The surrounding core disciples walked out of the palace one after another and looked at the remote palace with spiritual energy fluctuations in the deepest part.

Then they found that although the aura was surging, it was limited to the most remote palace, and the aura of the palace they lived in was not affected.

Many disciples walked towards the side hall, and when they stood not far away, they realized that there was a translucent white light covering the top of the palace. As soon as the surrounding spiritual energy entered the cover, a whirlpool would occur.

"This is the eighth-rank spirit gathering array." One of the older men said with wide eyes.

He is a Rank 7 Array Master himself, and the palace where he lives has also set up a Rank 7 Spirit Gathering Array, but he didn't expect to see the Rank 8 Gathering Array that he longed for for a long time here.

"What? It turned out to be an eighth-rank gathering spirit formation." A woman beside him said in surprise, "Whose residence is that? I remember that the palace was empty."

"It should be the new little junior sister who chose that palace." Another man said with his arms wrapped around him.

He had seen An Yuqian and the three of them walking with a young alluring woman towards the side hall before. Although he did not go to the alchemy competition, he could guess that the woman should be Lou Mu, who has been rumored recently. cigarette.

"New little junior sister?" A disciple who had just arrived here asked in surprise.

"I see, it should be Lou Muyan who won the alchemy competition this time."

"I heard that she was scrambled by several major forces, and finally grabbed by our president, and then directly promoted to the core disciple of the central hall."

"My God, she is not only an eighth-rank alchemist, but also an eighth-rank array mage. Is this talent against the sky?"

"How do you know that she is an eighth-rank array mage, maybe someone else helped her arrange it."

"I just saw An Yuqian and the three of them accompany her in. None of those three are magicians, and there is no one else besides her who arranges the magic."

"No, it's so perverted."


There were more and more core disciples gathered outside, and all of them wondered if Lou Muyan was an eighth-rank Array Master.

"Mu Yan, you made such a big noise, they couldn't sit still." An Yuqian smiled helplessly.

Lou Muyan shrugged: "I can't help it, if I set up a seventh-grade spirit gathering array, I can still be sure not to make any noise, but if I set up an eighth-grade spirit gathering array without taking the spiritual energy of other palaces, I can only do it. Add a formation that makes time flow faster and the aura can be compressed."

"Can the formation speed up time?" Xia Yexuan's eyes lit up and asked, "Can that be used for cultivation?"

"Not yet." Lou Muyan shook her head.

This formation was inherited by her and Ming Xiu in the inheritance place. They also thought about using it for cultivation. Time is constantly accelerating in the formation, but the time outside remains unchanged, which is also a shortcut to cultivation. .

But although it is still not possible, she and Ming Xiu have been studying it. She already has a feeling that she is about to touch that layer of membrane, and she may be able to study it soon.

Although the three of Xia Yexuan were looking forward to it, they were not disappointed when they heard that they could not be used for cultivation.

"I just said how could there be such a sky-defying formation." Chu Xi sighed.

Lou Muyan chuckled: "If one day I develop such a formation, I will help you arrange one."

"Okay! It's still Mu Yan's loyalty." Xia Yexuan said with a smile.

"Then let's thank Muyan here first." An Yuqian has always felt that Lou Muyan is not only a genius, but her talent is too heaven-defying, maybe it is possible to develop such a formation in the future.

Xia Yexuan said with a smile: "Mu Yan, if you really devise such a formation that can make time flow, you will definitely be able to stir up the entire Guangling World."

Lou Muyan smiled indifferently: "I don't have that hobby."

If she wants to study such a formation, she will only provide it to those who care. She has no interest in such a sensation and fame, and it will definitely bring endless trouble.

"By the way, should we first think about how to deal with people outside?" Chu Xi said helplessly.

Lou Muyan thought about it and said, "Don't worry about it for the time being, they will naturally disperse when they look boring."

She doesn't want to have too much contact with those brothers and sisters now. After all, after joining the mercenary trade union, she was not only directly promoted to the core disciple, but also got a place to comprehend the comprehension tower without participating in the screening. Now is the time for hatred. , it is better to go out less.

It's not that she's afraid of causing trouble, she just doesn't want trouble, she wants to hurry up and study the formation that can speed up time in the past month.

"Alright, let's get along with them slowly in the future, don't worry."

The three of An Yuqian left shortly after, while Lou Muyan began to retreat.

As soon as the three of them came out, they were dragged by the core disciples who were onlookers to ask questions, but they were all put off by them.

However, the news still spread like wildfire, and even the upper levels of the central hall were alarmed.

Later, when someone visited Lou Muyan, she was told by the housekeeper to go to retreat, and those who wanted to inquire about the news gradually rested their minds.

However, there are still two elders from the central hall who often come to study the formation arranged by Lou Muyan, and they are amazed every time.

If it weren't for the fact that Lou Muyan had placed a rank eight restriction outside the door when she was in retreat, they would have wanted to go in and find her out for a discussion.

Both of them are eighth-rank array masters, and they can also set up eighth-rank spirit gathering arrays, but they are not as subtle as Lou Muyan's spirit gathering array.

The Spirit Gathering Array they set up will absorb all the spiritual energy around them one by one. If they are set up here, it will definitely cause public outrage.

However, after studying for a month, they couldn't find the mystery of the transformation of the formation, and they were very distressed.

During the month of retreat, Lou Muyan re-sacrifices the power of the Tianfeng bloodline in his body, and his body has reached a new level of strength, and many secret techniques can be used.

She knew that the arrangement of the eighth-grade spirit gathering array would definitely attract the attention of others, so she deliberately avoided it.

She ignored it for the time being, and while studying the formation technique, she practiced secret techniques, and she could practice all the secret techniques she knew in her previous life.

Time passed, and soon a month passed.

On this day, Lou Muyan just succeeded in refining the long sword of the wind attribute natal magic weapon. This time, because of the suppressed spiritual power in her body, she was able to break through to the Tianyuan realm.

After merging that drop of Tianfeng blood essence, the power of the spirit fire has also increased a lot.

A special sound transmission penetrated into her ear, this was An Yuqian's voice.

"Mu Yan, the Tower of Comprehension is about to open, the Palace Master will let you come over."

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