Lou Muyan was not too long-winded, she had almost rested on Dapeng, so she directly invited the two elders into the refining room.

She took out one of the three eighth-grade materials for the Spirit Gathering Array, and threw it into the colorful glazed cauldron to refine it.

The two elders, one fat and one thin, were originally eighth-rank senior craft refiners, so they could understand her every step.

Looking at her dedicated refining equipment, the two gradually became addicted, and occasionally praised a few words.

"Wonderful, wonderful, it turns out that deep sea ice crystals can be refined like this."

"The girl's ability to control fire is so precise, it's really powerful."

"Okay, very good, it blends so perfectly."


Lou Muyan is also quite talented in refining, but she prefers formations and alchemy.

After listening to the words of the hall master that day, she also felt that she could not relax and slack off the refining, so she persevered even if it was very difficult to comprehend in the refining comprehension tower.

After reaching the eighth floor, every time the image appears is the refining method and process of a magic weapon. After the demonstration is completed, the refining materials will automatically appear in the space, and it is infinite.

She needs to use these refining materials to refine magical instruments of the same level and quality to pass the level.

Of course, the level of the magic weapon that needs to be refined will not exceed the eighth-grade advanced level, and it will be determined according to the level of the person who comprehends it, but the refinement of each magic weapon will incorporate the mystery and true meaning of many elements, and even involve array.

She has benefited a lot from it, and the eight-grade magic tools refined in the Comprehension Tower are like countless crucian carp crossing the river. Now her real strength is the eighth-grade advanced level of five techniques.

Therefore, refining such an array is very simple for her, and each array can be refined to perfection.

Otherwise, it would be impossible for the two old monsters who have been practicing magic tools for thousands of years to praise them again and again, and the color of admiration in their eyes gradually turned into respect.

After the refining of a set of array equipment was completed, they no longer regarded Lou Muyan as a junior, but placed it in the same position.

"Do the two seniors want to take a day off to see my formation, or go now?" Lou Muyan's mental strength is very strong, and after refining a set of formations, the impact is not great.

The fat old man said with a smile: "Little girl, since you are still in good spirits, why don't you go and arrange the formation together today."

Seeing that the 8th-grade arrays made by Lou Muyan were complex and varied, they couldn't help but want to watch her make the array, otherwise they would not be able to sleep tonight.

"Okay, I'll send a message to the three senior brothers. I'll go over now." Lou Muyan also wanted to finish it all at once.

When the three arrived at An Yuqian's palace, many of the core disciples also received news that Lou Muyan and the two left and right deacons were going to set up a spirit gathering array, and they all walked out of their respective palaces, not even those who were retreating. exception.

In particular, the disciples who were originally Array Masters hurried away like a chicken blood, for fear that they would not be able to see it if they were late.

After receiving the news, many high-level officials of the central hall also became interested and came to watch.

Lou Muyan didn't want to hide it either, so he publicly offered a set of more than 100 arrays one by one.

Of course, the spirit stone was given by An Yuqian to maintain the formation.

Her Spirit Gathering Array also has the biggest advantage. The Spirit Stones only need to be spread out and placed once. After running, the Array will replenish the Array with a steady stream of Spiritual Qi, and the consumption is very small.

If an eighth-rank Spirit Gathering Array works well, the spirit stones that maintain the array can be replaced for hundreds of years.

The two elders were amazed while watching her set up the formation, and the other high-level officials and disciples' eyes changed when they heard about Lou Muyan.

This kind of formation is too unbelievable.

Not only can it condense the spiritual energy several times, it does not affect the spiritual energy of other people's palaces around it, but it also has the effect of saving spiritual stones, which is everyone's desire.

Lou Muyan's formation skills are above the refining equipment, and coupled with the comprehension of the comprehension tower, he could have completed the arrangement of the spirit gathering formation very quickly. It can be seen that so many people are watching, so he slowed down a bit so that some formation masters Can be watched carefully.

She is not a stingy person about what she has learned. She is given a chance. Whether or not she can benefit from her formation depends on her personal destiny.

After arranging the eighth-grade spirit gathering array, Lou Muyan handed over the other two arrays to the fat and thin two deacon elders, and said hello to An Yuqian and the others before leaving.

For her low-key, An Yuqian and others were also quite helpless, but the more they wanted to be low-key, the more they couldn't help it.

When the two elders, Fat and Thin, set up the eighth-grade spirit gathering formation for Xia Yexuan and Chu Xi, the entire central hall was shocked.

Many people came to ask Lou Muyan in person, but got a unified answer. She is in retreat. She has already taught two elders in the eighth-rank spirit gathering array. If this is the case, you can go directly to the two elders.

As a result, there are many more people visiting the residence of the fat and thin old people every day, and even other major forces have many high-level visits after hearing about it.

The president and the hall master also instructed the two of them to contribute more to the central hall, so they sadly began to form formations for the disciples who could provide materials for the central hall. Little Fox.

The two of them were completely used by her as a spear.

However, they were only jokingly scolding. The two of them liked Lou Muyan, the formation genius, very much, otherwise they would not have worked hard to help the core disciples of the central hall to form formations.

After another month, the turmoil of the Eighth-Rank Spirit Gathering Array gradually calmed down, but the Lou Muyan Mercenary Union and even the Zhongzhou Continent were even more famous.

On this day, she received a message from the palace master just after cultivating a set of secret techniques of sword formation.

Lou Muyan did not hesitate and went directly to the third floor of the central hall.

"Palace Master, are you looking for me?"

Hall Master Rong already knew about Lou Muyan's performance in the Comprehension Tower, and was very proud.

"The girl is here." He stood up and said with a smile, "Go to a place with me."

"Going to a place?" Lou Muyan asked curiously, blinking her eyes.

"Yes, go to a place where you can reap great opportunities." Palace Master Rong smiled and said no more.

Lou Muyan couldn't guess in her heart what big chance she would get, but she followed obediently.

The two got on the flying instrument of the Rong Hall Master, and used the teleportation array three times, and finally came to a mountain top with strong fragrance of birds and flowers.

There is a stone house on the top of the mountain, which looks ordinary and simple.

"You come in with me, and you must be respectful to the seniors inside." Rong Palace Master reminded cautiously.

Lou Muyan nodded: "Okay."

After entering the stone house, Lou Muyan found ten people sitting inside. In addition to the presidents of the five major forces, tower masters, pavilion masters, and alliance masters, there were also five old men with introverted breath and unfathomable strength.

"Meet the five ancestors." The Rong Hall Master respectfully saluted the five people above.

Lou Muyan followed and greeted him calmly.

The ancestor of the Mercenary Union smiled and said, "This little girl has a good temperament, she is calm and reserved, neither arrogant nor impetuous, she is a good seedling."

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