjoy?" Lou Muyan was more interested in this.

An Yuqian smiled, this girl is really not good at fooling around and being cunning.

He took out a jade green slip and handed it to Lou Muyan, "There are rights, resources and obligations that members of the Central Hall can enjoy."

There is no free lunch in the world. No matter which organization you join to obtain cultivation resources and shelter, you will have to pay the corresponding price and responsibility.

Lou Muyan took the jade slips and looked at them, and was very satisfied with several of them.

For example, although the central hall of the mercenary union cannot serve as the head of any mercenary group, but has a higher right to freedom of life, if the central hall has no tasks, he can temporarily join a mercenary group to do tasks, and the points are still the same. accumulate.

Another example is that the mercenary union does not restrict people in the central hall from serving as guest ministers or nominal elders of other forces. The only requirement is loyalty and a sense of belonging to the mercenary union.

"I want to think about it for a while, how about I give you an answer after the competition held by Danta is over?" Lou Muyan looked at the three of them with a half-smiling smile.

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