Jun Luochen was angry when he saw Jun Luoyou's gesture.

"If you can't speak well, let's talk about it another day."

After Jun Luochen finished speaking, he stood up and prepared to leave.

"Big brother, I was wrong." Jun Luochen hurriedly got up and grabbed Jun Luochen's sleeve, his eyes full of pleading, "I've been waiting for big brother for many years, please don't leave again, okay?"

Jun Luochen frowned, stopped and looked at Jun Luoyou suspiciously, and asked, "What do you mean by waiting for me for so many years? You can explain it to me."

Jun Luoyou pulled Jun Luochen and sat down, clasping his sleeve tightly, "It literally means, I know that eldest brother is not dead, I have been looking for your whereabouts, and I know that you will definitely return to the Demon Realm, so I've been waiting for you to come back."

"How do you know I'm not dead?" Jun Luochen continued to ask.

Back then, he almost lost his soul when he fell. If there was an opportunity later, the main soul and a few strands of souls would not have escaped.

He suddenly condensed in his heart, didn't he?

"Because I used the treasure of the Demon Realm to send out the soul of my eldest brother. As long as the soul is immortal, the white obsidian light on the treasure will not be extinguished." Jun Luoyou knew that Jun Luochen's return this time needed an explanation from the year. .

He didn't say it for himself, but he knew that in order to unravel Jun Luochen's heart, he had to explain what happened back then.

Jun Luochen's face froze, no wonder a space crack appeared inexplicably back then, allowing his soul to escape. Although the soul was extremely weak, it still existed for so many years.

It turned out that it was not his chance at all, but Jun Luoyou's doing.

"Since you are going to kill me, why are you sending my soul out?" This is where Jun Luochen is puzzled.

Isn't it better to annihilate the body and soul together to eliminate hidden dangers?

"Because I was afraid that I would regret it." Jun Luoyou sighed and said, "Sure enough, since the second year after your death, I have fallen into remorse."

That's how people are, they don't know how to cherish them when they have them, but when they lose them, they realize that they have actually missed the most precious things in the world.

He thought that after leaving Jun Luochen, he would be able to live out himself, and he would no longer be affected by the other party in the slightest.

When he ascends to the position of Demon Venerable, he will definitely not be tied down like Jun Luochen. He will lead the Demon Race to the entire continent, so that those who once despised him look up to him, especially his father.

Although the old man is dead, his unwillingness and hatred have always grown up with him.

Now that Jun Luochen is dead, he doesn't have to hide his ambitions, he doesn't have to hide his ruthless temperament, and he doesn't have to invite pets anymore.

The most important thing is that he can avenge his mother. After all, Jun Luochen's mother was the one who caused his mother's death.

He even wanted to clean up and kill the people who had bullied him and his mother back then, so that their lives would be worse than death.

But only a year later he realized he was wrong.

He got the most noble throne of the Demon Race, and all the rights were in his hands, but he could not experience the slightest joy.

Because there is no one around him who cares about his food, clothing, housing, and transportation, and guides him to cultivate and become a talent, so that he can rely on him.

After Jun Luochen completely disappeared from his world, his heart seemed to be missing a large piece, and he couldn't make it up.

After becoming a Demon Venerable, he worked hard to open up a wider world for the Demon Race. Many affairs were complicated and involved, and the responsibilities on his shoulders fell heavily.

Only then did he know that at that time, Jun Luochen didn't want him to intervene in the affairs of the Demon Race because he wanted him to live easily, not because he was afraid that he would take power.

In the dead of night, he couldn't go to practice, let alone fall asleep.

As soon as he closed his eyes, it was the scene of Jun Luochen teaching him and pampering him when he grew up. There was no extra emotion other than the distressed feeling.

Fortunately, the white obsidian on the treasure of the demons was always on, otherwise he would really want to die.

Over the years, he has never given up looking for Jun Luochen. He also knew the whereabouts of him more than ten years ago, but he never dared to disturb him, waiting for the opportunity to meet.

When Jun Luochen heard Jun Luoyou's words, there was only an indescribable sadness in his heart.

They were the closest brothers, who knew it would end up like this.

"It's useless to talk too much, can you make up for the pain and torment I suffered after my death by regretting it?" Jun Luochen felt a little scared when he thought of the days when he was dying with a weak soul in the inheritance land.

If he hadn't met Lou Muyan, wouldn't his soul still be attached to that sword art and couldn't be freed?

When Jun Luoyou saw the hatred passing through Jun Luochen's eyes, he was startled, and his hand clenched tightly around the other's sleeve.

"Brother, I really know I'm wrong."

Seeing that Jun Luochen was unmoved, he immediately cut his finger, a drop of blood essence dripped, and a blood curse was formed.

"I swear with my heart that I will never hurt Jun Luochen again from now on. If I do anything against him, I will voluntarily be killed by the rules, and I will never end in a good life!" Jun Luoyou stretched out three fingers Make a poisonous oath to the blood curse.

In an instant, an oath with the law was formed. If Jun Luoyou really did not benefit Jun Luochen again, it would be wiped out.

Jun Luochen was stunned for a while, obviously he didn't expect Jun Luoyou to make such a blood curse and oath, and his heart swelled and felt extremely uncomfortable for a while.

"Brother, can you forgive me, I'm really wrong." Jun Luoyou noticed that Jun Luochen was a little slack, and immediately grabbed his hand and prayed.

He really couldn't live without Jun Luochen in his life.

Jun Luochen threw away Jun Luoyou's hand and was silent for a long time before slowly opening his mouth: "Let's write off our previous grievances, but it is impossible to return to the past. From now on, we will be strangers."

Jun Luoyou's face turned pale when he heard his resolute words, how could this be possible.

He hoped that Jun Luochen would stay by his side for the rest of his life, how could he become a stranger.

"Brother, I can not want anything, but I can't live without you." Jun Luoyou got up and squatted at Jun Luochen's feet, as if you don't want me, I'll die.

Jun Luochen saw that he was a stalker, and he couldn't help but recall the past time. He laughed angrily and kicked Jun Luoyou: "Go away!"

Jun Luoyou crawled along the pole, and immediately hugged Jun Luochen's waist and rubbed, "I don't, from now on, I will go wherever Big Brother goes."

What Demon Venerable, what power, what domination of the vast spiritual world, what revenge, he doesn't want all of them.

It was enough for him to bring back the only person he felt warm with.

"Jun Luoyou, can you not be so self-willed, since you took away the position of Demon Venerable from me, then you should be worthy of the responsibility on your shoulders." Jun Luochen ruthlessly tried to pull him away, but the other party looked like a Do not put it like a dog skin plaster.

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