The hot breath mixed with the stench permeated the entire room.

Lou Muyan fell toward the palm of his hand, and a drop of bright red liquid fell.

She probed into her mental power and found that there were a lot of black threads mixed in the red liquid.

The yellow-haired old man and the middle-aged man sitting opposite were shocked when they saw her act like this, but they couldn't stop it.

Lou Muyan's palm with the red liquid in it suddenly burst out with a wisp of purple-gold flame to wrap it and refine it.

After about a cup of tea, the drop of liquid was refined and only a black line remained.

She pinched the black thread with two fingers and threw it into a blue bottle with a cold air.

Soon the sound of "chichi" sounded from the blue bottle.

"This is?" The middle-aged man looked at the porcelain bottle in Lou Muyan's hand and asked in surprise.

The yellow-haired old man's indifferent face was filled with excitement, "Young Master's poisonous blood was refined by her."

The middle-aged man was taken aback.

You must know that since Jiuyou was poisoned, all the blood in the whole body has been eroded by the fire poison, not to mention the solution, just touching the poisonous blood will follow the poisoning. More than ten pharmacists and alchemists have died from this fire poison.

That's why they were shocked when they saw Lou Muyan put the poisonous blood in the palm of their hands. Later, they didn't expect that she was not only fine, but also refined the blood with fire poison.

"This little friend, what do you think of this poison?" The yellow-haired old man's tone and attitude towards Lou Muyan were much more friendly.

Regardless of age or cultivation, the yellow-haired old man seemed to be the elder of Lou Muyan and Ming Xiu.

"This should be a kind of highly poisonous body carried in the body of life, it is likely to be a pure fire attribute creature bred by heaven and earth, so once it is contaminated with the blood of the whole body, it will be eroded by the toxin. If other people have no way to touch this The blood will also be poisoned." Lou Muyan replied calmly.

The middle-aged man nodded and said, "It's true."

"What's the name of this little friend?" The yellow-haired old man asked with a smile.

Lou Muyan smiled and said, "The younger generation's surname is Mu."

"Miss Mu, you can actually refine this fire poison without being infected, right?" The yellow-haired old man did not hesitate.

Lou Muyan nodded: "I can refine this poison, and I can solve it without any accident, but it depends on the details of the patient."

The yellow-haired old man and the middle-aged man looked at each other, smiled politely and said, "It is indeed possible to expel the poison for my young master with Miss Mu's method. Let's go over now."

"Okay!" Lou Muyan said.

After leaving the room, the yellow-haired old man greeted him with a smile and took a step forward, apparently to inform the Hydra King.

Lou Muyan and the two were led by the middle-aged man.

Passing through the palaces, Lou Muyan and the middle-aged man entered the innermost low-key luxury palace together.

The palace was very quiet, with the guards and maids waiting quietly on both sides.

Passing through the hall, they entered the bedroom.

In the palace, a middle-aged man wearing a green brocade robe walked around anxiously, and there were several people standing around, two kneeling.

"Pfft!!" Suddenly, Jiuyou, who was lying on the bed with his eyes tightly closed, spat out a mouthful of black blood.

The middle-aged man hurriedly said to an old man in white sitting beside the bed, "Pharmacist Lu, please see how You'er is doing."

The white clothed old man nodded and checked Jiuyou, whose face became bloodless after vomiting blood on the bed.

His face was a little ugly: "Your Majesty, the poison of the young master is about to attack the heart. If you don't understand it today, you can only prepare for the funeral after the early morning tomorrow."

The Hydra King's face instantly turned pale and gloomy. He walked to the two kneeling people and kicked them away, "You two quack doctors, liars."

"Come on, put the two of them in jail." He shouted sharply.

Several guards immediately carried out the man who had already flown out and vomited blood and fainted.

The middle-aged man beside Lou Muyan looked solemn, he walked in and whispered a few words to the Hydra King.

The Hydra King looked up at Lou Muyan, and frowned upon seeing her so young.

The yellow-haired old man beside him whispered a few more words before he nodded and said, "Let them in."

"I've seen the Hydra King." Lou Muyan and Ming Xiu greeted politely after entering the bedroom.

The Hydra King was so anxious at this moment, he pointed to Jiuyou on the bed and said to Lou Muyan, "As long as you can get rid of the fire poison in my son's body, this king will definitely pay you a lot."

Then he turned his words and said sternly: "But if you not only can't detoxify my son, but also stimulate the poison, then you will definitely die."

"Of course, it's too late for you to choose to die now."

The Hydra King hoped that Lou Muyan could save Jiuyou, but seeing her so young and instantly lost her confidence, she was afraid that she would be like the two quack doctors before, not only unable to exorcise Jiuyou, but also inside his body. toxins stimulate diffusion.

Originally, Jiuyou still had three days to live, but because of the improper treatment of the two, Jiuyou could not survive tomorrow.

Even if he killed those two people at this time, it would be endless, but he was afraid that there would be no hope in the last time.

"Okay, if I can't cure him, I will pay with my life." Lou Muyan exuded a confident brilliance.

"Then ask Miss Mu to do it as soon as possible." The Hydra King took a deep breath and said.

If Jiuyou still had three days left, he would definitely not let such a young pharmacist detoxify, but now it is really a dead end, and he can only be a living horse doctor.

Lou Muyan walked to Jiuyou's bedside and reached out to check his pulse.

Several senior pharmacists who were standing around saw her actions with more or less disdain in their eyes, and obviously did not believe in her heart that she could detoxify Jiuyou.

"Your Majesty, the poison that even pharmacist Lu can't cure, can her little girl solve it?" A Yaozu pharmacist approached the Hydra King and muttered.

Pharmacist Lu is a ninth-rank pharmacist who is good at making and detoxifying poisons. He is a master specially invited by the Hydra King from the sea.

However, in the face of the fire poison in the Nine Nethers, there is still no way to do it, and it can only be suppressed temporarily, and now there is no way to do it.

This Yaozu pharmacist actually asked what other people were saying.

No matter from that point of view, they didn't quite believe that Lou Muyan had the ability to detoxify. Even the yellow-haired old man and the middle-aged man who saw her refining the fire poison with their own eyes felt a little bit of drumming and doubts in their hearts.

"Yeah! Your Majesty, the young master's life is on the verge of death, and he can't make any more mistakes." Another elder of the demon clan said, "What qualifications does her life have to pay to the young master?"

Lou Muyan listened to the doubts of the people present, but did not care on her face.

The Hydra King is also very conflicted in his heart. He is afraid that Lou Muyan will be self-defeating. If he does not save, he is afraid that the best time will be missed. The impact will be more serious.

"Pharmacist Lu, what do you think?" He changed his mind and could only helplessly look at the old man in white and asked.

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