The eleventh commander, the prince of the fox clan, pondered for a while when he heard the words of the three saints.

"What are you thinking about?" The three saintess' soft and boneless voice sounded, full of soft affection.

The fox prince frowned and obviously didn't like her behavior, "Since the plan remains unchanged, let's do it first."

"You really throw it away when you run out!" The three saintess's tone was full of sorrow.

"That's it." The fox prince really didn't want to talk anymore.

If it weren't for the plan between the two clans, he would not have contacted the three saints of the demon clan.

Just as he was about to cut off the connection with the crystal ball, the other party called out, "Hold on."

"What's the matter?" The fox prince already seemed very impatient.

"I heard that Lou Muyan and others went to the Demon Realm, you guys should be more careful, that woman is a scourge wherever she goes," the three saintess reminded.

The prince of the fox clan showed a bit of playfulness in his eyes, "Lou Muyan? Is that the woman who shines brightly in the battlefield outside the territory?"

"Yes, it's her." The three saintess expressed their dissatisfaction with Lou Muyan in her tone.

"You have a grudge against her?" the fox prince raised his eyebrows.

"Do you care about me?" The three saintess chuckled and asked without answering.

The face of the prince of the fox clan instantly turned cold again, "What does Lou Muyan have to do with me if she doesn't come to Yaoyu? You want to kill her with my hand? Don't be imaginative, I'm not a fool."

"She's a scourge. Wherever she goes, she will cause scourges, so you should be careful, or let her know about our plan, and she will definitely destroy it," said the three saints.

The prince of the fox clan snorted coldly: "I don't think she is a scourge. If it scourges our Guangling World, we won't win because of her. You should keep that little thought in your belly. It's too much to figure out. already."

The originally tender face of the three saints froze when she heard his words, and her voice carried a rare coldness, "Since you don't listen to my reminder, forget it, don't blame me for not telling you when you will suffer. "

"Hmph, I really appreciate your kindness!" The fox prince didn't want to say any more, and cut off the connection with the crystal ball.

"Bitch." After putting away the crystal ball, the fox prince's face darkened.

He decided in his heart that he must strangle the three saints to death in the future. He was really disgusted and panicked with such a woman dangling in front of him.

As for that night, an arc was raised on his lips, did the woman really think she slept with her?

That's too small to look down on him, the fox clan is best at fantasy.

If it wasn't for being poisoned, he would have shot the woman to death at that time, so why use the blindfold.

He was not disgusted by Lou Muyan, whom the Three Saintess spoke of. Having seen the entire battle in Outland, he admired Lou Muyan's arrogance and domineering.

But just think about it, the plan starts two years later, and they may become enemies.

Soon, he will restrain those messy thoughts, these things are insignificant to him.

However, after being disturbed by the three saints, he calmed down and cultivated and could not find any feeling, so he stood up and walked out of this secret place.

The three of Lou Muyan did not leave with him, and they were still looking for the treasure of the fox clan.

After the prince of the fox family left, Lou Muyan looked at Mo Yan's face and asked with concern, "What's wrong with you?"

"It's okay, I accidentally used the bloodline of the spirit-devouring beasts to stimulate, but I didn't expect to sense the transmission of the bloodline connection in his body." Mo Yan sighed.

"Ah!" Lou Muyan said in surprise: "That means he is actually your brother?"

This turn of events is really surprising.

"Maybe." Mo Yan's voice was a bit lonely.

If this fox prince is really his brother, he doesn't know what to do with it.

"The mystery is really getting bigger and bigger now." Lou Muyan frowned and said, "I believe we will solve it. I always feel that there are secrets about your mother and brother."

"Well, let's go with everything." Mo Yan smiled lightly.

If he hadn't met Lou Muyan, maybe he would still yearn for those so-called family affections, but now that he has Lou Muyan and a few spiritual pets, he can be regarded as having relatives, so it doesn't matter if he has a mother and brothers.

What's more, when he thinks that the woman gave birth to a son with someone else, his heart is disgusted.

"You said that you discovered the blood relationship between the two of you using the spirit-devouring beast's secret technique?" Lou Muyan pondered for a moment, raised his head and asked Mo Yan.

Mo Yan nodded: "Yes."

"Is it possible that he actually has the blood of a spirit-devouring beast?" Lou Muyan had such an inexplicable thought in his mind.

Mo Yan's eyes were dark, and after a while, he said: "I don't know, this kind of secret method can only sense the blood, and it is impossible to judge whether he has the blood of the spirit-devouring beast. Secret law can judge."

This secret method alone is obviously not applicable at present.

"Forget it, anyway, there will always be a time to uncover the truth." Lou Muyan couldn't think of any secrets inside.

"Let's look for the treasure of the fox clan first." Mo Yan is a little confused now, and he doesn't want to think about it any more, he needs to take care of it.

"Yes, let's find the fox clan first." Ye Qinghan agreed.

So the three of them split up and searched for the treasure of the fox clan.

The appearance and breath of the treasure, the ancestor of Tianxuan has already passed on to her.

I searched all the treasures here, and they found nothing.

"I've searched for it three times. Could it be that the fox clan's treasure is not here?" Ye Qinghan pursed his lips.

Mo Yan said: "The treasure of the fox clan may also be in other places."

"After we go out, let's continue to follow the fox clan prince and see if he has any other movements." Ye Qinghan sighed.

Lou Muyan didn't speak, she always felt that something was wrong there.

"No." She murmured softly.

"What's wrong?" Ye Qinghan asked.

"That picture is wrong." Lou Muyan suddenly raised his head and pointed to a picture scroll hanging on the deepest wall.

Mo Yan and Ye Qinghan looked at the painting at the same time, but they didn't find anything wrong.

Lou Muyan walked over quickly and took down the scroll.

"This painting is just a middle-grade holy treasure, but the worst of all the treasures here is a supreme-grade holy treasure. There are no spiritual things at the heaven level, but all of them are god-level." She spoke slowly.

"It's really not right, why should a middle-grade holy treasure hang in this position?" Ye Qinghan heard her words and realized that something was wrong.

Mo Yan stretched out his hand and touched the scroll, and suddenly bursts of storm surged up in the sea of ​​consciousness, making him dizzy, he couldn't help closing his eyes.

"Mo Yan, what's wrong with you?" Lou Muyan found that something was wrong with Mo Yan, and immediately wanted to cut off his connection with the picture scroll.

But it was found that the spiritual force acting on the picture scroll was actually absorbed into it.

Ye Qinghan's Yuan Li was also completely sucked out of the picture scroll.

The two looked at each other and quickly retracted their hands.

Mo Yan suddenly opened his eyes, and a pure white nine-tailed fox phantom loomed above his head.

"The treasure of the fox clan is in the picture scroll." He said in a hoarse voice.

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