The group of demon cultivators present looked towards the place where the sound was made, and saw a middle-aged man wearing a golden robe with a noble and outstanding temperament slowly walking out of the space.

The handsome young man was stunned when he saw the person coming, and then stepped forward to pay a junior salute.

"The younger generation has seen the Golden Dragon King!"

The father of the Golden Dragon King is the overlord of the immortal world, the true dragon with the purest blood, and the phoenix famous in the immortal world, and his position is equivalent to the great immortal.

This Golden Dragon King is also a true spiritual existence, and his reputation in the fairy world is not low.

The true spirits are different from the monks who are promoted to the immortals of each interface group. They can freely travel through various interfaces, but the laws will restrict them from making rash moves.

"Why did you come to the Guangling Realm?" The Golden Dragon King gave the handsome young man a faint glance.

The handsome young man looked at Lou Muyan and Ming Xiu and replied, "I heard from one of their princesses when I was practicing in the Void Night Realm that two super geniuses of the human race have emerged in the Guangling Realm in recent years."

Seeing that the Golden Dragon King did not show any emotions, he paused and continued: "I have seen their crystal record balls on the battlefield outside the territory, so I deliberately asked the Hydra King to compete with them."

The Kunpeng family is a native of the fairyland, and has the ability to cross the interface, so it will not be rejected by the major interfaces.

He is only one step away from the true spiritual cultivation level, and he has been unable to escape from seclusion in the clan. This time, he went to various interfaces of interest in the lower ranks to find opportunities.

Hearing the princess of the virtual night world talking about Lou Muyan and Ming Xiu, he had a desire to challenge, and hoped that he could learn from each other and take this opportunity to see if he had any insight.

Who knew that it was not good to be a teacher and encountered such a thing.

"Then what's your explanation for bullying this king's precious children?" The Golden Dragon King stared at Prince Kunpeng with a sharp and cold gaze.

This time his calm face showed anger, "As the prince of the Kunpeng clan, you can arbitrarily rob a woman?"

He dislikes his precious daughter, not to mention being a side concubine, even being a prince concubine of the Kunpeng family.

Prince Kunpeng's expression changed, and he smiled embarrassedly, "I'm sorry, Golden Dragon King, but I didn't know that girl was your daughter."

The strength of the Golden Dragon King's cultivation is unfathomable, and due to the reason of the True Dragon Great Immortal Venerable, few people in the Immortal Realm dare to provoke him.

His father, as the king of the Kunpeng clan, was also polite to the Golden Dragon King. He didn't want to offend him to death because of this.

The Golden Dragon King snorted coldly: "If it's not this king's daughter, you can bully and rob it?"

"I'm not asking for the princess' opinion." Prince Kunpeng said with a smile, "I'm willing to marry her as the princess."

As the next generation heir of the Kunpeng clan, he was often unable to be willful, so even if he was very interested in Miaomiao before, he could only grant her the position of concubine.

But now it's different. Miaomiao is the daughter of King Jinpeng and the granddaughter of King Zhenlong Daxianzun. If he were to be his wife, he believed that the higher-ups in the Kunpeng clan and his father would be very supportive.

"I don't want to." Miaomiao roared angrily.

Ever since the golden-robed middle-aged man appeared, she found that her whole body's blood was beating, and the closeness of the blood connections made her guess that the other party was her father.

But before she recognized her relatives, the prince of the Kunpeng clan said that she wanted to marry her. She was afraid that the father who had never met would bet her off like this.

Of course, if the Golden Dragon King really dared to do this, she would never recognize him.

But since she was a child, she had always hoped to find her father, and the love in her heart could not be changed, so she couldn't help but refuse.

When the Jinpeng tribe saw Miaomiao speak, their originally cold and stern eyes were suddenly incomparably gentle.

He tried his best to convey a kind of intimacy to Miaomiao, "Okay, if my precious daughter says she won't marry, then she won't marry."

He turned his head and snorted at Crown Prince Kunpeng, "We don't care about the position of Crown Princess."

The Kunpeng clan are divine beasts in the immortal world, and their bloodlines are indeed noble, but he really does not look down on his daughter.

The main reason is that the Kunpeng prince just wanted to rob his precious daughter as his concubine, which made him too disgusted.

Prince Kunpeng was chilled by the sight of the Golden Dragon King. He knew that it was impossible for the Golden Dragon King to act so recklessly in the fairy world.

Miaomiao blinked her big watery eyes and looked at the Golden Dragon King, "Are you really my father?"

The Golden Dragon King's heart was melted by his daughter's wet and soft eyes.

"Of course you are my daughter, you should be able to feel this from the connection of your blood vessels." The Golden Dragon King couldn't help but reached out and touched Miaomiao's head.

He has been following Miaomiao since he felt the presence of the blood aura, and asked his best friend, who is proficient in the laws of time and space, to check Miaomiao's identity and her mother's affairs.

Before, because there were no karma friends who couldn't go back in time and space, after Miaomiao appeared, karma also appeared naturally, and the friends helped.

After becoming a true spirit, he can only enter the lower-level interface at will, and it is impossible to enter the lower-level interface like Tianling Continent, otherwise it will cause the chaos and collapse of the entire interface.

He also inadvertently encountered a mortal enemy teaming up to kill the cultivation base in his body and was forced to close most of them before entering the Tianling Continent to hide from the calamity. Who knows, he will meet the woman he really loves.

Although that woman was only a Flood Dragon who had only changed its shape, and her bloodline was even lower, he just liked it.

It was only later that the seal in his body was lifted by his father across the fairy world, and he was rejected by the Tianling Continent. If he stayed forcibly, it would cause the Tianling Continent to collapse and disappear. See.

Therefore, his body has been staying in the demon realm of the Guangling World, waiting for his lover, but he didn't expect his lover to die, and he has an extra daughter.

After getting the complete news from his friend, he was sad and happy, sad that his beloved woman died, but happy that his lover left his only blood for him.

He had been following Miaomiao and didn't know each other before because he wanted to see how she was doing. Now that his daughter was bullied, he naturally wanted to show up.

Miaomiao was not very old, and she also learned from the memory fragments of demon power that her mother finally fused to her that her father did not want them on purpose.

Her eyes were stained with moisture, and after a while, she said shyly, "Father."

"Baby daughter, I will never leave you again. I will take good care of you on your behalf." The Golden Dragon King's heart softened even more when he heard his daughter call "father".

"Okay, then you first help me teach the culprit who bullied me." Miaomiao looked at Prince Kunpeng with a half-smile.

Prince Kunpeng's scalp was numb, and his feelings were not a cute little sheep at all, but a wolf cub who had always been black-bellied and cruel.

But his heart was beating even more, and he wanted to bring her back to be the crown princess.

The Golden Dragon King now has a daughter who can do everything, especially such a soft, beautiful and lovely daughter.

"Baby daughter, how do you say how to deal with them, the father will satisfy you."

"..." Prince Kunpeng twitched the corners of his mouth.

If Miaomiao wanted to let the Golden Dragon King kill them, the other party probably would have done so.

Is this still the golden dragon king who once caused a bloody storm in the fairy world?

"I can give him two choices." Miaomiao said with a meaningful smile with a bit of calculation in her eyes.

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