That night, Lou Muyan sat on the roof to absorb the power of the sun, moon and stars.

After the lower part of the Witch God Art reaches the second layer, it needs to absorb the power of the stars and the power of lightning to quench the body and continue to strengthen, and the essence of the stars will be more perfectly reflected.

The formation she set up in the inn suddenly fluctuated, and when she opened her eyes, she saw a meditative cultivator in a red robe falling in front of her on the roof.

"Yan'er." Then she was pulled into his arms by Ming Xiu and hugged tightly, "I miss you so much!"

Lou Muyan's heart moved, and he wrapped his arms around Ming Xiu, "I miss you too!"

The feeling of longing that she had never experienced before, since she met and fell in love with meditation, she realized that it was so beautiful and expected to miss a person.

Hearing Lou Muyan's clear and sweet voice, Ming Xiu's heart felt itchy as if being scratched by a kitten's claws.

He lowered his head and kissed Lou Muyan's moist pink lips, gently tossing and lingering.

Lou Muyan wrapped his neck around his neck and kissed back a little bit, grimacingly.

After hugging and kissing, the two sat side by side on the roof watching the stars.

Ming Xiu stretched out his left hand and clasped Lou Muyan's fingers together, "Yan'er, are you sure about the alchemy competition?"

"Yes, I have been promoted to the eighth-rank alchemist." Lou Muyan said, leaning on Ming Xiu's shoulder.

Ming Xiu's deep eyes were full of anticipation, "I believe that Yan'er will definitely win the championship."

"Well, but there are many talents in the younger generation in the Guangling world, and I may meet a strong enemy." Lou Muyan never looked down on anyone, especially the talents in Zhongzhou.

Meditation thought for a while and said, "I'll help you sort out a list of the more powerful alchemists in the five states to advance to the finals."

"No, knowing too much makes the challenge less fun." Lou Muyan was confident and chuckled: "I prefer excitement, so I'm looking forward to someone who can surprise me with a challenge."

The corners of Ming Xiu's lips raised an arc, his woman was special, but this was also the side he liked.

He also likes excitement, likes a challenge, and they are a natural couple.

"Okay." He paused and said, "Recently, my father and emperor came out of retreat and needed me to be with me often. I should watch the alchemy competition with the royal family, and I may not be able to accompany you."

"It's alright, I was always concerned about my participation in the finals of the alchemy conference, and we will also be discovered together." Lou Muyan replied.

Ming Xiu took Lou Muyan into his arms and asked, "Yan'er, why don't we make our relationship public."

"When the alchemy competition is over, I'll join the mercenary union." Lou Muyan didn't want anything to happen because of their public relationship.

She heard that the people of the royal family in the Underworld are very proud and strong. If they open their relationship, she is afraid that when the royal family invites her to be an alchemist, she can't refuse, and she does not want to participate in the affairs of the royal family.

And she didn't know whether people in the royal family, such as Ming Xiu's father, would allow him to find a woman with no background to form a double-cultivation partner. She hoped that when the relationship was made public, her identity could match his.

Ming Xiu didn't care what others thought of Lou Muyan, but he wanted to give her the best, and he wouldn't force her.

"Okay, then we will open up our relationship later." Ming Xiu kissed her forehead and said, "Yan'er, don't worry, the woman I like will also like my father."

In the royal family of the Underworld, the only person he valued the most was his father, as for what other people had to do with him.

"Well, I hope." Lou Muyan smiled slightly.

In the early morning, Lou Muyan jumped off the roof when the sun shone down on the yard.

Ming Xiu had already left when it was almost dawn, and no one found him.

"Master, Master." Bing Ji immediately came over to see Lou Muyan's practice, "The center of Zhongzhou City is very lively, there are many shops, and your spirit grass is about to run out. Let's go shopping."

Lou Muyan looked at him amusingly and said, "It's fake to buy something, it's real if you want to go out for a walk."

"Hey, I can't hide anything from the master." Bing Ji smiled shyly.

Miaomiao and Xuexue couldn't sit still, "Master, master, let's go out for a walk."

"Okay, call my second brother and let them go together."

"I'll go call them." Miaomiao smiled and ran to call someone.

Xue Xue has been a handsome young man with a delicate face and fair skin since he was promoted to the Dan Yuan Realm, and his temperament is not as active as Miaomiao.

After Lou Muyan took a shower and came out, the others also arrived, so they went to the center of the city together.

Zhongzhou City is prosperous with a kind of ancient and simple atmosphere. The street in the middle is very wide and can accommodate six horse-drawn carriages. There are row upon row of shops on both sides of the street.

Every shop has a sense of low-key luxury. The people who come and go are not only above the sword masters on average, but also dressed in different clothes. It can be seen that many sword masters from other places have recently poured in to watch the alchemy competition.

Lou Muyan and a few others visited several shops selling spirit grass, and also bought some spirit grass seeds. As for the eighth-level spirit grass, these shops did not have them.

Strolling the street, Miaomiao pointed to a luxurious shop in front and said, "Master, there are women's jewelry and accessories, let's go and have a look."

"Well, let's go." Lou Muyan also saw the shop that was very conspicuous on the whole street.

This should be the largest jewelry store in Zhongzhou City.

Women's business is the best way to do it, so there are special forces that will recruit some skilled craftsmen in refining tools to make the jewelry worn by women into magic tools.

Not only does it allow beauty-loving women to dress up more beautifully, but it also has defense or attack functions. The best of both worlds is very popular among female swordsmen.

Of course, in addition to women's things, such stores also sell men's accessories, which also include formation or offensive and defensive functions.

Immediately after entering the store, a waiter greeted him.

"What do the young masters and young ladies want to see?" The waiter was a very handsome young man with a baby face, and he recommended with a smile: "We recently brought a batch of jewelry, which is very suitable for the temperament of the young ladies. Do you need to see it?"

Although Lou Muyan and his party were not too ostentatious, they were definitely not bad. In addition, the handsome men and women had extraordinary temperament, so the vicious-eyed waiter regarded them as big customers before introducing new jewelry.

"Okay, then show us." Lou Muyan thought about buying some beautiful jewelry and accessories for Miaomiao, Chihuang and Wu Nuan.

"A few, please come with me." The waiter led a few people up to the third floor with a smile.

Because the alchemy competition is about to start, many young masters and young ladies from other states have come to Zhongzhou City, and their business has been very hot recently.

Having served as a waiter for more than ten years, he could naturally see whether those people could afford it, so he was extra polite to them.

Lou Muyan and others followed the waiter to the third floor. At the same time, the other two groups also entered the store one after another, and were introduced to the third floor by the other waiters.

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