After Lou Muyan left the third floor, her mental power penetrated into the task jade slip to check.

Both ordinary disciples and core disciples in the central hall will accept a mission every once in a while, and they can get rewards for completing the mission.

But if the mission fails three times in a row, the core disciples will be reduced to ordinary disciples, and ordinary disciples will be asked to leave the central hall.

This kind of rule can also be understood. If you want to enjoy resources that are not available outside, you must have matching qualifications, otherwise the mercenary union will not become a top force, but a shelter.

"Your mission is about the Comprehension Tower?" Mo Yan said lazily, lying on Lou Muyan's shoulder.

Lou Muyan replied, "Well, the minimum requirement for my quest is to reach the seventh floor of the five comprehension towers. After that, each time you climb to the first floor of a comprehension tower is the task completed, and it can be stacked."

"However, the rewards are also very rich. If I can reach the ninth floor, the few spiritual items you can see that can be exchanged for contribution points will be enough."

Mo Yan's dull eyes overflowed with a little smile, and ripples appeared in his heart, this woman is always so warm-hearted.

"Okay, those few things are very important for me to hit the fusion realm, and I won't be polite to you." Mo Yan's heart was warm, but his mouth was very arrogant.

Lou Muyan gave him a funny look, "When have you been polite to me?"

Mo Yan has a special place in her heart. Unlike Ming Xiu, Mo Yan is like a relative in the depths of her heart, even more important than the relatives of the Lou family.

Since she came to this world, Mo Yan has accompanied her all the way to the present.

She will never forget the determination that Mo Yan had to sacrifice himself in order to save her in the land of inheritance.

Mo Yan's lips raised an arc, "Of course I won't be polite to you."

"Have you touched the barrier of Fusion Realm?" Lou Muyan asked.

She found that since Mo Yan returned to the Guangling Realm, his cultivation base had grown rapidly like a chicken blood, and it was almost blinding the eyes of those powerhouses.

However, Jun Luochen's cultivation has also grown rapidly, but it is still a step behind Mo Yan.

"It's almost there." Mo Yan said with a smile, "You don't have to envy my fast cultivation speed, after all, I used to be a demon king who merged with the middle realm, and if I didn't have as much supply of medicinal pills as you, my speed would be as fast as Jun Luochen. almost."

It is naturally impossible for Jun Luochen to become a Demon Venerable in the Demon Domain. His previous cultivation was even higher than Mo Yan, but recently he has been huddled in a pendant.

"That's right, it's thanks to me that you are so powerful." Lou Muyan raised her chin with a look of gratitude to me.

Mo Yan stretched out his claws and gave her a light head, "Look at how shy you are."

Several spiritual pets such as Bingji have been received by Lou Muyan in the bell space. After all, it is too ostentatious and hateful to walk around with a few high-level spiritual pets.

"Stupid Dragon hasn't gone back to find Ming Xiu?" Mo Yan asked.

Lou Muyan smiled helplessly and said, "Stupid dragon is not going away. He said that Ming Xiu asked him to protect me."

"He doesn't want to find his master because he doesn't want to go to him." Mo Yan also showed a bit of helplessness in his eyes.

Don't look at Long Yao's handsome and ruthless appearance, like an adult man, in fact, he has not yet reached adulthood, after all, the lifespan of the dragon family is too long.

"Just stay if he likes to stay." Lou Muyan smiled indifferently: "This guy who cheats food and drink is quite reliable."

"Well, the royal blood of the stupid dragon is very pure, and the talent is also very powerful. It will definitely impact the fusion realm in the future." Mo Yan said.

Lou Muyan thought for a while and said, "Mo Yan, when do you think we will go to the Demon Realm to take back the throne for you?"

She would never let go of anyone who dared to betray and bully her family Mo Yan back then.

There was a brilliance in Mo Yan's deep black eyes, it turned out that this woman had been thinking about avenging him.

"Our strength is too weak now, we will go after you reach the fusion realm." His eyes were cold, and the account of the year was about to be settled.

He is no longer interested in regaining the throne, but he will not let go of any demon cultivator who betrayed him and almost killed him.

"Mo Yan, the one who betrayed you in the past wasn't a female goblin, right?" Lou Muyan laughed jokingly.

Mo Yan was stunned for a moment, then rolled her eyes at her angrily, "You think too much."

He had never been moved or approached by any banshee, so how could he be betrayed.

The only woman he has ever been close to is Lou Muyan.

"The one who betrayed me was a very trusted subordinate. If it wasn't for me at the juncture of retreating and impacting the upper realm of fusion, they would not have succeeded." Mo Yan's words did not contain much concern.

Since he met Lou Muyan and got along closely with a group of spiritual pets, he really realized what a companion is, a companion who will not betray each other even under the temptation of the best interests.

"Well, then I have to practice quickly, and then we will go to the demon realm to kill the Quartet." Lou Muyan said with hooked lips.

"it is good!"

While chatting with Mo Yan, Lou Muyan hurried towards the designated gathering place.

When she arrived, the others also understood where the core disciples of the tower were waiting, and all turned their attention to her.

She smiled helplessly at the three of An Yuqian, it wasn't that she wanted to do something special, it was entirely the hall master who asked her to assign tasks.

Standing in front of the disciples was an old man in green clothes with a kind face. After seeing Lou Muyan, he did not blame him. He knew that she was called by the hall master.

"Little girl Lou, have you received the task?"

Lou Muyan replied with a smile on her face: "Report to the seniors, I have already received the task."

"Well, then let's go." The old man in green swiped his hand, and a golden roc in the Tianyuan realm landed in front of everyone.

"Come with me." The old man in Tsing Yi took the lead to get on Dapeng.

"Yes." The others followed.

Lou Muyan found that the only person leading the team this time was the old man in Tsing Yi, and there were 16 disciples who got the quota for the Comprehension Pagoda, including her.

"This time, each faction will send sixteen disciples to enter the Tower of Comprehension. If you know several techniques at the same time, you can try them one by one."

The old man in Tsing Yi continued to face the crowd: "But don't swallow the dates whole, you have the ability to do big things."

"Each comprehension tower has only one chance to enter in your life, so you must persist in comprehension in each tower until the moment when you are automatically discharged by the comprehension tower spirit, don't be impatient."

"Disciple obeys."

"The Tower of Comprehension is opened once a hundred years, and each opening is related to the leading distribution of our major forces in several secret realms. You do your best. After you come back with good performance, the union will have its own separate reward." Stakes said again.

"The disciple must do his best to win glory for the mercenary union."

"Vice Hall Master, the last time the Comprehension Tower was opened, how was the ranking of our mercenary union?" Xia Yexuan asked with a smile.

Lou Muyan saw a bit of helplessness in the eyes of the old man in Tsing Yi looking at Xia Yexuan. She was even more certain that Xia Yexuan's background must be related to that high-level mercenary union.

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