The affection in the eyes of the queen of the fox clan, let alone the spirit-devouring beast king, can be seen by everyone else present.

"I didn't save you because I was reluctant to let you die, but because I couldn't let my son bear the reputation of killing his mother." The Soul-devouring Beast King said frankly what he thought.

The queen of the fox clan turned pale. This was the first time she had seen the spirit-devouring beast king be so indifferent since she knew him.

There was a kind of unpleasant sadness in her heart, like countless sharp knives cutting flesh.

How could this be? How could Amo be so indifferent to her?

"Amo, it turns out you were so indifferent at times." She laughed at herself.

In her impression, A Mo was always so elegant and gentle, modest as a gentleman, and he had never blushed with her once, let alone being so unfamiliar that she could not accept it.

The Spirit-devouring Beast King sighed and said, "People will always change, and you have already become someone I don't know. We will miss it after all."

His words made the queen of the fox clan startled, and her face became even paler, even with a kind of decadence.

These are the original words she said to Mo Yan just now.

She looked up at him and asked, "Is your consciousness clear when you sleep?"

Otherwise, how could it be possible to hear their conversation and know what she had done.

"Well, over the years, I've watched everything you do with a very clear mind, and I gradually discovered that the woman I once loved was so mad and beyond recognition." The Soul Eater Beast King replied indifferently.

His soul slept and his consciousness was awake, but he couldn't wake up no matter what, pain and guilt for his son's tribe tormented him all the time.

Unexpectedly, the power of the soul broke through in such torture.

"How can you look at me like this?" The Queen of the Fox clan smiled bitterly: "You hate me?"

Will the man who loves her the most hate her as much as his son?

"No, I don't hate you." The Spirit Devouring Beast King shook his head with no waves in his eyes, "I've looked down on it for so many years, I no longer love you nor hate you."

The queen of the fox clan took a step back, as if she was hit hard.

No love or hate? Her distress was unbearable.

It turns out that the most cruel words in the world are not "I hate you", but love and hate, such a cruel and thorough cut off to deny their past.

"Then how do you choose today? Will your two good sons deal with me together?" The queen of the fox clan raised her chin, no matter what, she is the proud eldest princess of the virtual night world.

She can't lose her integrity in front of the man she loves.

She regretted it, she really regretted it.

Looking at the man she loves indifferently, without love and hate, her two biological sons want to kill her, which is not what she wants.

A tear fell from the corner of her eyes. If she had chosen to give up the plan to forcibly occupy the vast spiritual world, would it be possible for her to have a husband who loved her and a son who adored her, and their family would be happy together?

No, there is no if in this world. When she chose to take this path, she had already given up a lot, especially love and family, and she could not regret it.

The Soul Eater King once loved the queen of the fox clan so much, and naturally captured the complexities and contradictions in her eyes.

But his heart really couldn't play the slightest ripple any longer.

"No, I won't help them deal with you." His voice was distant and ethereal.

The originally decadent face of the queen of the fox clan instantly came alive, her eyes showed a bit of brilliance, and she called softly again: "Amo."

The Soul Devouring Beast King pondered for a moment and said, "But I will die with you, let's go to hell."

His voice was soft and calm, as simple as going to hell and eating and sleeping.

"You..." The Fox Queen stared at the Spirit Devouring Beast King with wide eyes in disbelief, but she didn't know what to say.

Mo Yan was shocked, "Father, don't pay for this woman anymore, she's not worth it."

His father Wang actually wanted to die with this woman, how deep the feeling of going to hell would be to think so.

The Soul Eater Beast King looked at Mo Yan with a gentle smile and said, "This is the punishment we deserve."

"Your soul power is about to dissipate?" Mo Yan asked with a frown when he noticed that the aura of the figure transformed by the Soul Devouring Beast King was getting weaker and weaker.

The Soul Eater King smiled and said, "Yes, I just burned my soul to forcibly wake up from my slumber, so my soul is about to really dissipate."

"Yan'er, I'm sorry for the two brothers for your father. I just hope that you can take care of Gu Yan'er more in the future, so that you will feel at ease if you die for your father." The Spirit Devouring Beast King's voice was somewhat pleading.

"Father." Mo Yan's voice choked.

The Spirit-devouring Beast King reached out and touched Mo Yan's head, "Yan'er, in the future, you will only be left with your brother. As a father, I hope that you will always be brothers and sisters, and be friendly and support each other."

This is his only wish.

"You don't need to say that I will take good care of Mo Yan." Mo Yan also had an unspeakable feeling in his heart.

"Okay, you are a good brother, more competent than my father." The Spirit Devouring Beast King's eyes were full of relief.

Then he looked at Mo Yan and said: "Yan'er, the spirit-devouring beast clan must be more united after this ordeal. If you want to stay in the clan, continue to be the demon king, if you don't want to, then send them back to the spirit-devouring beasts once. the territory, choose a new demon king."

He didn't want his son to take on the responsibility of the entire spirit-devouring beast clan, it would be unfair to his son.

"Okay!" Mo Yan's eyes were red, and he felt a little suffocated in his heart.

"You are all good sons for your father, let's give you the last chance before your father's death." The voice of the Spirit Devouring Beast King became weaker and weaker.

Then everyone saw that he stretched out his finger and pointed, and the countless space cracks around were looming, and the corpses suddenly blew themselves up and were sucked in by the space cracks.

When the crack in the space was closed, the queen of the fox clan fell to the ground softly, her life gradually weakened and disappeared, and her face was full of regret and relief.

A strand of white soul drilled out of her body and was caught by the soul of the Soul Devouring Beastmaster.

Then the soul of the Soul Eater King separated a very weak strand and entangled with the queen of the fox clan, and the other souls gradually disintegrated and turned into light spots and penetrated into the bodies of the two brothers Mo Yan.

Each of the two had a colorless crystal in their sea of ​​consciousness, which was the crystal of the soul of the Spirit-devouring Beastmaster. After refining, their comprehension would be a step closer, and they would even break through to the immortal cultivation base.

This is the last thing a father can make up for his son.

The two strands of souls in the air began to fade, and finally disappeared.

At the same time, the avatar of the fox queen who was in the palace of the virtual night world was still immersed in that deep sadness.

Suddenly, her heart seemed to be pinched by some force, unable to breathe, her consciousness began to blur, and her soul separated from her body.

At the last moment, she smiled poignantly and murmured softly: "So you are going to cut off all my vitality, my body and my body will be destroyed, and my soul will never be reincarnated."

"Amo, you did it, I'm so sorry!"

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