PS. Here is today's update, and by the way, I will get tickets for the "Starting Point" 515 Fan Festival. Everyone has 8 tickets, and the voting will also send starting coins. I beg everyone for your support and appreciation!

The big man in red was also relieved when he heard the assurance of Huo Luan Beastmaster.

After the Huo Luan Beast King became the prince in the Void Night Realm, he requested to sneak into the Guangling Realm to cooperate with the princess' actions, but there must be no mistakes, otherwise the prince would be in trouble.

"Is there anything else?" Huo Luan Beastmaster's tone was a little impatient.

The red-clothed man secretly cursed a few times in his heart, when he was willing to come in contact with this fickle tyrant!

"Recently, because Lou Muyan and Ming Xiu discovered something about us in the Demon Domain, our dark son's actions in the Three Domains are limited. The soul ball that the king wants may have to be postponed for a while." .

The originally lazy Beastmaster Huo Luan heard his words, and the pressure on his body dissipated unconsciously, and said displeasedly: "What? The soul ball that this king wants needs to be suspended for a while? You fart."

"Go tell the princess, don't play tricks with this king, as long as Lou Muyan and Ming Xiu step into the cave, this king will let them go back and forth."

He glanced sharply at the big man in red and continued: "But the time for the soul ball cannot be delayed, and one cannot be missed, otherwise this king will be too lazy to care about Lou Muyan and Ming Xiu's troubles."

The red-clothed man twitched at the corners of his mouth. He just stated a fact, how come he came to Huoluan Beastmaster as if he was threatening him.

He pulled out a smile and said: "Huo Luan Beast King, the princess is not threatening you, but our power in the Three Domains has been noticed by their high-level officials recently. If the action is too conspicuous, it will definitely expose us. Several secret realms for cultivating soul beasts."

"Princess has been lurking in the Guangling Realm for thousands of years, and it's such a disadvantage to do things. What a waste."

Huo Luan Beast King snorted coldly and continued: "This king has long said that it is convenient and fast to directly crush the ethnic groups in the Guangling Realm, the princess must use some means of seducing men to achieve this goal, now is a critical time. It has been noticed by the high-level officials of Sanyu that if there is any change in her actions after two years, this king will see how she will explain to the prince."

He has always looked down on the eldest princess's means of seducing men who can't get on the stage. Since he wants to capture the Guangling Realm, he should be prepared to attack directly. He has to let them lurking here and wait for ten thousand years.

If it wasn't for a large number of soul balls being sent every once in a while to help him and a group of Huo Luan orcs improve their strength, he would have run back to the Void Night Realm to gather the legion to forcefully capture it.

Now those soul balls have little effect on him, and they are here to improve the strength of his subordinates. If the eldest princess dares to deduct, he will directly take the Huo Luan Beast Legion to act in advance.

He did not believe that with their current strength, they would not be able to sweep down the middle-strength continent of Guanglingjie.

The big man in red heard that Beast King Huo Luan was slandering the eldest princess everywhere, and the contemptuous tone made him furious.

How can these reckless people understand the calculation of the princess' forbearance, it is simply unreasonable.

"Huo Luan Beast King, when you brought the Huo Luan Beast Legion to the Guangling Realm, the highest cultivation base was only the fusion of the middle realm, but after 10,000 years, the soul ball collected by the eldest princess has been swallowed and refined to become so powerful. If we had launched a direct attack, we would have suffered a disastrous defeat." The red-clothed man's tone was filled with anger.

These ungrateful Huo Luan beasts, have they forgotten how their legions have grown.

Huo Luan Beast King narrowed his eyes dangerously, and said unkindly, "You mean that this king is wrong?"

"I don't dare to blame the king." The big man said respectfully, but without much sincerity, "I'm just stating a fact. The princess also hopes that the king can focus on the overall situation and cooperate with the capture plan in the next two years."

"Why didn't this king cooperate? Otherwise, he would spend thousands of years in this place?"

Huo Luan Beast King suppressed the anger in his chest, "Go back and tell the eldest princess that the things that this king promised will not change, and will definitely cooperate with her plan in the future, but the premise is that the soul balls are delivered on time and in quantity."

"When the king came to the Guangling World, the eldest princess herself proposed to use the soul ball as an exchange for the plan. Otherwise, how could this king run into this interface and hide for thousands of years in loneliness? This is not what I owe the eldest princess, but An equal and reciprocal transaction." Huo Luan Beastmaster was already on the verge of anger.

The big man in red was stunned. He didn't know that there was such a deal between the eldest princess and the Huo Luan Beast King. No wonder the Huo Luan Beast King would so resolutely support the eldest princess in her battle in the Guangling World.

His tone softened a lot and said: "I will definitely tell the princess about the king's request. I only hope that the king can forgive the princess. After all, this period of time has been very special. If the high-level officials of the three domains really discovered our real plan, That will have a great influence on you, Your Majesty, and it won't be good if everyone's gains outweigh the losses."

Although Huo Luan Beast King was a little impulsive, he was not without a brain.

"Okay, this king is giving the eldest princess a year to prepare, and the souls of the fusion sword masters on the battlefield must be owned by us, otherwise everything is negligible, you can go back and tell her." Huo Luan Beast King said coldly.

"Yes, then I'll retire first." The big man in red had already discovered that the Huoluan Beastmaster was on the verge of rage, and he dared not continue to set fire to it.

Otherwise, what kind of damage he suffers, the eldest princess will not be able to find a place for him.

Lou Muyan and Ming Xiu saw the red-clothed man turn and leave, looked at each other tacitly and quickly followed.

Seeing that the two of them came back so soon, Jiuyou hurriedly asked, "How is it? Is there a dangerous alien beast lurking below?"

"Well, his cultivation base is close to the immortal. Let's leave first and then think of countermeasures to destroy this old nest in one fell swoop."

Lou Muyan paused and said, "Let's first capture the big man in red and deprive him of his memory. He is an alien subordinate from the same interface as the queen of the fox clan. He must know more than the abandoned son of the Three Saintess."

"Okay!" Jiuyou was shocked when he saw the situation on the bottom of the fire and magma.

He knew that with the strength of the three of them, if they were exposed, they would definitely die.

The three followed the red-clothed man out of the cave. Before they had completely left Qiyan Mountain, Lou Muyan and Ming Xiu joined forces.

After Bingji and Long Yao are promoted to the Heaven and Human Realm, they can set up a space domain, directly shrouding the red-clothed man in the domain and passing people to a separate and unmanned space.

The red-clothed man looked around vigilantly. When he saw Lou Muyan appear, his face showed panic.

Although his cultivation is a half-step high immortal, he can be enveloped in the space domain and deal with Lou Muyan and Ming Xiu at the same time. Obviously, there is basically no chance of winning.

He rolled his eyes and looked at Ming Xiu: "Who are you? Why did you move me into this space?"

[515 is coming soon, I hope to continue to hit the 515 red envelope list, and by May 15th, the red envelope rain can give back to readers and publicity works. A piece is also love, it must be better! 】

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