Lou Muyan and his party found a hidden hole in the hole and drilled in to take a rest.

She dragged Su Jin and Ming Xiu into the innermost cave, crushing a sound-proof array ball, and no one outside found it.

"Senior brother, when did you teleport to the Guangling World?" Lou Muyan paused and said, "Did the space node go wrong again, so it didn't fly to the connection point."

"Not long after you left, I reached the Danyuan realm and soared to the Guangling realm."

Su Jin continued: "There is no error in the space node, but I have a mark made by the Su family on my body. After appearing in the Guangling world, it also falls on the territory of the Su family, so the news has not been leaked."

He already knew the identity of Ming Xiu, and guessed that he might find someone to squat at the contact point of the human race to check the news of their ascension.

"So that's the case." Lou Muyan raised his eyebrows slightly, "Senior brother, those five were brothers to you just now? I don't think you are close to them."

"They are my cousins, and I don't have many feelings between them." Su Jin's eyes didn't have many emotional ups and downs, "This time they entered the Canglan Secret Realm with me just because I got a piece by chance. token."

"The Su family didn't auction the token?" Ming Xiu asked suspiciously.

The Su family is very famous in the mainland of Zhongzhou. Although the overall strength can only be ranked among the first-class forces, but because it is a family of spirit wine masters and has opened Xizhaolou, it is reluctantly squeezed into the category of top forces.

Spiritualist is the most popular profession in the mainland, and it also represents unlimited connections, so few people dare to despise or offend the Su family.

After all, the old men from the Human Domain Alliance often ask the senior spirit sommeliers of the Su family to help brew spirit wine. In addition to paying the remuneration, they also owe the debt of favor.

No matter where Su Jin is, the sense of elegance and nobility on her body will unconsciously show, "I took a piece, but it's all given to the elite team of the Su family."

Lou Muyan frowned and asked, "Senior brother, are you really related to the Su family?"

Seeing that Su Jin's indifferent eyes quickly flashed a sad emotion, she added: "If senior brother finds it inconvenient, don't say it."

If the matter of the Su family is unpleasant and painful for Su Jin, then she doesn't want to expose his scars.

Su Jin shook his head and smiled lightly: "There is nothing inconvenient to say, in my heart only you and the master are the closest people."

"Senior brother is also my important relative." Lou Muyan had a firm look on his face.

Su Jin took more care of her when she was in Tianling Continent. After getting along with her, she also classified him as her own. He regarded her as a relative, and so did she.

"Do you know the way the Su family cultivates the bloodline?" Hearing Lou Muyan's words, Su Jin's eyes were full of warmth.

"Know, I heard that it is the same as the royal family of the Underworld, sending the blood of the direct line to the lower realm for cultivation."

Lou Muyan said: "The disciples can reach the Danyuan realm and ascend to the Guangling realm by themselves, and then they can return to the family, but if they don't break through and ascend, they will die in the lower realm all their lives."

"By the way, I also heard that the elders of the Su family will use a special method to seal the memory of the direct bloodline when they are sent to the lower realm. Only when they ascend to the Guangling Realm will they be affected by the interface and automatically break the seal."

Su Jin nodded: "What you know is fairly detailed."

"So the senior brother is actually the direct bloodline of the Su family?" Lou Muyan found out that the previous guesses seemed to be close to the truth.

"I am the only son of the current Patriarch of the Su family. I was born with absolute talent, and I am the best among the younger generation tested in the family." Su Jin turned his eyes into the distance and gradually fell into memories.

"But like you said before, stepping forward gave me extraordinary talent, but it gave me a weak body. If the stubborn ailments of my body cannot be cured, I will never become a sommelier in my life."

"The Su family hired a lot of high-level pharmacists and alchemists to treat me, but they came to the conclusion that they can't live for a hundred years at most, and the cultivation base is the sword god. If you want to force a breakthrough, more than half will die. possible."

Hearing Su Jin's plain words, Lou Muyan's heart tightened.

Seeing the distress in her eyes, Su Jin smiled and patted her head and continued: "The Su family has rules. All talented children in the direct line will be sent to the lower interface to cultivate experience after the age of six."

"Of course, there are exceptions. For example, if the talent is not good, or the bloodline of the direct line that cannot become a wine master can make an exception and not be placed in the lower realm, but it will be sent to a remote city of the family, and those who have the ability can return to the home."

"Senior brother has a congenital stubborn illness and it is reasonable to say that he doesn't need to be sent to the lower realm. Could it be that the top of the Su family did it on purpose?" Lou Muyan's face was slightly cold.

"Originally, it was inevitable to be sent to the lower realm with my talent, but I have a congenital stubborn disease and it is impossible to become a spirit sommelier, so under normal circumstances, I will be sent to the border town for training."

Su Jin's eyes showed a bit of irony: "At that time, my father just took over as the head of the family. He insisted on treating them equally in the clan, so he decided to send me to the lower realm together."

"Although my mind was complicated at the time, I could understand it." He was plagued by stubborn illnesses and was often alone, and he liked to read books, so his mind was relatively precocious.

"I have no complaints, and I have even been guilty of dragging down my parents' reputation."

Immediately, he turned around and said coldly, "But everything changed the day before the transmission."

"I was going to say goodbye to my parents that day but overheard their conversation."

"It turns out that equal treatment is just an excuse. As the head of the family and the head's wife, how can they have a son who will shame them, a son who may stop at Sword God forever, and even if he is treated with good medicine, he can only live to a hundred years old at most. son."

"A son who may never be a sommelier."

"My mother couldn't give birth after recovering from a serious injury." He closed his eyes and continued with a slightly sarcastic tone: "So they adopted a child who was very talented as a spirit drinker when I was two years old. , known as the fourth young master in the Su family, and is also the current young master of the Su family."

"I later learned that the reason why I was able to enter the courtyard of the Patriarch of the Su family without anyone's notification was the masterpiece of the fourth young master five years older than me."

"Did you enter the courtyard and the Su family's owner and his wife didn't find your breath?" Ming Xiu asked suspiciously.

"Su Chen has a jade pendant given by his ancestors that can hide his breath. When I went to the yard, he temporarily lent me to wear it and coaxed me to tell my parents a surprise. At that time, I was too young and didn't think too much and was fooled." Su Jin It was only after he returned to the Guangling Realm that his memories were unsealed, he realized that Su Chen had already had such deep scheming at that time.

But he is also glad about this, glad to hear the conversation between the couple and understand the truth.

Lou Muyan clenched his fists and really had the urge to rush to Su's house to beat him up.

She thought for a while and asked, "Senior brother, isn't Su Chen the illegitimate son of your patriarch's father outside?"

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