The Hydra King and Pharmacist Lu were left alone in the palace and obviously had something to talk about.

"Brother Lu, all the toxins in Jiuyou's body have been removed, will there be any future troubles?" The Hydra King asked a little worriedly.

It's not that he doesn't believe Lou Muyan, but that so many senior pharmacists are helpless, but she has eradicated the fire poison and hidden toxin in such a short period of time. He is worried that Jiuyou will not have any side effects.

After all, this is the son he values ​​the most, and since childhood, he has devoted all his efforts to training him as an heir, and he does not want the slightest mistake to happen.

Because Lou Muyan was there before, Pharmacist Lu couldn't do a more detailed inspection. He smiled lightly and said, "I'll check it again for the young master."

"Okay, then I will trouble Brother Lu." The Hydra King nodded.

Although Pharmacist Lu was from the Sea Clan, when they were young, they used to form a team to practice together, and they were brothers who had a relationship between life and death, but very few people knew about such a relationship.

Yaoshi Lu's mind moved, and a green and vibrant bead drilled out of his body and circled around Jiuyou's body several times.

After about an hour, Pharmacist Lu opened his eyes.

He slowly opened his mouth and said: "The fire poison and hidden toxins in Jiuyou's body have been eliminated, and even the remaining poison has been cleaned up by Miss Lou with the help of medicinal herbs. Jiuxiong doesn't need to worry about his safety any more."

Only then did the Hydra King breathe a sigh of relief, "Miss Lou's medical skills are really brilliant. Has she reached the tenth-grade pharmacist?"

"It's entirely possible that she fed Jiuyou all high-grade 9-grade medicinal pills. At that time, I suspected that she might be promoted to a 10-grade alchemist."

Yaoshi Lu showed some admiration in his eyes, "Among the younger generation in the entire Guangling world, only her alchemy skills are so detached, she is simply a genius among geniuses."

"Well, in the entire Guangling world, there is really no one who is better than Lou Muyan and Ming Xiu, let alone the younger generation, even in our generation, it is difficult for anyone to achieve that. Their achievements and heights." The Hydra King sighed.

"Yes, so such a person can only befriend." Pharmacist Lu reminded.

The Hydra King's eyes were deep and dark, "I don't know what purpose she has come to our Hydra family this time."

"After all, it shouldn't be a bad thing. Tomorrow, Jiuxiong, take Jiuyou to test one or two." Pharmacist Lu suggested.

The Hydra King nodded: "Brother Lu is right, we will thank her for saving her life tomorrow."

No matter what purpose Lou Muyan came to the Hydra family for, they remembered her life-saving grace to Jiuyou.

The fire poison in Jiuyou's body is very domineering, and the poison almost attacked the heart, so Lou Muyan still spent a lot of energy to get rid of the poison.

As soon as she entered the bedroom, she began to close her eyes and meditate to recover, while Ming Xiu guarded her.

At noon the next day, the Hydra King brought the awakened Jiuyou to the palace where Lou Muyan was located.

"I have seen the Hydra King." Lou Muyan and Ming Xiu greeted with a light smile.

They are the same generation as the Hydra King in terms of cultivation and strength.

"Mu Yan, Ming Xiu." Jiuyou saw the two people's calm faces with excited smiles.

Lou Muyan looked at him with a smile and asked, "How is your body feeling?"

"The toxins in my body have been eliminated, and now I feel that my body has returned to the state before it was not poisoned." Jiuyou looked at Lou Muyan gratefully and said, "Thanks to you this time, otherwise I would be dead, and I will be here in the future. Your life is yours."

"We're friends, we don't have to be like this." Lou Muyan said with a smile.

Ming Xiu was making tea and raised his head to greet the two of them, "You two, please sit down."

After the Hydra King and Jiuyou sat down, Ming Xiu brought them a cup of tea each.

Lou Muyan likes to drink tea. This habit not only drives Ye Qinghan, but Ming Xiu, Su Jin and others also gradually like it.

"Mu Yan, did you pass by our Hydra family, or did you come here on a special trip?" Jiuyou asked while taking a sip of tea from a teacup.

He knew that Lou Muyan didn't like to go around in circles, and he was also curious about the reason why Lou Muyan came to the Hydra family.

He hasn't been poisoned for a long time, unless Lou Muyan has been in the Demon Realm before, he shouldn't have come here specially to hear the news of him being poisoned.

"I originally wanted to go to the Hydra family to find you and the Snake King. I didn't reply to you before. We only heard that you had an accident after we entered the king's city."

Lou Muyan paused and said, "We are more worried about your comfort, and we don't want to reveal our identity for the time being, so we recommended ourselves to see a doctor for you."

"So that's the case." Jiuyou nodded and continued: "Did you find me what happened?"

"Well, we recently discovered a big secret that is related to the safety of the four regions of the Guangling World, especially the demon region, which is a big problem, so I came to discuss with you two." Lou Muyan replied.

The Hydra King was taken aback, and he asked curiously, "I don't know what the secret is?"

"You should all know that the Nine-Tailed Fox Clan wants to dominate the Demon Realm," Lou Muyan said.

The Hydra King frowned, showing a very disgusting expression to the Nine-Tailed Fox Clan.

"They started the war in the Demon Realm before, and ended up losing both sides. Are they going to re-conquer the Demon Realm now?"

"Yes or no." Lou Muyan said, "We began to find out that they will launch a campaign not only against the demon realm, but also against the other three realms in two years' time."

"When we investigated the news in depth, we found out that the queen of the nine-tailed fox clan is an alien from another interface. They have planned for many years to completely conquer our Guangling World and make it their resource. plunder."

After listening to her words, the Hydra King and Jiuyou were shocked, "What? The Queen of the Nine-Tailed Fox Clan is actually an alien spy?"

"Well, we are 100% sure that this news is true." Ming Xiu said.

The Hydra King frowned deeply, "Then do you have any evidence?"

It's not that he doesn't believe or question the two of them, but that such a thing is too suspenseful.

Alien races want to invade the relatively weak xenophobic interface and make it a resource plundering place. It happens in many interfaces from time to time, but Guangling World has not encountered such a thing for hundreds of thousands of years.

At first glance, it was really difficult for him to accept it.

If this news is true, then the Demon Realm and even the entire Guangling Realm will be in trouble.

Ming Xiu had long expected that it would be difficult for the Hydra King to accept such news, and he handed over the memory crystal ball that was deprived of the copy from the sea of ​​​​three saints. You can take a look at the memory crystal of the demon slaves."

This memory crystal mainly records the relationship and conspiracy between the nine-tailed fox clan and the three saintess, and he has deleted the secret part about the demon clan.

The Hydra King was stunned, obviously not expecting Ming Xiu to have such a means.

He took the crystal ball and began to investigate. After a cup of tea, his face was ashen, and the hand holding the crystal ball tightened.

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