The Yin Beast Mountain is located on the southeast side of the Demon City. It is surrounded by the deep Yin evil spirit all the year round. There are many Yin Beasts naturally formed in the mountain, and the magic cultivator under the fusion environment cannot go deep at all.

The yin beasts in the mountains form a large-scale beast tide, and even the demon cultivator in the fusion realm will be trapped in it and will be in danger of life.

In such a harsh environment, a palace was built in the deep abdomen of Yin Beast Mountain.

Black and green mist surrounds the palace's perimeter, obscuring everything inside.

Lou Muyan and Ming Xiu were on their way in Long Yao's body space, and when they arrived at Yin Beast Mountain, Long Yao posted an invisibility amulet and rushed in directly.

Along the way, I encountered many waves of Yin beasts, but none of them found any trace of them.

"The name of Yin Beast Mountain is really well-deserved. The deeper you go, the higher the strength of the Yin Beast group, and the number is also very large." Lou Muyan sighed while looking at the Yin Beasts who were fighting not far away.

If such a large-scale yin beast is used on the battlefield, it can compete with the army of poisonous insects. The yin beast is much more ferocious and sinister than the monster.

"Well, but there is a beast king who is very strong in Yin Beast Mountain. I heard that at least they are at the peak of fusion realm, and it is very likely that they are still half-steps to the immortal cultivation base, so the demons in the magic capital do not dare to hit the Yin Beast Mountain. Come." After Ming Xiu entered the Demon Realm, Emperor Underworld sent the most secret news about the Demon Race one by one.

"That means Shen Mufeng is not simple!" Lou Muyan narrowed his eyes.

According to the news, Shen Mufeng's cultivation base is only a fusion of the middle realm, but he dares to build a palace under the eyes of the Yin Beast King of the Yin Beast Mountain. It can be said to be a bold act.

But if this is the case, how could he be forced to retreat into seclusion by the three saints?

"No, the palace built on Yin Beast Mountain should not belong to Shen Mufeng." She rolled her eyes and said.

Ming Xiu smiled and took her into his arms, playing with her strands of blue silk, and said, "The palace in Yin Beast Mountain should be the residence of the current Demon Venerable, and Shen Mufeng is just drenched."

With Shen Mufeng's cultivation strength, it is simply whimsical to have a conversation with the Yin Beast King. The top powerhouses in the continent have their own pride, and they seldom get involved in mundane affairs.

"Then do you think it is possible for the Demon Venerable to be hiding in this palace?" Lou Muyan raised her head and asked.

"It's also possible, so we still have to be more careful when we go to Shen Mufeng." Meditation thought for a while and said, "You should send a message to Jun Luochen. If you really find the trace of Demon Venerable, let him come over immediately."

"Okay!" Lou Muyan nodded and took out a specially made talisman to inspire him.

Long Yao walked all the way to the depths, and when he reached the abdomen of the mountain, he was blocked by the black and green interlaced poisonous mist that appeared in front of him.

"Master, mistress, I can't get through that foggy sea in front of me."

Ming Xiu and Lou Muyan drilled out of Long Yao's body space, and both of them had invisibility talismans attached to their bodies, and the surrounding Yin beasts and the magic cultivators in the palace did not find them.

The two walked side by side to the outskirts of the black and green misty sea and took out the array to observe around.

"This black sea of ​​fog has a corrosive effect, and the green sea of ​​fog is highly poisonous. If there is no means, even the sword master who integrates the cultivation of the heaven and the human realm may be poisoned to death and his whole body will rot." Lou Muyan wrapped with spiritual power A trace of black and green gas sent a sound transmission to Ming Xiu after reading it.

Ming Xiu pointed to the formation in his hand and said: "The sea of ​​black and green fog is a layer of defense, and there is a tenth-grade formation guarding it. No wonder the forces of the Three Saintess can't reach in."

"Then do we break in hard or find a way to enter quietly?" Lou Muyan frowned.

Ming Xiu pursed his lips and pondered for a moment: "If you want to find out, you should find a way to sneak in quietly. If we show up to attack, we will reveal our whereabouts."

"Okay, I'll find a way to enter the sea of ​​black and green mist, you can break that tenth-grade formation." Lou Muyan chuckled.

There has long been a tacit understanding between her and Ming Xiu, and what they are best at is cooperation.

With Ming Xiu's accomplishments in the formation technique, and the fact that he is already a 10th-grade senior formation mage, it is entirely possible to find a loophole in the formation technique and break through a gap and enter quietly.

As for her, as long as she spends a little time, she can still prepare a liquid medicine to neutralize the poisonous poison in the sea of ​​black and green mist and break in safely in a short period of time.

"Okay." Ming Xiu lowered his head and kissed Lou Muyan's forehead.

The two worked together, and Lou Muyan returned to Long Yao's body space, and threw the poisonous mist from the sea of ​​mist, which was wrapped with spiritual power, into the colorful glazed cauldron for refining.

After roughly analyzing the ingredients of the poison, she took out some advanced spirit herbs to prepare medicinal liquid.

Ming Xiu is constantly deducing the formation, using the field to penetrate into the weak points of the formation.

Whether it was the sea of ​​black and green highly poisonous fog, or the tenth-grade formation, it was very troublesome, and the two of them completed their assigned tasks after a day.

Lou Muyan handed a bottle of red liquid to Ming Xiu and said, "Drink this."

Then she took out another bottle of blue liquid and continued: "Spray this on the body."

Ming Xiu took two bottles and did the same, as did Lou Muyan.

Mo Yan and Long Yao were temporarily given the bell space by Lou Muyan.

After spraying that layer of blue liquid, a layer of water vapor enveloped the outside of their bodies.

As soon as the black and green misty sea touched the blue water vapor, it was blocked out, and the wisps of poisonous gas that were forced into it were also completely detoxified by the bottle of red liquid they took.

Passing through the sea of ​​black and green fog, Ming Xiu made a few seals, the field penetrated into the formation, and the formation disk rotated for a few weeks.

Soon, a gap just enough for the two people to pass through appeared out of thin air.

As soon as the two entered, they quickly healed, which only caused very slight fluctuations in the formation.

This fluctuation did not attract the attention of the demons in the palace. After all, there are often Yin beasts inadvertently breaking into the formation and encountering the formation, and the fluctuations larger than this often occur.

After the two passed through the formation, the true face of the palace appeared in front of them.

At this time, in a hall in the palace, a man in black held a wine glass alone in a daze.

His face changed a few times, from joy to sorrow to hatred for a while.

He drank the wine in his hand, squinted his eyes, and the wine glass in his hand instantly turned into powder when he gently squeezed it with both hands.

"Three Saintess, you and I will never die." His eyes burst with deep hatred and resentment, and he let out a low roar.

As soon as Ming Xiu and Lou Muyan sneaked into the hall, they saw Shen Mufeng's expression changing many times, and even heard his roar.

The two looked at each other, Shen Mufeng really had a deep resentment against the Three Saintess, and it was funny.

Compared to such deep resentment, the grudge between Lou Muyan and Shen Mufeng was nothing.

"Long time no see, Shen Shengzi is living such an unsatisfactory life now." Lou Muyan's voice suddenly sounded in the hall.

Shen Mufeng fell into deep thought, and was shocked when he heard this clear female voice.

He looked around, and the whole person was extremely vigilant, "Who!"

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