Every room in the underground palace was set up with restrictions, Jun Luoyou waved his sleeves casually, and the shrill screams were isolated from the inside and no longer leaked.

"You are really good." Lou Muyan looked at Jun Luoyou deeply.

She dared to conclude that Jun Luoyou used hell to burn these people, and it must be because these people tried to use the things about Jun Luochen to criticize him that day.

However, she didn't sympathize with these high-level demons at all, and when it came to Jun Luochen's affairs, she completely agreed with Jun Luoyou's resolute means of rectification.

No matter who they are, they are always responsible for what they say and what they do.

Jun Luoyou glanced at her, "I believe they won't end well if they fall into your hands."

He checked so much information about this woman, but he knew that she was not a kind person.

"I don't have a regional yin fire in my hands, but there is a bunch of poisonous insects, which can be used to study the poison." Lou Muyan said with a hooked smile.

"Okay, when I'm almost tortured, I'll take it for you to study the toxicity of poisonous insects." Jun Luoyou finally found Lou Muyan somewhat pleasing to the eye at this point.

Lou Muyan raised her eyebrows: "I'll give you a few poisonous insects, you can play slowly, I don't have time to play with them recently."

"You are such a poisonous woman." Jun Luoyou sneered.

Lou Muyan smiled sweetly, and naturally continued, "It's the most poisonous woman's heart, so it's better for you to provoke me less in the future."

"Humph!" Jun Luoyou snorted coldly and turned her head away.

Soon the group walked to the private room at the end.

Opening the door, the three saintess were also hung in the air, and the size of the yin fire in the area below was double that of the others.

At this time, her whole body was wet with sweat, her face was pale, and she wanted to scream, but her voice seemed to be blocked by something.

Seeing Jun Luoyou, Lou Muyan and others coming in, the hatred in her eyes was panic and pain.

It is not the body but the soul that is scorched by the yin fire of hell. Every moment, the soul seems to be burned by a blazing flame in a cold and cold place.

This kind of taste, let alone the three saints of the fusion realm, even if the soul of the immortal was burned, would not be able to bear it, it was the most cruel torture.

Of course, this also indirectly reflected how perverted Jun Luoyou was. He imprisoned his main soul in the purest hell fire and burned it, and the torture and pain he had to endure was much deeper than that of the Three Saintess and others.

His perseverance and endurance are not comparable to those of normal people.

"You silenced her voice?" Lou Muyan asked.

Jun Luoyou casually glanced at the three saintess who had been tortured to such an extent, and said lightly, "It's more painful if you can't shout."

He said that he wanted to let this damn woman who stepped on his bottom line not be able to survive or die, and would never be able to reincarnate.

Lou Muyan guessed Jun Luoyou's thoughts, if the willpower of the Three Saintess' final soul is destroyed by the fire of hell, it also means that she will never be able to reincarnate.

"Untie her vocal cords first." She had no compassion for the Three Saintess.

The fact that this woman can still stare at them with such malicious eyes shows that the torture is really not enough.

On the contrary, if she fell into the hands of the three saints, she believed that the other party would torture her with more cruel means.

Jun Luoyou snapped his fingers, and the closed vocal cords of the Three Saintess immediately recovered.

She stared at Lou Muyan with hatred and said in a hoarse and dry voice: "Lou Muyan, you bitch, even if I were a ghost, I wouldn't let you go."

She has been thinking a lot these past few days, and with her knowledge of Demon Venerable, it is impossible to attack her now.

Then there is only one reason, the arrival of Lou Muyan changed everything, and I don't know what this woman did to impress Mozun and reached a cooperation.

And without Lou Muyan's invisibility charm, the content of the conversation between her and the high-level gatherings of the Demon Race would not have been hidden by the Demon Venerable and overheard, and it would not have violated his bottom line and been caught and tortured like this.

Her soul was being burned every moment these days, the pain and the feeling of being in a world of ice and fire were beyond words to describe. The thing she wanted to do most was to beg for death.

All of this was caused by Lou Muyan, so her resentment and hatred for her reached its peak.

Lou Muyan smiled like a flower, walked to the front of the three saints, took out a silk handkerchief and put it on her fingers to lift the three saints' chin.

"Are you blaming me for hating me?"

Lou Muyan's indifferent look made the three saints want to catch her smiling face.

"Why, are you afraid?" The face of the three saints distorted.

Lou Muyan raised her eyebrows, "Afraid? That's not true. I just think the yin fire of hell seems too light to you. Why don't you try my poisonous insects?"

There are too many people who hate her with resentment, and three more saintess is nothing at all.

This woman disgusted her very much, and it was really cheap to burn her with only the yin fire of hell.

She didn't just talk about it, she immediately summoned several poisonous insects of different colors, only the size of the palm of your hand.

Several poisonous insects spread their wings and flew to the shoulders of the three saints and bit them, and the venom also penetrated into her body.

"Ah!!" The face of the three saints was hideous, and in addition to the burning pain of hell yin fire, her whole body was now numb and itchy, and her bone marrow seemed to be biting by thousands of words.

"Lou Muyan, you poisonous woman." She trembled in pain.

"Yes! I have never denied that I am a poisonous woman." Lou Muyan chuckled, "But you have to be responsible for what you have done, from the Tianling Continent to the Guangling Realm, you said you designed me How many times? If I don't repay you one or two, wouldn't it make people think I'm easy to bully."

The people present watched Lou Muyan releasing poisonous insects and did not think she was malicious, because this was the price the Three Saintess should pay.

The cultivation of Yin beasts requires the feeding of the souls of countless sword masters. The pain of those sword masters being swallowed and refined by the Yin beasts is no less than the pain suffered by the three saints today.

The most important thing is that the souls of those swordsmen will never be able to reincarnate after being refined and swallowed by the Yin beasts.

Because of the many actions of the Three Saintess, countless people have sacrificed their lives, and she even colluded with foreigners to create large-scale killings, so she must be responsible for what she did.

"Please, please kill me." The resentment in the eyes of the three saints was gradually replaced by panic.

She couldn't take it anymore, she just wanted to die, even if she begged for mercy from the enemy she hated the most.

"Why don't you think about those innocent swordsmen who were persecuted by you when you begged me, their souls were more painful than you are now when their souls were refined by the beasts."

Lou Muyan put down the chin of the three saints and threw Sipa into the fire, her voice cold and harsh: "What qualifications do you have to ask for death?"

"Let's start suppressing." She didn't bother to talk nonsense with the three saints again, she turned her head and said to the Yin Beast King.

The Yin Beast King nodded, walked to the body of the Three Saintess and injected a few black qi into her body.

When the spell in her body was suppressed at a point in her dantian, the Yin Beast King said, "Okay, you only have two hours."

"Ruoli, let's go." Lou Muyan said to Lan Ruoli.

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