Lou Muyan's impact on the Tianyuan Realm was very loud. Even if there was a defensive artifact of the Wan Palace Master, the surge of spiritual power was still too fierce, causing a lot of movement.

"Go to a safe place and let her advance first." Wan Hall Master found that there were actually colorful spiritual clouds gathered in the sky, so he ordered the Dapeng under his feet.

Soon, the golden Dapeng landed on a desolate hill, and the other disciples jumped off the Dapeng and stared at Lou Muyan to advance.

The aura around her kept pouring into her body, and her body was absorbing like a bottomless pit.

A large number of colorful spiritual clouds gathered in the sky, and the spiritual power lightning fell one after another to quench her body again.

Such a promotion method also surprised the people present. They found that Lou Muyan's skin at this time was lingering with a layer of jade color, which was extremely hard.

"What a strong body, she is still a body repairer." One person couldn't help but sigh.

"I don't know how she performed in the Comprehension Tower this time. The last one that came out must not be too low."

"I guess she should have one or two comprehension towers on the ninth floor."

"Vice Hall Master Wan attaches great importance to her attitude, and her performance this time must be very good."


The core disciples present were all within fifty years of age, and all had high mentality, and they held a friendly attitude towards Lou Muyan in their hearts.

It's not just a friendship, but also because Lou Muyan's potential is worthy of their friendship.

Just based on the eighth-grade spirit gathering formation she revealed, none of the core disciples were not interested in her formation.

Lou Muyan's promotion took three days to complete. Due to the strong backlog of spiritual power and his thorough understanding in the Comprehension Tower, he jumped one level in a row, not only breaking through to the Tianyuan realm, but also advancing to the mid-term. .

In fact, she also suppressed a part of the power, otherwise it would be possible to use this to attack the late Tianyuan realm.

One is that she doesn't want to be too public, and the other is that she hopes to lay a solid foundation step by step.

However, she didn't take it seriously, but everyone, including Hall Master Wan, was stunned.

It was the first time they saw someone who was promoted to the Tianyuan realm and jumped two levels in a row, and jumped directly from the initial stage to the middle stage, so that the cultivation talent and her magic talent were very abnormal.

Lou Muyan had always known that Hall Master Wan asked Dapeng to find this place for her to break through, and the other disciples did not show much dissatisfaction, and reaffirmed her decision to choose a mercenary union in her heart.

She got up and smiled apologetically to the Hall Master Wan and the core disciples present: "The Hall Master Wan, brothers and sisters, I'm sorry for making you wait for a long time."

"Haha, it's okay." The hall master looked happy and said with a big smile: "It's not bad to witness a genius like you in my lifetime, and we'll be happy to wait a few more days."

He himself is a Fusion Realm cultivation base and has lived for thousands of years, but this is the first time he has seen a genius who can even jump to the Tianyuan Realm. In addition, he understands the performance of Lou Muyan in the tower. equal status.

As long as Lou Muyan does not fall, it will be a sure thing to become at least a ninth-rank five-skill mage in the future, and he is likely to ask her for it.

So she was very friendly.

"Palace Master Wan said that the process of the junior sister's promotion has also benefited me a lot, and it's okay to wait for a while."

Others have also conveyed their kindness to her, so it is impossible for them to offend or hold grudges on the face of geniuses who have been trained by the trade union.

What's more, Lou Muyan's promotion process did bring them a lot of excitement and a new feeling. It's not a lie, they really benefited a lot in the past three days.

"Palace Master Wan and the senior brothers and sisters praised him." Lou Muyan smiled humbly.

"Okay, Lou girl has been promoted, let's continue on our way." Wan Hall smiled and let the crowd go up to Dapeng.

The president had sent a summons to inquire before, and it was self-evident that he attached great importance to Lou Muyan, so he had better hurry back.

The group continued to fly after getting on the Dapeng, when they reached the top of a dense forest.

Suddenly, a wave of coercion spread out and enveloped the group.

The face of the hall master changed, and it was obvious that he had been in ambush for a long time.

Then everyone saw more than a dozen black-clothed men appearing in midair, and the two of them were all in the fusion realm.

"Leaving the space ring may spare your life. If you don't know how to lift it, you will only have to die." A black-clothed masked man in the fusion realm said with a smile.

The Hall Master Wan said coldly with a stern face: "We are members of the Mercenary Union, you must have made a mistake."

"What about the people in the mercenary union? Are we still afraid?" Another masked man sneered: "The people in the mercenary union are richer than other small fish and shrimps. It seems that this time we have made money."

The disciples of the mercenary union took out their magical instruments and prepared for battle.

Lou Muyan frowned slightly. She found that the dozen or so people on the opposite side carried a familiar aura, but it was indeed the first time they met.

"They are all demons." Jun Luochen's voice sounded in her sea of ​​consciousness.

She squinted, it seemed that these people were sent by the Great Saint or the Three Saints, and it was possible that Shen Mufeng was there.

Before she participated in the alchemy competition in Beizhou, she was constantly pursued by assassins in the dark market. Ming Xiu found out that the great saint went to the dark market to make an offer to buy her life, but it was later cancelled for unknown reasons.

She guessed that the one who gave up the mission should not be the great saint, but she couldn't figure out why the dark market gave up the mission.

"They should be coming at me." Lou Muyan's voice was transmitted calmly.

"Obviously, they just used robbery to cover up the identity of the demon race. After all, once they are discovered, the powerhouses in the human domain will definitely take action against them." Jun Luochen replied.

Lou Muyan's lips showed a sneering look, "They really look down on me, they dispatched two fusion realm and seventeen late Tianyuan realm, peak cultivation realm demons."

"The main people who the two demons in the fusion realm will deal with should be the master of the hall. As long as you solve the more than ten demons in the Tianyuan realm, they will naturally retreat." Jun Luochen said lightly.

Lou Muyan replied, "It's been a long time since I moved my muscles and bones. I just happened to use them to try to break through to the Tianyuan realm."

Hall Master Wan negotiated with the two, but obviously to no avail.

"Kill them all, leave none of them." A masked man in black ordered.


So more than a dozen people quickly surrounded Lou Muyan and his party.

Hall Master Wan has lived for so many years and is also a human being. Naturally, it can be seen that these people are not good people. They are definitely not real robbers. They may be aimed at the core disciples of the mercenary trade union.

"I'll deal with those two people in the fusion realm. You hold the more than ten people in the Tianyuan realm, kill them if you can, don't be merciful." The hall master instructed the disciples.


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