Lou Muyan jumped into the space whirlpool with Ming Xiu, and all the spiritual pets immediately got out of the bell space.

Mo Yan's pale eyes shrank, a layer of anger tinged with him.

"I'm going to chase her, how about you?" He looked up at the pets and asked.

This dead woman dared to leave them behind, even if it was in danger or facing death? Are they afraid?

"We swear to pursue the master to the death." The few spirit pets did not hesitate at all.

Mo Yan nodded with satisfaction, put them all into the bell space, grabbed the anklet with one claw and jumped into the gradually closing space vortex.

Long Yao's reaction was half a beat slower, he didn't expect such a scene to happen, and then jumped in without hesitation.

Lou Mubai's reaction was also firm. He jumped up and jumped towards the space whirlpool. The other messengers from the dark market only held on to a corner of his clothes.

"My God! Is His Highness crazy?" Seeing that the vortex of space was completely closed, the man holding a white shirt had a horrified expression on his face.

Another swallowed and said, "If the Dark Lord knows that His Highness jumped into the space storm vortex, will he punish us?"

"This is His Highness's own choice." A woman sighed and said, "His Highness looks indifferent on the surface, but I didn't expect that he is also a man of temperament."

They never thought that Lou Mubai would do such a radical thing.

"The relationship between their siblings must be very good." The man clutching the corner of his shirt nodded.

"His Royal Highness and Miss Lou also have a deep relationship." Another woman nodded enviously.

In order to save Lou Muyan, Ming Xiu changed his position and got himself caught in a spatial storm of unknown life and death, but Lou Muyan jumped in without hesitation. Such feelings are too rare and precious among cultivators.

Lan Ruoshui looked at the space whirlpool that had disappeared and felt an indescribable feeling in her heart. The action of Lou Muyan pushing her just now kept reverberating in her mind.

If Lou Muyan didn't push her, she would probably be in a vortex.

It turned out that this woman was not as annoying as the first time she met her. She really admired her courage to jump down without hesitation.

Lan Yanhuan clenched her hands tightly, looking at the whirlpool's position with envy and jealousy.

Ming Xiu is overpowering him in everything, and now he finds a woman who is not only so good, but also has the courage to jump with him.

The rarest and most precious feeling in the world is life and death.

At this time, he also had to admit that Ming Xiu's eyes were vicious, and the god of luck seemed to have been caring for each other.


After a few loud noises, the Canglan Secret Realm was closed in advance due to the influence of the indigenous self-exploding power, and everyone inside was spread out.

Tandi Cave House.

When Emperor Ming saw Ming Xiu's transformation and fell into the space storm vortex, the tea cup in his hand immediately shattered. He didn't expect his son to be so in love with him.

But when he saw Lou Muyan jumping down without hesitation, his heart was deeply touched and relieved.

Such a woman is indeed worthy of his son, because she will give the same in return.

In his mind, the scene of the beautiful and flamboyant woman who was covered in blood and poured into his arms was constantly in his mind.

The ancestor of the Feng family couldn't help but stand up, his face full of sadness and worry.

These two children were so impulsive that he didn't even know what to say.

The ancestors of the royal family in the Ming Palace were extremely complicated at this time. Two of them had opposed the combination of Ming Xiu and Lou Muyan before, and wanted him to marry women from two other noble families.

But seeing the two of them fall into danger and death without hesitation for the other, and the other with life and death without hesitation, even those who have lived for so many years can't help but be touched by such a scene.

The powerhouses present were also silent at this time, but they all admired the courage of Ming Xiu and Lou Muyan. Not all lovers of dual cultivation can follow each other in life and death.

The domain owner stretched out a hand, calculated it, and said lightly: "They won't fall so easily, this mission is completed perfectly, and they can receive the rewards they deserve when they return."

Hearing the words of the domain master, both the ancestors of the Feng family and the ancestors of the Ming family breathed a sigh of relief.


Emperor Hades opened his eyes, his figure gradually faded, and he disappeared into the cave.

"Let's go." The domain master whispered softly and disappeared in place.

The others looked at each other in dismay, and also said goodbye to those they had a good relationship with.

In the past, these powerhouses would usually invite in twos and threes to have a drink and get together, but now it is not convenient to do so when such a thing happens.

At the same time, he was quite satisfied with Ming Xiu and Lou Muyan. Without them, the identity of the native in the Canglan Secret Realm would not have been exposed.

When he quietly sneaked into the human realm and used that kind of sky crystal to create more low-intelligence high-level monsters and human puppet slaves, they dared not imagine what the consequences would be.

On the other side, after Lou Muyan jumped into the space storm vortex with Ming Xiu, he immediately crushed a few defensive formation balls, opened the Yuanli shield, and covered his body with a layer of jade-colored magic to run the witch god.

After drifting in the storm for an unknown amount of time, she finally couldn't stand the torn pressure and fainted.

I don't know how long it took.

On an island, the sea continuously beats a red figure.

At this time, a flying instrument was slowly approaching, and three men jumped off when they reached the shore.

"Big brother, there is a person lying here." The youngest boy looked at Hong Ying not far away in surprise and said.

The other two came over, and one of the older middle-aged men said, "Little Master, we're going to grab sea berries this time, so let's not be extravagant."

The teenager glared at the middle-aged man, "Arubu, why are you so unloving, I can't stand by and watch."

"Little young master, people are sinister, we don't know this person at all." The middle-aged man sighed, their young master was really too simple to be raised.

The teenager looked aggrieved at the young man who was a few years older than him and said, "Brother, shall we save him?"

The young man didn't want his younger brother to be disappointed, so he thought about it and said, "Let's see if he is still angry, and if he is still alive, help him."

When the middle-aged man saw that the young man did not object, he could only helplessly acquiesce.

The young man walked quickly to the man in red and turned her over, revealing a beautiful face in front of the three of them.

"Yeah, she's actually a woman." The boy said in surprise.

Because he had only seen a red figure lying unconscious before, he didn't know the gender of the other party.

The young man and the middle-aged man were also stunned. They also didn't expect the injured person to be such a beautiful woman.

The teenager stretched out his hand to probe his breath, "Brother, she is still angry."

"Put her on the flying instrument for treatment first." The young man walked over and hugged the unconscious woman onto the flying instrument.

"Look at her, Arubu and I will go to the island to see if there are sea pear flowers." The young man took out an elixir and fed it to the woman, stood up and instructed the boy.

This time they passed by this island unintentionally to see if there were sea pear flowers, otherwise they would not have accidentally rescued the woman.

"Okay, I'll wait for you here." The boy nodded.

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