Mo Yan retracted his gaze from the man in black, stood up and transformed into a human figure.

He was dressed in white, tall and elegant, and walked slowly to the man in black.

Long Yao and the other spirit pets were completely stunned. Boss Mo and this man looked too similar, almost like twins.

Yes, twins, this feeling was born in the hearts of several spirit pets present.

"Mo Yan." The man in black spoke first.

His voice was clear and mellow, and his eyes looking at Mo Yan were rarely soft.

Mo Yan pursed his lips, and after a moment of silence, he whispered, "Mo Yan."

He never knew that there was a twin brother with the same mother and father in this world. Although he got news from Lou Muyan, it was always complicated and contradictory.

He didn't know how to get along if he met his brother one day and knew each other's identity.

But from his brother's voice just now, he felt the beating of his blood vessels, and he felt that they were the closest brothers.

Mo Yan laughed softly: "So you already know my existence."

"I also found out from the news I inquired not long ago." Mo Yan looked up at Mo Yan and asked, "Did you know my existence a long time ago?"

"Yes, I knew of your existence before you were attacked by betrayal."

Mo Yan's eyes were deeply stained, and he continued: "But at that time, my strength was still relatively weak, and I couldn't expose it. I could only use my innate magical powers to send you to the stable continent of the lower realm."

"It turned out to be you." Mo Yan murmured.

Back then, when he was seriously injured, he could only use the spirit-devouring beast's secret technique to avoid death, but he also lost his cultivation. If there is no inexplicable force to send him to Tianling Continent, then he may have died in the space storm. .

He always thought it was luck and chance, but now he realizes that it was his eldest brother who did it.

"Then why didn't you come to meet me before?" Mo Yan asked curiously.

Mo Yan glanced at a few spirit pets of Long Yao, "This is not the place to talk."

Mo Yan and he are twins, and after the bloodlines are completely stimulated, there is a rare tacit understanding.

He knew that his brother didn't want to talk about their life experience in front of other spiritual pets, so he nodded and pointed to a cave on the opposite hill: "Let's go there and talk."

"Okay!" Mo Yan disappeared in one step.

Mo Yan turned his head and said to the Bingji spirit pets, "I'll come when I go."

"Boss Mo, hurry up." After listening to the conversation between the two, Bingji and several spiritual pets also knew the true identity of the man in black.

While they were shocked, they also hoped that Mo Yan could get along well with his close relatives.

Mo Yan turned into a white light and flew into the cave.

At this point there is a table and two chairs in the cave.

There was a pot of spirit wine on the table, Mo Yan poured two glasses, raised his head and smiled at Mo Yan and said, "Come, let's have a toast for our brothers' first meeting."

Mo Yan pulled out the chair opposite and sat down, took the wine glass and drank it with a smile in his eyes.

The feeling of such a blood-beating brother is really subtle, and his heart is very happy, "Big brother."

Since Mo Yan once rescued him and let him live in Tianling Continent safely, it is impossible to do anything unfavorable to him now.

And for some unknown reason, he had an inexplicable trust in Mo Yan.

Perhaps many things and mysteries can be solved now.

Hearing Mo Yan calling his eldest brother, Mo Yan laughed in a good mood, "I couldn't recognize you back then, otherwise it would be troublesome for that woman to know about our brother."

Mentioning that woman, Mo Yan's eyes darkened, "Do you know her true identity?"

The smile on Mo Yan's face faded, and he sneered coldly: "She is a spy from the ectopic interface."

"Big brother has been investigating her all these years?" Mo Yan found that when he mentioned that woman, the big brother was also disdainful and disgusted, and there was no mother-son friendship.

Listening to Lou Muyan said that Mo Yan was taken by the woman and pretended to be the prince of the nine-tailed fox clan because the blood of the nine-tailed fox clan was purer.

Mo Yan rubbed the wine glass in his hand and fell into memory.

"When we were still in her stomach, she took a spiritual substance for some unknown reason. My spiritual consciousness was activated before I was born."

"After I was born, my intellect also turned on, and I had some vague memories of how they planned to separate us from my eyes and ears."

"At that time, when I saw you curled up into a small ball and depended on me softly, I decided to protect you no matter what in the future and reunite our brothers."

Mo Yan remembered watching the little white ball rubbing his neck intimately at that time, and his heart could always be a little softer.

As an Immortal Venerable who had been lonely all his life in the Immortal World, he was very happy to have a younger brother who was connected by blood. The feeling of having a blood-connected beating made his violent heart calm down.

From then on, he decided to protect his precious brother in this life.

In fact, he did not open his intelligence during the fetal period, but his soul was reincarnated but with the memory of the previous life.

But this matter was too high, he was afraid that his younger brother would not accept it, so he told Mo Yan in a different way.

"The time we spent together was very short and was forcibly separated by that woman. You were left in the Spirit Devourer, and I was secretly kept by her side to cultivate."

"I just found out that shortly after marrying her father, she deliberately seduced the nine-tailed fox king, and then let her twin sister climb on the fox king's bed. We were born at the right time, and the fox king mistakenly thought that I am his son."

"Then she planned to assassinate our father, and quietly imprisoned the father's soul, and then secretly pushed you into the position of the spirit-devouring beast king."

"Then she pretended to protect you from being implicated by other races, and when the Spirit Devouring Beasts were completely under her control, she secretly let your subordinates attack you and let the Nine-Tailed Fox Clan swallow the Spirit Devouring Beasts. And I was brought back to the Nine-Tailed Fox Clan by her."

"The nine-tailed fox king made me the prince. She asked me to conceal my identity as the prince, and use the identity of the eleven commanders to appear in the fox clan to do things privately. The fox king and the senior leaders of the fox clan both know my dual identity."

"I have been secretly cultivating and inquiring to collect information about her and those aliens."

"When you followed me into the third secret place of the Fox Clan, I knew the opportunity was coming."

"That time you knew we were following you?" Mo Yan's eyes showed surprise, he paused and asked, "Actually, you took us to the third secret place on purpose, right?"

"Well, although you have used the means to hide, but we are twins, I have discovered your existence long ago, and I know that you inspired the spirit-devouring beast's bloodline method in the secret ground." Mo Yan said with a smile.

He used to be the Immortal Venerable of the Immortal Realm, and his spiritual power has long since recovered most of what it once was.

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